Marketing 3.0

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What is Marketing 3.0? What is Marketing 3.0?

How Relevant is Your Marketing? 1900’s Industrial Revolution prompted: Marketing 1.0, the Product-Centric era 1990’s Information Technology prompted: Marketing 2.0, the Customer-Centric era Today in an age of highly aware customers… Marketing 3.0, the Human-Centric era

1. Media & Marketing 1.0: 1920-1955 (Pre-Television Era) 2. Media & Marketing 2.0: 1955-2009 (Post-Television Era) 3. Media & Marketing 3.0: 2009 onward (Post-Digital Era)

Marketing 3.0. What are the keys: More innovation of products, a good relationship with the customer (Via virtual technology or social net working, flexible products).

Septo Indarto

Marketing 3.0: Data Differentiation Life cycle Measurement Performance

Relationship customer and digital technology are the most important thing in media to promote in Marketing 3.0

Septo Indarto

In Marketing 3.0 Gives the best quality in your product.

Septo Indarto

Marketing 3.0 gives the way for the going green to save our planet.

Septo Indarto

Marketing 3.0 gives the vision, the mission, the space, the mindset, the technology grow together.

Septo Indarto

You need a new skill to understand the market development in Marketing 3.0 Septo Indarto

The strong of media gives the strong to promote your branding.

Septo Indarto

Gives the best message into your advertisement and good standard graphic. And sharing it to many people. It's a way in Marketing 3.0.

Septo Indarto

The Marketing 3.0 gives you many new ways to promote your products to your customer by helping a digital media.

Septo Indarto

Innovation to do creating a product is a way to keep your power in competition in the hard market...Can you be an innovator thinker...Take a risk...Crazy on ideas...Just do it now.

Septo Indarto