© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA. Insert Headline Here Insert Date Here Property Exchange Australia 24 th Annual Credit Law Conference

Marcus Price - PEXA - E-conveyancing has arrived

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© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

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Insert Date HereProperty Exchange Australia

24th Annual Credit Law Conference

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.


• Property transactions overview

• Update on PEXA progress to date

• PEXA user experiences to date

• The Future: What does the e-future hold for participants

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

National Online Property Exchange

PEXA supports the exchange of property.

Lodgements and financial settlements completed online in a simple transaction.

In-scope transactions include:

• New Mortgages• Mortgage Discharges• Refinancing• Transfers

• Settlements• Caveats• Notices

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

Property transactions are critical and will benefit from an improvement in customer experience

About Property

Total residential property asset base exceeds $5.2 trillion

Total credit extended against residential property of $1.4 trillion

In excess of 20% of legal practice revenue arise from property based transactions

About Property Transactions

Approx. 1 million transactions p.a.

20% of all transactions delayed

Of the 20% delayed, over half were for more than one week and a quarter were for more than two weeks

One third of all consumers were dissatisfied with their practitioner at the end

Majority of consumers spend more than 5 hours undertaking settlement activates

Significant personal stress reported in instances of delay

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

COAG – the turning point

Alignment of States and Banks critical

Australia world first in electronic settlement of funds

Australia World First in e-Settlement

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

PEXA Subscribers are experiencing significant benefits


Reduced time coordinating settlement

File completion is faster and more efficient

Visibility of all parties transacting through each stage of your dealings

Pre-populated fields and advance error notifications


Same day access to the proceeds of sale – no more cheques!

Faster completion of each file

Near instant registration and settlement

Built in error checks to ensure successful transactions

National standard of regulation

Licenced, certified and insured network of industry professionals

Same security standards as banks

Reduced fraud risk

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.


• Property Transactions Overview

• Update on PEXA progress to date

• PEXA user experiences to date

• The Future: What does the e-future hold for participants

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

The Electronic Conveyancing Legal Framework has been established

Electronic Conveyancing National Law (ECNL)State and Territory Level

Model Operating Requirements (MOR)

Model Participation Rules (MPR) Regulatory Bodies

(e.g. APRA / State-based Legal Profession Acts)

Subscriber MembersFinancial Institutions,

Property Lawyers, Conveyancers

State Revenue Office

State/Territory Land Registries

Parties to Conveyancing Transaction

(e.g. vendor/purchaser)

The PEXA network has been developed and delivered


• ARNECC• Legal

Requirements• Governments



Settlement Services



Operating Framework Member Framework

Financial Institution members

• Major banks• Non-major banks• NBFIs


Information & Data Services members

• Data Aggregators & Resellers

• Fraud & Alert Services members

• Real Estate Agents• Govt.


Enabling Partners

• Land Registries• State Revenue

Offices• Reserve Bank of

Australia • Sponsors

PEXA – The company

• Business Services• Technology• People + Culture• Governance, Risk

& Compliance • Finance

Practitioner members

• Lawyers• Conveyancers

Risk Management Data Capture






Release 1

Network Backbone

Victoria Caveats

Release 2

Building the


Release 2.3

Transfers & Financial

Settlement VIC & NSW

Release 2.4

Transfers & Financial

SettlementQLD & WA

Full roll-out:



Full roll-out:


Contracts Signed



Jun 2013

Oct – Nov 2013

Jun 2014

Jul 2014

Nov 2014

Dec 2014

May 2015

Sept 2015

PEXA has established a track record of functional roll-out and is deploying functionality in phases

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.


• Property transactions overview

• Update on PEXA progress to date

• PEXA user experiences to date

• The Future: What does the e-future hold got participants

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

Operational experience of the PEXA Platform is positive

PEXA has been operating for 16 months with 99.92% availability

The PEXA platform is stable, robust and reliable

Land Registry system availability is critical for PEXA customers

SRO system availability may also be an issue for PEXA users in the future


© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

PEXA has been used by Banks for 16 months and achieved excellent feedback

CBA hold the PEXA record for a mortgage transaction in NSW – 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Users enjoy the look and feel of PEXA

There is generally more effort in the processes around transactions than the transactions themselves

All major banks are planning to fully integrate PEXA into their technology

Banks have formed a Banking Council and agreed on a set of Guidelines

Transactions volumes increasing month-on-month


© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

Practitioners have been using PEXA for 3 months in Victoria with good feedback

The on-boarding support is excellent

Once on-board, PEXA is easy to use with intuitive platform design

Numerous hands-on training options and collateral to prepare the business for change

In-flight conversion is in action

Practitioners who use PEXA do not tend to stop!


© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

Feedback from Banks and Practitioners is excellent


‘The platform is painless and quick to use’

‘The platform is user friendly and simple to navigate. We are excited to be early adopters ahead of the industry’


‘It takes a lot of admin out of what we already do here’

‘A big step up for customer satisfaction, time wise and cost’

‘Puts us in control of the title and the turnaround is days, not 4-6 weeks’

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.


• Property Transactions Overview

• Update on PEXA progress to date

• PEXA user experiences to date

• The Future: What does the e-future hold for participants

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

PEXA e-future


Full integration From image to

transaction – all digital

Time to settle –days not weeks

Value adds


Platform replacements

More availability More services NATIONAL

infrastructure Convergence of

processes “e-Identity” will

be delivered


New processeswith more scale

An “e-connection” to clients – APPS and ALERTS

Far more transparency in transactions

Far more reliable & safe outcomes

Integration with other platforms


Real time money Transparency Consumers will

demand and get Apps and Services

Faster & lower cost solutions

Consumers will ask for PEXA

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.

To find out more

• Sign up for the PEXA update newsletter at www.pexa.com.au

• Email us at [email protected]

© Property Exchange Australia Limited 2014. This information is subject to copyright and is confidential. It is intended for use only by personnel in connection with the establishment by PEXA of a national e-conveyancing platform. The information may not be used for any other purpose. The information is made available to personnel on a "need to know" basis. Permission to reproduce or disclose to a third party all or any part of this information requires the prior written permission of PEXA.