Is so much safer, better and smarter than the other business systems NETWORK MARKETING By: Racmel Monleon

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Is so much safer, better and smarter than the other business systems


By: Racmel Monleon

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We want to be Happy

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Happiness depends on two things:

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Health and Relationship

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Both our Health and relationships can be undermined, or even

destroyed, by a single common


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Stress is due mostly to two things:

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The modern Health DilemmaIn the first half of last century, the major causes of death:

were diseases like influenza, tuberculosis, diphtheria, diarrhea, whooping cough and typhoid fever and all contagious microbial infections.

In the second half of the century, through advancements in medical and scientific knowledge, very few people in developed countries died of these kinds of illnesses. Instead, the major killers – apart from tobacco, alcohol, automobiles and abuse of drugs, prescribed or otherwise – were cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, strokes), cancer, diabetes and other lifestyle-related conditions. All of them avoidable or controllable and almost all of them related to improper diet and lack of exercise. In other words self-inflicted At a time when we know more about proper nutrition, and how to produce it, than ever, our diets and stress levels are life-threatening. Our immune systems are under constant attack from both our physical and emotional environments, and our health and relationships suffer.

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40% of all modern marriages end in divorce, most due to the stress of money worries.

Suicide rates are at an all-time high. The health care system is under constant strain.

Television and magazines are full of lifestyle programs and features. But the reality is that, for most of us, we have no real lifestyle and little or no quality of life.

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Trapped in a vicious cycle



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The illusion of “Job Security”

We’ve been educated and conditioned to think and act like employees, not free-enterprise entrepreneurs.

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“Do only the right things, for only the right


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The Franchise Trap….As often as not, we “buy ourselves a job” by exchanging our savings or job payout packages, or putting our homes and other assets at risk, for a franchise. In reality, we become branch managers who accept all responsibility and risk for the success or failure of our branch of the franchisor’s business. It’s the franchisor who enjoys any real security!

The reality is that we get exactly what we had in a job – the illusion of security in exchange for our freedom of choice.

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The “Self employment” SnareThe only real difference between an employee and a “self-

employee” is the degree of certainty enjoyed by the latter. Where the employee only suspects that his or her employer is an incompetent ignoramus when it comes to running the business, the “self-employee” can be absolutely certain!

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Is there an ANSWER ?

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• For the “Baby Boomers,” the realities are doubly harsh because we’re only just coming to grips with the realization that much of what we’ve been led to believe since we were kids is fantasy. • There’s no security in life, other than what we create for ourselves. • The old-age pension never existed before our parents’ generation. It’s unlikely to exist much beyond their generation either, because there will be no-one to fund it for us. • We’ve been encouraged to spend and incur debt, not to save. • Our tax system actually penalizes us for saving and building security, and rewards us for going into debt. • Previous generations had larger families to rely on for support during their relatively short retirement years. • Our generation is the first in history to be able to voluntarily limit the size of the next generation – so their capacity to support us is severely limited. • Our generation is the first in history to practice of “granny parking” – we’ve taught the next generation NOT to be willing to take care of us in old age. • Our parents and their parents started working at 15 and retired at 65. So they worked – and saved – for 45-50 years and spent 5-10 years in retirement before dying at 70-75. • Our generation started work at 20-25, and retires at 55-60. So we work – and spend – for just 30 -35 years and we’ll spend 25-30 years in retirement before dying at 80-85.

The short answer is “yes,” but there are some tough realities that need to be confronted:

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There is only one solution

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The best kind of leverage is to createRESIDUAL INCOME

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“By going into the right business, for the right


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Basic business realities…..It costs money – LOTS of money – to go into a conventional business, whether you buy an existing business, a franchise, or start up a new one.

And you still have a 90% chance of losing everything through ignorance!

A business with a duplicable system is a much safer choice, because you can duplicate the system over and over again, at little or no cost.

A business system that offers both reciprocal and RESIDUAL INCOME is the best choice of all, because it allows you to earn reciprocal income quickly, while building the foundation of your long-term, RESIDUAL INCOME through the process of duplication.

A business system that allows you to invest time and effort, rather than money, is the most desirable option, because it allows you to turn that INVESTMENT of time and effort into cash!

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How Network Marketing’s Four Stage Plan

Creates true leverage And lucrative


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It’s like growing an orchard…

1. We prepare our soil to make it fertile for the seedlings we intend to plant. We create a safe environment.

2. We plant the seedlings in the soil we’ve prepared.

3. We nurture and protect the growing trees until they begin to bear fruit.

4. When the trees mature, produce seeds and spawn more trees, we enjoy more fruit than ever, with minimal time and effort required.

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Why is Network Marketing so much safer, better and smarter than other business systems?

Conventional Business Network Marketing

Based in competition Based on co-operation

Relies on dependence Relies on Independence

Values money and uses people Values people and uses money

Creates frustration, financial and time bondage

Creates time and financial freedom

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Network marketing is the most effective, enlightened, ethical, equitable and egalitarian form of free enterprise ever to evolve. But ONLY when it’s operated by people who are effective, enlightened, ethical, equitable and egalitarian.

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