Logic presentation(Informal Fallacies)

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01 Izat Ali 67

02 Abid Ali 55

03 Khayam Ullah 82

04 Khalil Ullah 49


Logic may be defined as the organized body of knowledge, or science, that evaluates argumentsFallacy: A fallacy is a defect in an argument that consists in something other than false premises alone.



1: formal: A formal fallacy is one that may be identified by merely examining the form or structure of an argument.2: informal: Informal fallacies are those that can be detected only by examining the content of the argument.


Example(Informal Fallacy):Consider that, The IMS building is made of atoms. Atoms are invisible. Therefore, the IMS building is invisible.


Explanation: To detect this fallacy one must know something about IMS building—namely, that they are large visible objects, and even though their atomic components are invisible, this does not mean that the building themselves are invisible.


Types Of Informal Fallacy

(a) Sophism: When arguer deceives someone intentionally.

(b) Paralogism: When arguer deceives someone unintentionally(misunderstanding)



The fallacies of relevance means ”when premises of an argument are irrelevant to the conclusion” OR“When premises are not irrelevant to the reality and having no relation with claiming point(conclusion)”Lets go back to the example discussed earlier…


1.  Appeal to Force (Argumentum ad Baculum: Appeal to the “Stick”):

The fallacy of appeal to force occurs whenever an argument relies on threat rather than reason. Threat may be DIRECT(unvieled) or INDIRECT(vieled) that’s why it categorized by logician into the above two types.


Example(a) When our Logic teacher told us always to do your work on time e.g assignment,presentation etc otherwise you will not get enough marks in my subject.(b) When we enter IMS the gatekeeper told us that put on your ID cards otherwise Chief proctor sir Hashim will fine you.


2. Appeal to Pity (Argumentum ad Misericordiam):

When an argument relies on generosity , pity,sympathy, and altruism(sacrifice oneself for the sake of other) OR If some body prouduce pity or kindness in your heart by saying some terms e.g Orphen Association etc.NOTE: This pity may be directed toward the arguer or toward some third party.


Example:When the thalassemia foundation’s members came previous week to our department and told us to donate blood for the patient of thalassemia,a sympathy,pity came in my and some of my friend’s heart for those who are the patient of this type of disease and we donated the blood for thalassemia patients.


Red herringWhen an arguer divert someone attention from the real issue or When an arguer introduce a new topic which is not relevant to the real issueExample: In government, arguing for raising

taxes - “We need more revenue to support the programs that we have. Children are our future. Let’s support children.”

Here increasing tax is totally diferent issue from the youth or their future but they are diverting the attention from the tax issue’

Hasty generalization When a person moves from a particular case

to a general case. OR when a person generalize a particular case or

event. Example Katrina is good actress and she wear

iron ring. so all actress wearing iron ring are good


Example: when a specific car do accident then you considered that all car’s of that type have done accident . 

Tip: Don’t base decisions on small sample sizes when much more reliable data exists.

Variation: The hasty conclusion is leaping to a conclusion without carefully considering the alternatives .

Straw man fallacy“When a person misrepresent someone argument or exaggerated by some one the argument of giver”

ExampleThis is every where in politicsRomany speaks out about Obama's first term failures.He exaggerates Obama's administration by comparing it to carter’s which was remembered for inflation, energy crises, war in Afghanistan, and hostages in Iran. This emotional appeal tries to worsen Obama’s image by exaggerating his position

Appeal to in appropriate authority:When we concerned with the person who is not the right authority in that field are area or when we concern with the person who has not the expertise in that area.

Example:01): My chemistry teacher said that Iqbal is a good poet.02): Army chief says that Imran khan will be the next prime minister.


The fallacy of composition is committed when the conclusion of an arrgument depends on the erronous transference of an attribute from the part of something onto the whole.

This fallacy arrise when the attributes of the parts assign to the whole.

Example: Some players of Pakistan team are

playing excellent, therefore the team as a whole is playing excellent.

DivisionThe fallacy of the division is the exact

reverse of composition, As composition is goes from parts to whole.Division goes from whole to part.The fallacy is committed when the

conclusion of an argument depends on the erroneous transference of an attribute from a whole (or a class) on to its parts (or members).


Water is liquid and it is made up of H2 and O, therefore H2 and O are liquid.