Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine

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Page 1: Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine
Page 2: Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine

How much metal is available? What is a mineral? What is ore? How do ore deposits form? Mining exploration methods Role of exploration in mining Case histories

Page 3: Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine

Note for comparison:Silicon 28%Oxygen 46%

MetalConcentration(% by weight)

Aluminum 8.0Iron 5.8Copper 0.0058Nickel 0.0072Zinc 0.0082Uranium 0.00016Lead 0.001Silver 0.000008Gold 0.0000002

Page 4: Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine

A solid naturally-occurring compound having a definite chemical compositionExamples:

quartz - SiO2 (an oxide)

hematite - Fe2O3 (another oxide)

covelite - CuS (a sulphide)

Page 5: Mining Geology and Exploration | Rodger Allen Gold Mine

An occurrence of minerals or metals in sufficiently high concentration to be profitable to mine and process using current technology and under current economic conditions.

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· Remote sensing · Geological mapping· Geophysical surveys· Geochemical surveys· Bulk sampling · Drilling (core or destructive)

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Total: $817.7M

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Total: $262.2M

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Each ton of ore mined must be replaced with another ton to continue business.

The alternative to exploration is acquisition of mining properties.

Exploration has a high failure rate, but this should not affect a diversified mining company.

Exploration costs are tax-deductible.

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Diamonds are formed at high pressure deep in the earth and transported to surface in kimberlite pipesOther minerals also formed if pressures high enough - indicator mineralsIndicator minerals are mobile and easily transported by erosion.

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Direction of glacier flow

Indicator minerals

Kimberlite pipe

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Lac de Gras

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