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New Management is Leadership

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How do you manage in a world of short projects and shifting alliances? This presentation explains how we got here and what you can do to improve your results in an increasingly dynamic environment.

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Page 1: New Management is Leadership

Organization Models

How many of us have greatly changed

what we do for a living in the last two

years…five years…ten years?

How work is done is changing. I think

we are in an American Renaissance.

That’s hard to see unless you look for

it. We are right in the middle of it.

William Gibson says, “The future is

already here, it’s just not evenly


Going back to the 1930s, FDR and

Winston Churchill kicked off a

corporate era to build multinational

organizations to defeat the Axis. After

WWII, we continued the American

Century, using enterprise management

practices to build the largest economy

in the history of the world.

That is now changing.

We understand complex phenomena by

using simplified versions called

models. Models to help us understand

the change to our current situation

might include:

Manufacturing Age to Information Age

Product Economy to Service Economy

to Internet Economy

Enterprise Software to Open Source

Software (and Management)

The speed of change is increasing and

knowing how to succeed in a faster

paced economy is an important skill.

Leadership Models

Loyalty comes from benefit offered.

“I will do what you ask because you

will pay me, you will enhance my

career, you will provide security for my

family, you will defeat my enemy.”

Leadership is the ability to provide

required benefits at an acceptable cost.

Increasingly, project teams are made up

of people from different companies,

and groups, including specialists and


When you no longer control their

benefits, the WWII Command and

Control model breaks down.

How can you get what you want when

you have decreasing control over

subordinate’s paychecks, employment,

security or career advancement?

Define Your Own Limits

Every war has incremental wins and

losses. If you know how much you can

invest in each battle, you have a greater

chance of winning the war. Conversely,

if there are no limits to your passion,

you are an easy target for backroom

counter punchers. Know your limits

and use them to your advantage.

Define Work

Know what a competent first order

producer, second order producer, and

third order producer accomplishes.

Mission – What are we trying to do?

Vision – Why is that good?

Your Role

You probably have seen how a

competent mechanic works, and you

probably know what a competent

supervisor does. Did you ever notice

how an incompetent supervisor wants

to labor like a mechanic?

If you are going to make the project

succeed, it won’t be by working like a

competent supervisor. You have other

responsibilities. How well you

discharge your responsibilities will help

your supervisor and mechanic.

Stories Are Your Culture

The culture of an organization is

contained in their stories. Creating

stories controls the job.

Negotiation Skills

I really try not to surprise anyone in a

negotiation. By constantly

communicating what we are doing and

enlisting parties who share that end, I

create a crew to finish the project.

Everyone seeks their best advantage.

Your job is to get the best value for the

resources you have.

Meeting Formats

How much time do people spend in

meetings? Do they create value equal to


Mechanics, whether they are code

mechanics or construction mechanics

need to spend their time doing work.

Stopping work to “have a meeting”

kills their productivity.

Page 2: New Management is Leadership

Thank You!

I used to think that “Thank You” was

given after someone provided above

average service. One day I slipped up

and thanked someone BEFORE they

had done anything spectacular and

noticed they upgraded their

performance. Tried it several more

times and decided “Thank You” is

one of the best ways to encourage

better performance.

Good Job

It’s important to remind people you

expect a “Good Job.” If you don’t, they

may never know.

Bruce said I was the most relentlessly

positive person he had ever met. I tried

the other way and it didn’t work.

Completing This Presentation

You have my notes. Part of open source

management is EVERYBODY

CONTRIBUTES! Please help us by

telling us the best thing you learned

today on our blog at


See what you learn by commenting.

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The New


Is Leadership

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