Medical Astrology Health branch of astrology “Medical astrology is the part of astrology that offers with the possible and actual into the diseases of the client. Usually, people come to the astrologer in times of great life changes.” Can i change my job? When will I come into my inheritance? Should certainly I marry him/her? and many others To The medical astrologer, nevertheless, people come in the progressed stages of the sickness, often after some kind of surgery has already taken place, along with an abundant history of dealing with doctors. The usual questions for the medical astrologer are: Do i need to go for surgery? Is there to be a surgery? When if the surgery take place? Why don't we have children? Do I have cancer? Will my cancers come to pass this year? In case the incidents in the history of illness coincide with certain astrological transits and designs, we can find the astrological reason for condition, give the prognosis for the course and period of the illness, and decide after a treatment needed etc. The face-to-face situation often occurs as well: the client comes for the usual horoscope session, but the astrologer sees in the horoscope a danger a long time before the illness has manifested and materialized. A great package of expectations is fastened to the advice the medical astrologer gives. Might be there is a surgery or not, to go for chemotherapy or not, for a radiology remedy or not... "On Tues, I have a radiology remedy appointment, should I actually go? "The doctor recommended taking my urinary away to quit the malignancy from spreading, should My spouse and i do that or not? " Medical astrology is the cruelest branch of astrology. If you are not able to bear meeting with hard, terminal pathologies, if you do not wish to consider lethal responsibility for the effects of you advice -- you better avoid do it. In case you are not a medical doctor by profession, you need to prepare well and

Medical astrology – health branch of astrology

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Page 1: Medical astrology – health branch of astrology

Medical Astrology – Health branch of astrology

“Medical astrology is the part of astrology that offers with the possible and

actual into the diseases of the client. Usually, people come to the astrologer in

times of great life changes.”

Can i change my job?

When will I come into my inheritance?

Should certainly I marry him/her? and many others

To The medical astrologer, nevertheless, people come in the progressed stages of the sickness, often

after some kind of surgery has already taken place, along with an abundant history of dealing with

doctors. The usual questions for the medical astrologer are:

Do i need to go for surgery?

Is there to be a surgery?

When if the surgery take place?

Why don't we have children?

Do I have cancer?

Will my cancers come to pass this year?

In case the incidents in the history of illness coincide with certain astrological transits and designs, we

can find the astrological reason for condition, give the prognosis for the course and period of the illness,

and decide after a treatment needed etc. The face-to-face situation often occurs as well: the client

comes for the usual horoscope session, but the astrologer sees in the horoscope a danger a long time

before the illness has manifested and materialized.

A great package of expectations is fastened to the advice the medical astrologer gives. Might be there is

a surgery or not, to go for chemotherapy or not, for a radiology remedy or not...

"On Tues, I have a radiology remedy appointment, should I actually go?

"The doctor recommended taking my urinary away to quit the malignancy from spreading, should My

spouse and i do that or not? "

Medical astrology is the cruelest branch of astrology. If you are not able to bear meeting with hard,

terminal pathologies, if you do not wish to consider lethal responsibility for the effects of you advice --

you better avoid do it. In case you are not a medical doctor by profession, you need to prepare well and

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read literature, check with medical doctors, gather information from the Internet, take part in forums,

groupings, membership sites and so forth

The down sides of curing are considerably different to what astrologers usually do during the reading. In

a great world, astrologers advise and clients change their behavior, in order to spend the energy the

planets and stars send them. Medical astrologer may be more concrete and suggest putting on certain

crystals, colours, aromatherapy, flower remedies and so on. It is best that the professions of medical

astrologer and medical doctor do not blend. Ideally, medical astrologer does indeed not cure and the

client is not the sufferer, unless the medical astrologer is medical doctor as well, or eventually, a

qualified homeopath. Neither should medical astrologer be a healer: he or your woman should only give

a highly qualified prognosis of malefic influences which may have already manifested as an illness and

will -- unless there is nothing undertaken -- continue to manifest thus, probably with heavier

consequences as the time progresses.

Medical astrologer reaches to all astrology techniques and methods from which something can be

deduced about the size of illness. He or she must be, especially, a competent astrologer, must command

a wide series of astrological techniques and use them for the good thing about the client and their

health. Since this individual or she gives advice about healing, but are unable to heal on his own, in a

great world, this individual or she should be linked to doctors and healers, should know their natal

charts and through synastry decide whom the patient should see next. However, for good reasons, it is

best that the client finds his or her own doctors and healers to go after browsing astrologer, normally, in

case something moves wrong (and with sick people it always will), the astrologer can be accused of

having a deal with the health practitioner that he has sent the client to.

From the chart, it is possible to choose after the sort of therapy, such as homeopathy, Bach flower

remedies, vibropathy, massage, classical treatments, attending spas, aromatherapy, very healing, Su Jok,

and many others.

The Signs

Signs symbolize the twelve large systems in the body of man, starting with Aries which represents the

brain, all through the indication of Pisces, ruling the feet. The signs that contain the planets, either by

birth or through progressed horoscopes, will stand out, or will almost certainly be the sources of illness.

For each indication a special tissue sodium exists; these are house materials for human body, the

substances through the blend of which tissue, organs, systems of body organs, and finally the complete

body are built. Using these salts on their own or by combining them in material or holistic doses, one's

health can be much improved.

Quite similarly, for each and every sign a special type of food is best. Medical astrologer will be qualified

to give advice about food, and this will also increase the client's health in numerous ways. Using the

theory of doctrines, i. e. finding the commonalities between the zodiac, body, and herbs, also, it is

possible to hook up signs with herbs and prescribe them to help the patient.

Examples of the Horoscope in Medical Astrology Service

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Every sign has 30 certifications, and each of the fish hunter 360 degrees is linked to 1 part of the body.

The planet on that degree is a proneness for an illness -- the degree tells all of us which section of the

body is in question, while the planet will show what kind of disease it will be. In a similar manner, it is

possible to hook up the midpoints and the deg.

The Planets, Asteroids, and the Uranian Planets in Medical Zodiac

The exoplanets are causes of energy in the horoscope, and each is unique. For example, the vitality of

Mars is fire-like; he flames up the fires in the body (resulting in high temperature) and cleanses it thus.

Neptune stands for bacteria that are known to the medication, while Pluto is for the unknown bacteria,

and so on. The asteroids, the large ones particularly, such as Ceres, Juno and others, behave in a similar

way. In medical astrology, the Uranian exoplanets can even be used. You will find ten "Uranian" planets

without any astronomical data, but the influence of which is often believed quite strongly in the chart.

Some of these planets have strong medical connotations, so with them can improve the credibility of

medical astrology analysis up to 90% of success.

The homes in Medical Zodiac

Out of your twelve houses in the most common astrology, five are more significant that the others:

First house -- the physical body,

6th house -- diseases,

8th house -- support from others, sex, death, karma, terminal states, cancer,

12th house -- isolation, clinics and monasteries, psychic problems, auto-immunity.

However, every house has its own special meaning in medical astrology:

No. 1 -- face, consciousness, brain tumors, brain insults, etc

No. 2 -- blood, electrolytes, bodily hormones, diet, hypophysis, diabetes.

No. 3 -- the lung area, speech problems,

No. 4 -- producing food for others, mother, milk; family genes, inheritance,

No. 5 -- heart, infarction of myocardium,

No. 6 -- diseases, personal hygiene, meals, day to day habits,

No. 7 -- death through brain problems, balance of the body, spine,

No. 8 -- Expelling of the processed foods, hypophysis, adrenal cortex, kidneys,

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No. 9 -- the top part of brain, desapasionado hemisphere, Jupiter rules over the left, Neptune guidelines

over the right hemisphere;

No. 10 -- metabolism,

No. 11 -- blood flow, hemorrhagia,

No. 12 -- autoimmune diseases, thymus, defenses on the whole, liver.

The leader of the home is the key indicator of the events related to your house, while the planets in the

house are certainly not so important. For instance, to see what sorts of illnesses one can have, look into

the sixth house and its ruler, the position, aspects and morceau. Only after the leader remained under

pressure for a long time, we could be allowed to get started on predicting the presence of a disease.

Planetary Elements

How can a world express its energies generally will depend on its relations with other planets, which

comes down to the angle that those two planets make with the centre of the circle. Each set of planets

brings their own kind of sickness, for instance, a combo of Sun and Saturn will slow down the

metabolism, while the Sun and Mars make it easy for anybody to burn up his or her own energy -- such

people often go in for sports.

The angle of 150 degrees (inconjunction) is especially malefic. Whenever there is an exact inconjunction

between two planets in the chart, the person will have to make it through through various troubles of

medical nature. Malefic aspects from malefic planets to the Moon are the worst. Squares are extremely

malefic, so Saturn squaring the Moon provides a proneness towards cancer, even though the same

effect may be viewed from malefic aspects from Neptune and/or Pluto to the Moon. Only as in other

twigs of astrology, malefic aspects produce action -- an illness of a kind. However it always compensates

to see where the good aspects are, because they bring amelioration, often a complete cure --

sometimes through remedies, sometimes through people that appear like the description of the aspect

(for instance, a trine to Neptune -- healing through an apothecary etc. )

If there are no beneficial aspects to the rulers of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, then we should find

people whoever planets create harmonious aspects. If that individual is the doctor or a healer, recovery

will succeed.

Midpoints in Medical Astrology Service

Every planet is on the center distance of another two planets, as if in a triple association. For every

midpoint there is a special medical delineation: the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn implies liver, while

MA/SA (the midpoint for Mars and Saturn) denotes spasms, in more involved cases even death.

Midpoints make each chart as unique as possible and you simply cannot do medical astrology well if you

are not using them. For even greater precision, include the Uranian planets and their midpoints,

particularly in progressed graphs.

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Medical Aphorisms

Medical aphorisms are configurations typical for specific diseases and says. For instance, Mars on 29

Scorpio nearby the Ascendent will give a proneness towards bronchitis, as will any squared malefic in

Gemini, as will Saturn on the Ascendent in a mutable sign... and there may be more such combinations,

for any given illness. The medical astrologer must be very well acquainted with such configurations and

should be able to recognize them in the chart. Yet , the clients won't keep it against you if the middle of

the session anyone looks up at the manual -- they won't care if this helps them get healed!

In these modern times, it is possible to acquire astrology software compute medical configurations in

the premier chart. To be more precise, without such a piece of software, it would be very difficult to do

medical astrology, because there are numerous such configurations.

Diagnosing a disease Based on the Originel Data

Every chart consists of many potentially problematic designs. Will not mean that person must be ill just

because such configurations are present in the chart, none will it mean that anybody will have all those

illnesses at once, neither will it show that all possibilities for health issues in the chart must become

reality. Configuration is a predisposition for condition, and it will express itself only when at least three

predispositions are active at the same time. For instance, a square between the Celestial satellite and

Saturn is the most frequent natal proneness for cancer. The 2nd proneness may then come every seven

years, since it will require seven years for the progressed Moon to make another malefic aspect to the

natal Saturn. Another factor may come into play through a sun chart, through which there may be, say,

an with each other between the Moon and Saturn. Or the third factor can come through a slow transit

of Saturn, perhaps through its immobile point squaring the originel Moon. If there are four such factors

at one and the same period of time, the client can feel as if surrounded by evil and wherever they turn

to, the specific situation looks hopeless to them.

Only when we see such a level of approximately identical détroit, may we want to warn the client about

cancer or some other such grave illness. As we can compute the transits and solar graphs in advance, we

can exactly tell the customer when his or her troubles will start, as well as when will they end.

Sometimes, an the same predisposition will appear from different configurations. If there is a square of

Uranus to the Ascendent, but that same Ascendent is also squared by Pluto, the blend for surgery can

look twice. Right now it only takes a transit of Mars to empower one of those configurations, or for

Roter planet (umgangssprachlich) to land on the Uranus/Pluto midpoint in the solar return chart and the

surgery seems bound to happen.

Diagnosing an Illness Based upon Transits, Progressions, Solar and Synastry Charts

In originel astrology, in 90% of sessions we will need simply the natal graph and or chart and the transits

-- in one-on-one sessions there simply isn't time to dive into all the charts that could be useful. In

medical astrology, however, it is a routine to work with many other types of charts. Right now there

must be three impartial confirmations for illness to appear, regardless in which chart do we notice it.

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Looking for clues in the chart in court case of medical astrology often is a detective-like work, until you

find the constellation which was lively when the symptoms first started. Once you hook up real-life

events with their possible astrological causes, you can predict how the illness will unfold, and with


Long détroit of malefic planets produce a myriad of health problems, while the progressive horoscope

produces the best long-term view of the client's life. In medical astrology, we always use solar graphs,

because there we see strong accents, which might not exactly endure for long, but which sometimes

leave the sequel for the relax of the client's life.

It also matters to whom will you live with. The people the customer lives with and exchanges his or her

energy with them. Sometimes they heal by simply being present, in other times they make the client

only sicker. The country in which the client lives will also have its own horoscope and that can be taken

into account too.

Auxiliary Methods in Medical Astrology

Arabian Parts are formed by adding two important points, from which another, the next point, is

subtracted. You will discover about five-hundred Arabian Parts, and some of them are straight related to

health. Chez Fortunae is the most well known Arabian Portion, and it combines affects of the Sun,

Celestial body overhead and Ascendent.

Every single particular house has it is own group of Arabian Parts. For instance, the 6th house has the

pursuing two Arabian Parts, that are of interest in medical astrology:

Incurable diseases, bad fortune and vice (Asc + Mars - Saturn),

Curable diseases (Asc & Mars - Mercur),

The sixth house also consists of the parts for maids, the prisoners of warfare, and the pars of the

defeated, which have nothing to do with health.

The number of Arabian Parts per house varies: house No. six has 16 Arabian Parts, house Number 8 -- 5

Parts and so on.

Quite often, horary astrology will yield lots of info. Instead of natal charts and the charts that are

extracted from it, in horary astrology we erect the chart for the time of asking the question about the

sickness. Examining a horary chart is different to the reading of the natal and other charts, so avoid

using this technique unless you really know what you do. Nevertheless, it pays to learn horary astrology,

because it often gives a direct glance in the real situation, the span of the condition, eventual surgeries

and fatalities etc.

The decumbiture data is the chart for the beginning of an illness. We ought to make it only if we

understand for certain when the health issues begun. Also has a guideline of its very own.

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Electional astrology tries to discover when an action should commence. In medical astrology Service,

such charts could be analyzed to discover when the approved remedy ought, when is the time for doctor

to visit the patient and so on.

The Role of Medical Astrology in Healing

Contemporary medicine knows a great deal about the state of the patient in the moment of

measurement, and knows also, in a statistical manner, whether the prognosis is good or bad.

Nevertheless, it never deals with the future of the patient, and is also almost always used when

something bad has already happened. Medical astrology is the missing link between the recorded state

of the patient, his or her current remedy and the future advancement the illness. Since it is possible to

help make the astrological prognosis in advance, it might be possible to do something ahead of time as

well. Homeopathy and other energy healing systems are a natural continuation of medical astrology,

because energy healing "spends" the unwanted but present energy that planets and stars send us via

astral body. The biggest good thing about medical astrology is that it permits not just in predict which

techniques and remedies can heal now, but when these techniques and remedies should be stopped,

and some other healing modality be used and applied instead.