kwesihackman Eric Hackman Product Development Lead Intruptiv Technologies (Suba) Email : [email protected] eric_hackman


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Eric HackmanProduct Development Lead

Intruptiv Technologies (Suba)Email : [email protected]


Landing Pages When to build one

Where does it all start?


When does it come in

BuildTestIdea Test

Testing customer demand and value of the service

What’s the point ?


Controlled Experiments MVP

A/B Test and Iterate rapidly

Get people to convert on a single value preposition

The Ideal Landing Page

Your Unique Selling Proposition - the main headline

The hero shot - images/video showing context of use

The benefits of your offering - A bullet point list summary of benefits or Benefit and features in detail

Social proof - I’ll have what they’re having

Call-To-Action - A single conversion goal

Sample layout of a landing page

Your Unique Selling Proposition – the main headline

The benefits of your offering • A bullet point list summary of

benefits • Benefit and features in detail The hero shot - images/video

showing context of use


Social proofI’ll have what she’s having

An example of a landing pageHeadline

Call to Action

Hero Spot


Social Proof

Tools for building landing pages

Testing customer demand quickmvp.com

Tools for A/B & Multivariate Testing

Google.com/websiteoptimizer Visualwebsiteoptimizer.com Optimizely.com Monetate.com

Tools for Analytics, User Testing etc.

Crazyegg.com Clicktale.com Usertesting.com Kissinsights.com

Some best practices

The headline is everything, remember its your unique selling preposition so take time to flesh out Value Preposition

Do A/B testing on your Heading, Hero Spot and the Call-to-action button color*

Keep it simple, clean and concise

When collecting user info eg. Email, provide a privacy statement

Monitor your metrics and iterate quickly

Traffic sources

Facebook posts/ ads SEM – adwords, Bing , Yahoo

Twitter posts/ ads Email blasts

Google+ posts Quora / Yahoo answers

Comment on forums Slideshare

YouTube / VimeoComment on blogs

Traditional offline tools like fliers, posters , business cards etc.

Testing customer demand

Value of service

Examples of landing pages used in


Download Now


Eric HackmanProduct Development Lead

Intruptiv Technologies (Suba)Email : [email protected]
