Agnes C. Querencia II- B MGT 1

MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATION How do managers group task into jobs that are motivating and satisfying for employees?

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Agnes C. Querencia II- B MGT 1

How do managers group task into jobs that are motivating and satisfying for employees?

People who we say are motivated are those whoturn out work that are exceeding normalexpectations. Their eyes and face light up as theytalk to you about their work. For them, everydayseems a new day. They are tireless, and always onthe look out for opportunities that would bebring them to the attainment of whatever goalthey have to set themselves.

In an organization, these are the people who looktheir at they work as a key to the realization oftheir most cherished aspirations, unleashing theirenergies toward a natural line of interest.

To motivate employees is the best way to make the relationship stronger and they should protect each other in times in troubles of making decisions. Managers are also responsible for the future works of staff, the subordinates and cooperative. Also managers are needed to give full support to the employees to be wise in working.

In job there's a lot of obligations and responsibilities need to achieve on how the company gives opportunities to the employees. Although sometimes the company will encountered failure therefore the manager group task to formulate solutions to the problems. They evaluate to know what was the effective plans for establishing enlargement job opportunities or either expanding markets to different regions. So manager will responsible for the needs of employees to motivate them to work hardly.

But how do we find the key?

In the other words , with motivation defined as “ theresult of the drive to satisfy an internal urge (Reinick and Schoell 1980 ), the question is how dowe satisfy an employee’s internal urge? What doesthe person want in a job?

Psychology Today ( 1978 ), Published their findings about why people worked. These reasons were:

• chance to do something that makes you feel good about yourself.• Chance to accomplish something worthwhile.• Chance to learn new things.• Chance to developed your skills and abilities.• Amount of freedom you have on the job.

According to Davis (1978)

Human needs can never be fully be met and needs satisfaction will,therefore, pose a perpetual concern of any organization. Inmotivating employees, it will not work much that the means formotivating are those needs are already satisfied rather than needsthat are still wanting to be satisfied.

Inclination theory of Davis (1981) Stated the following insights.

“To motivate a person… First, we can increase the positive, as by increase the positive value of outcomes, as by

increasing rewards. Second, we can strengthen the connection between the work and outcomes.”

By motivating subordinates and employees sometimes they never met fully satisfaction. All of them have their own needs such as for example the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Fourth level: Esteem. The person need to believe and feel within oneself that others who are credible and respected by that person, like wise confirm such value of oneself, The worker feels that whatever his work is, his respect and dignity must be upheld. His aspirations and capabilities as an individual must be recognize. This need encompasses the need for independence, self – confidence , reputation and appreciation.


What is directing? Directing means encouraging subordinates to work toward achieving company objectives ( Reinecke and Shoell 1980 ). It is ahuman, people – to people aspect of managing by which subordinates aremotivated, pursued, and led to effectively and efficiently contributedtowards realizing the very reasons for which the enterprises or thecompany has been established. This management function is sometimesreferred to as influenced, actuating, guiding, or simply leading ormotivating.

The Job Characteristics Model

Importance of Directing Function

Directing or Direction function is said to be the heart of management of processand therefore, is the central point around which accomplishment of goals takeplace. A few philosophers call Direction as “Life spark of an enterprise”. It is alsocalled as on actuating function of management because it is through directionthat the operation of an enterprise actually starts. Being the central character ofenterprise, it provides many benefits to a concern which are as follows:

Means of Motivation

• Direction function helps in achievement of goals. A manager makes use of theelement of motivation here to improve the performances of subordinates. Thiscan be done by providing incentives or compensation, whether monetary or non- monetary, which serves as a “Morale booster” to the subordinates Motivation isalso helpful for the subordinates to give the best of their abilities whichultimately helps in growth.

It Ingrates Efforts

• Through direction, the superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work. For this, efforts of every individual towards accomplishment of goals are required. It is through direction the efforts of every department can be related and integrated with others. This can be done through persuasive leadership and effective communication. Integration of efforts bring effectiveness and stability in a concern.

Later according to Terry and Franklin (1982), Hamner and Hamner, who studied in1976 ten companies using positive reinforcement or behavior modificationprograms. Six considerations modifying motivational behaviors of employees. These

1. Don’t reward equally. It reinforces average and mediocre performance.

2. Failure to reinforce may encourage poor subsequent performance.

3. Inform employees what they can do to get reinforcement.

4. Tell employees when and what they are dong wrong.

5. Don’t punish a subordinate in front of others.

6. Be fair.

Skinner’s Operant Theory

(Burrhaus Frederic) Skinner, an influential exponent of behaviorism, contested the theory that human needs are the determinant of human behavior . Backed up by extensive scientific studies, Skinner (1953) believed that “ the environment determines the individual ( behavior ) even when he alters the environment .” He contented that employees can be motivated by properly creating the work environment and providing reward or stimulus for desirable employee performance. Furthermore, that it is the external environment that influence the external needs, wants and desires.

Need Achievement Theory

Another assumption that the linked needs satisfaction to motivating behavior was the need Achievement Theoryoriginally conceptualized by John Atkinson, a psychologist working on personality tests. The theory argued that the “ needto achieve” is a personality trait of an individual. Dessler (1981) explains true theory:

“ People who are high in need achievement are highly motivated to strive for satisfaction that is derived from accomplishing ( or achieving ) some challenging task or goal. They prefer Task for which there is reasonable chance for success and avoid those that are either too easy or too dificult. Relatedly, such people prefer obtaining specific, timely criticism and feedback about their preformance.”

For further illustration, according to David C. McClelland of Harvard University. Popularized and found application of atkinson’s work to business. He coined the term “ Achievement Motivation “ to describe a person’s drive to overcome challenges , advance, and grow. For him, the basic needs or drives of people are:

1. Need for achievement. There is a strong correlation between high need for achievement and high level of job performance and success.

2. Need power. This is a drive to influence people and situations.

3. Need for affiliation. A person has a need to developed warm, friendly , and personal relationships.

4. Need for competence. A drive to do quality work.

In an Organization the manager is highly motivated their employees just to cooperate them to work time to time. To have a successful company they should need to perform according to roles they handle such as to be an influential model, a leader that really acts to the responsibility assign.

As a Conclusion, the subordinates approach more decision making to accomplish the goal they wanted to achieve. And of course to achieve it they would be able to accept failures in their performance to understand what actions shall need to discover. Employees had has the ability to show desire, wants and needs to achieve one goal. For instance, the manager need to group task employees to knew what was skills they gathered into work , to stand the company strong and to be productive than other companies or rather in competitors. Lastly, the importance is they have unity and they are willing to group one another to catch up all the responsibilities need to be done or accomplish to achieve goals.

principles of management - Directing & Motivation -

1.. What is Motivation?

2. 4 Definition Motivation is a process which begins with a physiological or psychological need or deficiency which triggers behavior

or a drive that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. or An inferred process within an animal or an individual that causes that organism to

move towards a goal

3. Key Elements 1. Intensity: how hard a person tries 2. Direction: toward beneficial goal 3. Persistence: how long a person tries The

processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. What is Motivation?

4. Motivational Goal Need, Drive

5. Motivational process Unsatisfied need Tension Drives Search behaviour Goal achievement Need satisfaction Reduction of tension

6.Motivation and Performance Motivation Ability Effort Environment Performance

7. Motivation = key to SUCCESS! why? A motivated person spends more time, does a better job, stays in the organisation longer,

and motivates others.

8. • Directs behavior toward goals • Increases effort and energy expended • Commencement in activities is sooner • Increases

persistence in activities • Enhances thought processes • Determines what consequences are reinforcing • Leads to improved

performance How Does Motivation Affect Learning and Behavior?

9. Intrinsic Motivation • A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake

10 • Associated with seeking out and conquering challenges in pursuit of personal interests and the exercise of capabilities •

Associated with activities that are their own reward • Enjoyment of a task or the sense of accomplishment that it brings Intrinsic


11 How to Motivate Employees?

12. 3 Major Types of Motivation Theories • Content Theories of Motivation – WHAT motivates us • Process Theories of Motivation –

WHY and HOW motivation occurs • Reinforcement Theory – HOW outcomes influence behavior

13 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy • Maslow’s theory assumes that a person attempts to satisfy the more basic needs before directing

behavior toward satisfying upper-level needs. • Lower-order needs must be satisfied before a higher- order need begins to control a

person’s behavior. • A satisfied need ceases to motivate.

14. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) • Taught psychology at MIT. • At Antioch College, McGregor found that his classroom teaching of

human relations did not always work in practice. • From these experiences, his ideas evolve and lead him to recognize the influence

of assumptions we make about people and our managerial style.Douglas McGregor.

15.Frederick Herzberg

16. Frederick Herzberg (1923-2000) • His research emphasized job enrichment (depth) rather than job enlargement – Job

context (hygiene factors) – needed to be optimal to prevent job dissatisfaction. These factors (according to Herzberg) did

not motivate. – Job content (motivators) – factors that did lead to motivation – Money (according to Herzberg) could

motivate if it was seen as a reward for accomplishment; but if money was given without regard for merit, then it was a

hygiene factor. Frederick Herzber




TRATION WORKING CONDITIONS Motivation and Hygiene Factors

18. Achievement Motivation Does high achievement motivation mean success in life?.

Specific characteristics of a high achiever • Takes moderate risks. • Prefers immediate feedback • Derives satisfaction on

the successful accomplishment of a task • Has total concentration or preoccupation with the assigned task

19. • Directing: * Fourth managerial function * direct personnel and activities to accomplish the organizational goals using

good communication and leadership skills. • Leadership: “interpersonal process of influencing the activities of an individual

or a group toward goal attainment in a given situation” -Primary purpose for studying leadership is to learn how to work with

people, individually, groups, teams.




