Media evaluation My idea for the video was the actual plan that we used as the final idea. The original idea I had was that there are two or more people sitting at a poker table and one of the people had an amazing hand such as a full house and the other person had junk. After revealing the cards to the camera, the person with the bad hand would drink the Kaela vatn water and would instantly be filled with hope and courage so he would go all in with confidence to confuse the opponent. Because the other person had done this the person would fold and the person with the terrible hand would win as the other person through the cards at the camera and walked away. I was really pleased with this idea because most adverts about water are either weird and happy or deadly serious, so I wanted to make something that was in-between the both of these to make it stand out from all the other water adverts. If I could go back I would have used an actual poker table with the stereotypical “gangster” setting, dim lights, a smoky effect, fake cigars and a personal waiter as well as a card dealer. I would do this because it would be more authentic and would look professional. But I didn’t know anyone who had a poker table or a gangster setting, so I made do with a school room in which we could just edit it to look dim and authentic. My role in the team was making the website banner advert for the campaign to sell Kaela vatn to the public. This is my finished website banner; I edited the background to make everything look fresh and inviting.

Media evaluation

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Media evaluation

My idea for the video was the actual plan that we used as the final idea. The original idea I had was that there are two or more people sitting at a poker table and one of the people had an amazing hand such as a full house and the other person had junk. After revealing the cards to the camera, the person with the bad hand would drink the Kaela vatn water and would instantly be filled with hope and courage so he would go all in with confidence to confuse the opponent. Because the other person had done this the person would fold and the person with the terrible hand would win as the other person through the cards at the camera and walked away.

I was really pleased with this idea because most adverts about water are either weird and happy or deadly serious, so I wanted to make something that was in-between the both of these to make it stand out from all the other water adverts.

If I could go back I would have used an actual poker table with the stereotypical “gangster” setting, dim lights, a smoky effect, fake cigars and a personal waiter as well as a card dealer. I would do this because it would be more authentic and would look professional. But I didn’t know anyone who had a poker table or a gangster setting, so I made do with a school room in which we could just edit it to look dim and authentic.

My role in the team was making the website banner advert for the campaign to sell Kaela vatn to the public.

This is my finished website banner; I edited the background to make everything look fresh and inviting.

I played the role in the advert of the person who has to fold because of the pressure from the other person. I was really happy about playing the role because I was able to make sure the video was going to plan and to actually be a part of my idea.

Overall everyone did pull their weight throughout the project, and even though Iona was ill for the filming we were still able to film with the exact plan we wanted to use. We all did individual things such as different adverts and all had different parts in the presentation.

I was quite happy with my print advert and even though it wasn’t as id liked it to be because it doesn’t really fit into a website banner because the writing becomes stretched and out of place.

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Overall I think the pitch went well apart from the fact that our advert didn’t work properly so the viewers couldn’t see it. Everyone played their role in the pitch well, with individual parts to play and our own parts of the script to read we came together to preform our pitch in order to sell our product to the public. The feedback we gained was mainly positive apart from when the video didn’t work and one of our adverts wasn’t included in the presentation.

If I was to do this assignment again I would do a mock-up of the bottle so that people could actually view our product in person and not just by images because viewing the product is completely different to having it in front of you. I would also make sure that everything in the presentation worked and was included so that it looked as professional as possible so that the product would appeal more to the public. Another thing I would do is stick to the target audience because originally the product would be available to all members of the public for a set amount of money, but it was changed at the last moment to appeal to high end people at business class hotels for a higher amount of money for people that are considered higher status than the general public.