Project Rating Systems 12/02/08 INHS’s Experience with LEED

Leed Presentation Green Building Alliance 12/02/08

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Project Rating Systems


INHS’s Experience with LEED

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What We’ll Cover Today

• Overview of Project Rating Systems

• Details on LEED for Homes

• A LEED Example - 301 Madison St

• Final Advice

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Overview of

Project Rating Systems

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“Green” Project Rating

• What is it?

• Why do it?

• What are some ways of doing it

• How much does it cost?

• Why did INHS Pick LEED for Homes?

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What is “Green” Project Rating?

Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources — energy, water, and materials — while reducing building impacts on human health and the environment during the building's lifecycle, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal - Wikipedia

• It’s a big world - Where to begin

• How to weigh all the factors

Green project rating is a system that helps you quantify the effect of your choices - Scott

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Why Rate Your Project?

• Makes the choices simpler

• Contractors may make mistakes – Many eyes and verification help catch the errors

– Having a written standard reduces questions

• Keeps everyone honest – reduces “green washing”

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Why Rate Your Project Yourself

• Homeowners can – see what the issues and opportunities are– make informed decisions

• Easier to build “inside the box”

• Doesn’t require paying someone to do it for you

But experienced builders and architects know much more about the pros and cons of the choices you make

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Some Project Rating Systems

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Getting it Rated – What Does it Cost?

• Paying for the Rating– LEED is $2-3,000 a building (INHS’s cost)

– Energy Star = no net cost to INHS

• Paying for the Upgrades You Want – Some techniques and materials are easy to do,

effective, and free

– More sustainable materials frequently cost more

There are two costs

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Getting it Rated – What Does it Cost?

• Voluntary Systems – free– Any checklist you can download

• Certified Systems - $$$– Architect or design professional

– Energy Star



Verification takes time and time is money

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Why Did INHS Choose LEED for HOMES?

• Wanted to get credit for what we were already doing

• Wanted to advance development of a sustainable building standard

• Wanted a system that had verification

• Wanted to show affordable housing can be built sustainably

• Only real standard available at the time

So INHS joined the pilot phase of LEED for Homes


Found a grant to help fund it

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Details on

LEED for Homes

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INHS currently uses LEED for HOMES. It suits our needs. We don’t advocate using it or not using it.

LEED for Homes is just one way of looking at your project.

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What is LEED for HOMES

• USGBC leading the way in sustainable building

• “Official” system for commercial and industrial ratings

• Different types of buildings require different systems

• USGBC wanted a national, certifiable standard for residential buildings

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How does LEED for HOMES Work

• Innovation and Design Process – special credits for unusual things

• Location and Linkages – how does it relate to the area around it

• Sustainable Sites – measures project impact on the site

• Water Efficiency – measures water efficiency

• Energy and Atmosphere – energy efficiency

• Materials and Resources – how does it relate to the area around it

• Indoor Environmental Quality – reducing pollutant exposure it

• Awareness and Education – are the occupants aware of the features

Projects are Broken Down into Categories

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Projects get points for reaching certain objectives

The points are tallied on a checklist

Y / Pts No N/A Sustainable Sites (SS) (Minimum of 5 SS Points Required) OR 21

Y 1.1 Site Stewardship Erosion Controls (During Construction) Prerequisite

1 1.2 Minimize Disturbed Area of Site 1

Y @ 2.1 Landscaping No Invasive Plants Prerequisite

2 @ 2.2 Basic Landscaping Design 2@ 2.3 Limit Turf 3

2 @ 2.4 Drought Tolerant Plants 2@ 3 Shading of Hardscapes Locate and Plant Trees to Shade Hardscapes 1

2 @ 4.1 Surface Water Management Design Permeable Site 44.2 Design and Install Permanent Erosion Controls 2

2 5 Non-Toxic Pest Control Select Insect and Pest Control Alternatives from List 2@ 6.1 Compact Development Average Housing Density ≥ Units / Acre LL1 2

3 @ 6.2 OR Average Housing Density ≥ 10 Units / Acre LL1 3@ 6.3 OR Average Housing Density ≥ 20 Units / Acre LL1 4


Y / Pts No N/A Water Efficiency (WE) (Minimum of 3 WE Points Required) OR 15@ 1.1 Water Reuse Rainwater Harvesting System 4@ 1.2 Grey Water Re-Use System 1@ 2.1 Irrigation System Select High Efficiency Measures from List 3

2.2 Third Party Verification 14 @ 2.3 OR Install Landscape Designed by Licensed or Certified Professional WE 2.2 4

3.1 Indoor Water Use High Efficiency Fixtures (Toilets, Showers, and Faucets) 34 3.2 OR Very High Efficiency Fixtures (Toilets, Showers, and Faucets) WE 3.1 6



How does LEED for HOMES Work

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Total Number of Points is compared to a standard

How does LEED for HOMES Work

Certified – 45 points

Silver – 60 points

Gold – 75 points

Platinum – 90 points

For LEED, the points needed to reach a standard depends on the size of the house!

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LEED - Pros and Cons

Pros– Certifiable (costs extra)

– National

– Repetitive, 2nd time is easy

– Looks at many facets – contractors are usually focused

Cons– It’s not cheap and INHS is getting a volume deal

– The first time is harder

– Too much paper and tracking for many people

– Doesn’t reward good design

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A LEED for Homes Example

301 Madison St

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301 Madison St

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301 Madison St

Innovation and Design Process 5 pts. attained 9 possible•LEED representatives actually inspect the house to ensure compliance

Location and Linkages 10 pts. attained 10 possible•Site is on a previously developed site with full utilities•Site is not environmentally sensitive or farmland•Over ½ acre of green space is within ¼ mile•An outstanding number of community resources are within ¼ mile

Sustainable Sites 10 pts. attained 22 possible•Minimized disturbed area of the site•Very little impervious surfaces so water drains into the ground•Landscaping is drought tolerant and integrated with the house•Amount of lawn is minimized•Site is small allowing for dense development•Anti pest measures in place – termite shield and screening

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301 Madison St

Water Efficiency 4 pts. attained 15 possible•Very high efficiency faucets and shower

Energy and Atmosphere 20 pts. attained 38 possible•House is much more efficient than even Energy Star minimum. Reached the 5 Star level.•House is inspected and tested to ensure compliance

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

House Built to theEnergy Code

Energy StarHouse Minimum

This House

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301 Madison St

Materials and Resources 3 pts. attained 16 possible•Advanced framing techniques reduce waste•No tropical woods used•Waste generated was 50% below average for a new house – very hard to do in a small house•Environmentally products used – no carpet, linoleum, recycled porch decking, low VOC paint, recycled insulation•No refrigerants

Indoor Environmental Quality 16 pts. attained 20 possible•Follows the EPA Indoor Air Quality Package ( 75 pt checklist) including

•Passive radon system•Special attention to water management•Heating systems carefully sized•No forced air ducting•All exterior materials finished all sides•Special air sealing and ventilation

Awareness and Education 1 pts. attained 3 possible•Home owner manual and walkthrough

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301 Madison St

Larger homes are more wasteful to build and to live in: this 2 BR home is ~1200 sq ft, 30% smaller than the national average, so we needed 5 fewer points to achieve our rating.

LEED for Homes Rating Levels

Certified 40 points

Silver 55

Gold 70

Platinum 85

301 Madison St received a Gold rating with 73 points

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What Can You Learn from INHS’s Example?

• Knowing what you want helps– Being the client and developer makes it easier

• Go with people who know how to build sustainably– Remember, everyone has their own point of view

• Some sort of verification is really worth it

• The low hanging fruit is not very exciting

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Big Lessons

1. A modest, well designed house can reach the Gold or high Silver level without spending extra money on “exotic” materials or techniques.

2. More efficient, higher quality, and more sustainable buildings do cost more than run-of-the-mill buildings.

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The Bottom Line for You When You Build

• Pick a System (or Systems)

• Check Your Project Against Your System

• Make a Checklist of Things to Verify during Building

• Find a Way to Stay Honest

Don’t Chase Points •Do it Because It Works for You•If It Doesn’t Work for You, It Won’t Last or People won’t use it

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The End

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