You don’t get rich from ideas – You get rich from execution – So start Doing Ideas? We’ve had ’em Since Eve mated Adam, But take it from me Execution’s the key. Felix Dennis TheMillionaireDropout.com

Millionaire Dropout Shares Money Making Secrets

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http://www.themillionairedropout.com here are a few ideas taken from the new Vince Stanzione book The Millionaire Dropout

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Page 1: Millionaire Dropout Shares Money Making Secrets

You don’t get rich from ideas – You get rich from execution – So start Doing

Ideas?We’ve had ’em Since Eve mated Adam, But take it from me Execution’s the key.Felix Dennis


Page 2: Millionaire Dropout Shares Money Making Secrets

Start badly today than wait for perfection tomorrow

Contrary to popular belief, I believe in starting something badly or in a small way, rather than doing nothing. If you keep putting off starting your business until you know everything about everything, then you will never start!

If you rehearse and rehearse the curtain will never go up

Page 3: Millionaire Dropout Shares Money Making Secrets

Do What you’re GOOD at


Outsource what your weak at

Page 4: Millionaire Dropout Shares Money Making Secrets

You don’t have to be number 1,2 or even 3 in your market to make money. If number 1 is making 100 million a year and you just get a few crumbs you are doing ok.

No need to be market leader and remember it’s profitability that counts

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Its not how many hits, friends, twitter followers, Youtube views you have that is pure vanity – its how many of those contacts you can turn into real business and CASH.

My experience has been better to deal with higher priced, higher margined products and services – deal with less people than 1000’s of low cost, low margin sales.

Keep the cash register ringing

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Fire your Boss Do What You Love Reclaim Your Life!


The Millionaire Dropout is a school-of-hard-knocks ‘how to’ manual. There is no exam or fancy degree at the end, but if you follow the advice in this book and take action, you can live a lifestyle others only dream about. You can join the new rich – those not only rich financially but also rich in time and fulfilment.