Lean R&D Real-Time Collaboration Platform ClearWorks Enterprise Edition Quick Start System Introduction: Lean R&D platform ClearWorks, is a professional tool system used in Scrum, XP agile software development process, project change management, quality control and process optimization. System solves the software development process in the development of the project schedule management, requirement management, source code configuration management, test management and defect tracking management requires multiple tools between the copy, collate, analyze the data brought about the workload, it is not timely, low efficiency, the development process is not coherent, unified planning and planning difficulties, development of links associated with a lack of internal unity brought about by the management and measurement difficulties, particularly difficult to deal with the project process requirement changes, and item difficulty for the latter part of software code and maintenance. System solves the distributed multi-team management of complex software build and release. solves project progress, quality, and other multi-dimensional data, the overall state of the “visualization” problems. Systems integration project schedule management and software configuration management methods, and integration of agile development process, in the iterative change of control risk, quality, schedule and cost, system use B/S mode to achieve a high degree of integrated requirements management, design management, task allocation and tracking, code development and management, test management, defect tracking and release management. It implements project visualization of the entire process of data and statistics for the user to build high quality software delivery environment. Provide a complete , unified and efficient exchange of Web environment for the market-related personnel, business analysts, managers, architects, developers, and test engineers, release engineers. To help customers build cost-effective software development infrastructure, production of high-quality software, while improving development efficiency and ensure the software quality, and to achieve a steady release and deployment of the software to ensure that customers in the software project success to obtain commercial returns. For industry, uses: mainly used in software development, hardware product development, chip development and other related industries, high-quality applied to the project process management optimization. This document is only a brief overview of the ClearWorks Enterprise Edition .For a comprehensive understanding of and use of this software, please buy the official version, we will provide you with comprehensive guidance and training.

Lean Software Development Management

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ClearWorks is a flexible and powerful Agile project management software that works with Scrum, Extreme Programming, etc. It is also a BPM(Business Process Management) software that provides governance of enterprise business's process environment to improve agility and operational performance. ClearWorks Agile software maximizes development productivity by empowering developers and project managers. Our software includes a comprehensive set of tools and features that streamline the Agile approach to project management and development.,more detail,please visit http://www.sevenuc.com/en/products/clearworks/Overview.htm

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Lean R&D Real-Time Collaboration Platform


Enterprise Edition Quick Start

System Introduction:

Lean R&D platform ClearWorks, is a professional tool system used in Scrum, XP agile software development process, project change management, quality control and process optimization. System solves the software development process in the development of the project schedule management, requirement management, source code configuration management, test management and defect tracking management requires multiple tools between the copy, collate, analyze the data brought about the workload, it is not timely, low efficiency, the development process is not coherent, unified planning and planning difficulties, development of links associated with a lack of internal unity brought about by the management and measurement difficulties, particularly difficult to deal with the project process requirement changes, and item difficulty for the latter part of software code and maintenance. System solves the distributed multi-team management of complex software build and release. solves project progress, quality, and other multi-dimensional data, the overall state of the “visualization” problems. Systems integration project schedule management and software configuration management methods, and integration of agile development process, in the iterative change of control risk, quality, schedule and cost, system use B/S mode to achieve a high degree of integrated requirements management, design management, task allocation and tracking, code development and management, test management, defect tracking and release management. It implements project visualization of the entire process of data and statistics for the user to build high quality software delivery environment. Provide a complete , unified and efficient exchange of Web environment for the market-related personnel, business analysts, managers, architects, developers, and test engineers, release engineers. To help customers build cost-effective software development infrastructure, production of high-quality software, while improving development efficiency and ensure the software quality, and to achieve a steady release and deployment of the software to ensure that customers in the software project success to obtain commercial returns.

For industry, uses: mainly used in software development, hardware product development, chip development and other related industries, high-quality applied to the project process management optimization.

This document is only a brief overview of the ClearWorks Enterprise Edition .For a comprehensive understanding of and use of this software, please buy the official version, we will provide you with comprehensive guidance and training.

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1, System Overview: ...........................................................................................................................3

2: Lean R&D Brief Introduction........................................................................................................4

2-1, The Minimal Marketable Feature .............................................................................................4

2-2, Value Stream ...............................................................................................................................5

2-3, Lean Thinking .............................................................................................................................5

2-4, Kanban Process and the WIP Limits ........................................................................................5

2-5, Lead Time, Delay Time and Cycle Time...................................................................................7

2-6, Kanban Metrics...........................................................................................................................8

2-7, Kanban Process Overview........................................................................................................10

3, Powerful Workflow Engine .........................................................................................................12

3-1, Define Various Processes for Project .......................................................................................12

4: Product Backlog Management ..................................................................................................14

4-1 New Product Backlog.................................................................................................................14

4-2 Establishment of Iterative Cycles .............................................................................................14

4-3 Classification and Organization of User Story ........................................................................15

4-4 New User Story corresponding Test Case................................................................................16

5: Iteration Planning (Sprint Planning).........................................................................................17

5-1 Sprint Backlog produced...........................................................................................................17

5-2 Assignments of Tasks in Sprint.................................................................................................19

6 Development of Code, Process Management .........................................................................21

6-1 Develop the code to achieve User Story....................................................................................21

6-2 Record Task logs, Statistics and Adjustment of Working Hours ..........................................26

6-3 Update Task Remained Hours, Resulting in BurnDown Chart.............................................29

6-4 Use the Trigger to Drive the Project Process...........................................................................30

6-5 Analysis Kanban Indicators, Project Process Management...................................................31

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1, System Overview:

When enter into the system, the left side of the “Client”, “Vendor”, “Supplier”, “Consultants”, “Government”, “Internal”, “Not classified” is the company type. Company type is used to organize different project together, each company can hold multiple projects. Please visit the “Internal” -> “Sevenuc Software Co., Ltd.” -> “TestProject” of the system to have a brief overview of the system.

The right of system “Todo|Today|Logout”, respectively belongs to my work, today’s events and tasks, as well as through the month view, week view to the calendar means to understand the past day, a week, a month mandate and events.

The following summary were the “TestProject” of the various nodes: Configuration: The configuration of the project here, specifically refer to “User Manual”; Process: Define various workflows, such as requirements engineering processes, tendering

processes, outsourcing process so different projects can be defined in many different processes, a project can be defined with a variety of business processes and activities.

Team: Configure the project team members, developers, testers, etc.; Email: E-mail management through customer requirement and software defects; Wiki: Wiki system to manage the content of the various projects, such as project terminology,

software design, requirement and test scenarios, customer presentations (animation, flash), etc.; Release: Iteration cycle management, includes Milestones, Releases and Builds; Requirements: Analysis, evaluation and classification of organizations, customer

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requirements, management change request etc.;

Test: Management Test Plan, organize and manage Test Cases, manage test Builds. Implementation of software testing, test data and documents management, management deficiencies input, screen copy, statistics and analysis of test results;

Tasks: To assign tasks, monitor and manage the status and completion of tasks, reporting and management tasks logs, handle dependencies between tasks, timely adjustments and management of project progress, management personnel load;

Issues: Iterative cycle of development for the distribution of content (including software requirements and software defects) management. Management Issues related tasks, monitor and manage project progress, management Issues related source code for software configuration, management Issues related Test Cases for software testing, handling Issues status to drive the project management processes for Kanban and Scrum;

System Built-in Subversion version control system, providing software configuration management capabilities, management software source code, segregation and integration developer’s work with ClearWorks highly efficiency;

Log Cards: Record, management, and statistical projects, weekly, one day, or some duration, and team members worked times on the project.

Impediments: Managing the project impediments, problems and remove items, such as a person fail to complete certain things that would hinder the work of others, so team members will be hampered by the expulsion of the project appears to rule out the impediments to their heads as a top priority.

These are just a simple summary description of each sub-node does not contain all of the features, specific details please refer to “User Manual.”

Note: click on project Requirement, Test, Issues, Tasks, the system will automatically hide the left side of the tree “Navigation Bar”, then by clicking on the page top left “Welcome You” icon or bottom icon , the “Navigation Bar” will re-displayed again.

2: Lean R&D Brief Introduction.

2-1, The Minimal Marketable Feature


“A minimal marketable feature is a chunk of functionality that delivers a subset of the customer’s requirements, and that is capable of returning value to the customer when released as an independent entity”

In the Lean R&D, MMF (Minimal Marketable Feature) is the form of a “smallest feature set”, through gradual incremental development to deliver to the customer. The minimum feature set is a subset of customer requirements, through an independent distribution of the collection and to achieve customer business value.

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2-2, Value Stream

In the Lean R&D, “Value Stream” identifies all the steps in order to make the desired product. The word stream implies that there is a smooth, unbroken flow between a sequence of steps. A continuous smooth flow of valuable, new features, into deployment is the ideal final result. The value stream includes everybody from the customer to operations and support engineers, and not just development. Identifies all the steps in order to make the desired product.

2-3, Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking concerned with “the right job at the right time to complete” but is better than care about who does the work, the core is to discover and eliminate bottlenecks, “reduce waste” to increase the “Value Flow” output efficiency. Team members have different job skills, working together does not have the same speed of work, they often need to synchronize between the semi-finished products, while the Kanban is a very effective way for team members to organize into workflow.

The goal of Lean is through a series of “Value Added” activities to be “Scattered Request” rapidly without interruption from one stage “Batch Submission” to the next processes to ensure the “Value Flow” of the smooth flow.

Kanban Principles:

Don’t build features that nobody needs right now Don’t write more specs than you can code Don’t write more code than you can test Don’t test more code than you can deploy

2-4, Kanban Process and the WIP Limits

Kanban process is to divide the project into a series of stages of processing, work flow of items from one stage to the next stage until completion. When someone needs a new job, just only need to “drag” the work item from the ready queue to the WIP queue.

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As shown above, the entire development process is divided into different stages, backlog, development, test, release and so on, each stage contains two queue, “Ready Queue” and “WIP Queue”, when a team member to develop or test a feature, the card to work on will be dragged from the “Ready Queue” to “WIP Queue”. The system will record the time when card enter into each stage. Team members can also decide to place the card back from the work queue to ready queue, so that pause this feature work. In order to control the delivery speed, team members will decide whether to drag the card from the previous stage to the next phase of ready queue by the team’s current ability of work.

WIP Items

Kanban system, the most important thing is to control “WIP Items” for limits, because we need to quickly deliver new features, by limiting the amount of work, the team can achieve such an objective. ClearWorks system provides the “Ready Queue” and the “WIP Queue” to carry out restrict management. “Ready Queue” including “backlog queue”, the develop ready, the testing ready and the releasing ready queue, which “reserve” queue cards from the requirement management module definition of the “minimum feature set” (MMF), and software defects that have been confirmed to here. “WIP Queue”, include the development queue, the testing and the releasing queue.

WIP Limits

Restrictions are the number of WIP queues items that are defined in a processing stage of the maximum number of cards in each queue. If you do not reach this number, then the card can

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be moved from left to right, otherwise, must wait for the reduction the number of its queue items. Therefore, if one stage of the queue is full, it will block the card to a processing to next stage. Queue is allowing the buffer to optimize processes meant to maximize the buffer. The queue for inspection of the deliverables upstream to be “qualified” output or “semi” handling mechanisms, and the “rework report” could also examine the process in the delivery of quality, such as the development is completed and then rework the development, testing rework after the completion of the new tests.

Kanban limits the WIP number for each stage.

Scrum limits the WIP number for each iteration

2-5, Lead Time, Delay Time and Cycle Time

Lead Time

Lead time clock starts when the request is made, and ends once delivered. Lead-time is the request is made to the properties from being achieved or defects have been repaired and be delivered. The time is that customer sees. Such as from product concept to the first release took how long? Software defect from be reported to be discovered, then from be confirmed to be repaired, and then to repair patch to the client, the whole cycle took how long? Requirements from misunderstood to be corrected and later to be deployed and used has spent how long? Requirement from a proposal to develop, test, used to release it took how long?

Cycle Time

Cycle time from the start working on the request to its being delivered, not including its accession to the delay time before the reserves in the backlog queue, such as a feature made for a long time, but the real beginning of the development, the cycle time to achieve it start recording, ClearWorks records the lead times as well as statistics cycle times. Cycle time is an important mechanism for the ability to measure the process flow, while the lead-time is the time for customers sees. Kanban system focuses on the management of cycle time, through high transparency, visualization, and repeatable way of developing the project development process of continuous improvement.

Delay Time

Delay time, refer to the time from issue enter into each stage of the “ready queue” to really start working on them. Such as the time from a “MMF” being planned into the “backlog queue” to be assigned into the “development ready” queue, such as the time from the issue development completed enter into “test ready” queue to really be tested. The real delay time from the test completion to be released, as well as the duration from preparation of the completion of the code writing to be integrated are belonging to the delay times.

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2-6, Kanban Metrics

The WIP limits implies the growth number of delivery time, the team cannot afford to accept more cards when queue reach to its limits and you cannot do any more work. The WIP limits are simple and easy to control. All WIP is the total amount of project workload in your business, the team can agree or reject in the queue to add new card to consent or refuse to add new jobs.

Agile development is the essence of “observe, adjust and continuous improvement,” the early adoption of agile methods is mainly used “speed” to get feedback for improvement, and Kanban are mainly through the “cycle time” to get feedback, identify problems and to adjust.

Total cycle time:

To improve cycle time, you need to reduce WIP items, raising the average completion rate, reduce rework, eliminate project “hindered”. Insight “too big” work item, and its segmentation, through the WIP items, cycle time and distribution of quality evaluation of the project can be well developed “health” situation, and predicted that the new feature set in the current team, the ability to deliver under the time-box.

Delay Ratio:

This is the time it takes for an item to be put on the board for development to when it goes live. If this is taking a long time and/or is taking longer over time then this points to a problem with quality i.e. that making changes or additions are becoming harder to implement.

ClearWorks system records the “activation delay time” of each card, and the total accumulated time by weekly statistics, track the start and end date on every card and compile a total each week.

Frequency of releases (goal minimum every 2 weeks)

The more often work is released the less risk there is to the project that something new

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introduced to live will break the system. A target of releasing every 2 weeks at a minimum (barring release freezes) should be adhered to. Ideally as soon as something is ready that can give customers increased value it should be released, rather than waiting 2 weeks. The more often you release points to more adaptable code, a well defined release process and smooth flow. To

ClearWorks system track how often a release occurs per week, records the release details. There exists some certain problem in the project when the release becomes unstable.

Characteristics of output indicator:

The number of items released per iteration/week gives an indication of the size of stories a team is working on. If they are too large then this is shown as a team not releasing many items. Large stories can become too complex and incur a higher level of risk.

ClearWorks system track the number of items released per iteration/week. and statistics between the number of weekly, and the trend of changes of each iteration.

Check In indicators

Work should be checked often and be small in size. Work that is held outside of the repository for a long time or that is large in nature increases risk. ClearWorks make the report through the built-in Subversion system to track the code check-in statistics, maintaining a “small size” and frequently check-in.

ClearWorks system provides the code changes between the different build dependencies. And provides the analysis of statistical reports of each distribution include build report, Unit test coverage report, and deploy report etc.

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2-7, Kanban Process Overview

the Scrum process framework diagram

Kanban in ClearWorks is a flexible agile management process tool, combined with Scrum framework. It can help you manage iterative, incremental software development process, this process is rapid, adaptive, self-organization of a repeated practice of the development mode.

1) The entire product Backlog broken down into MMF (the smallest feature set), this feature set is based on the current conditions of human and material resources can be accomplished, but also been sorted by the priority through the commercial value, which would produce a milestone release, such as the 1.0, 2.0, 3,0 major versions of the project, please refer to “4-1 Iteration Planning” relevant content.

2) Convening the Sprint (Iteration) Planning Meeting, make division of sprint tasks, determine what tasks will be accomplished within this Sprint, mark the priority of these tasks and allow team members to claim, specifically refer to “4-2 Generate Sprint Tasks”. Note that tasks here is based on an hourly basis, not by man-month. Minor versions will be generated by these Sprints, such as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and so on.

3) Enter the Sprint (Iteration) development cycle, in this cycle, each day the team need to convene Daily Scrum Meeting, usually held within the same room at the same time, each team member during the meeting attendance far as to speak the following issues:

Do we have a bottleneck? (look for congestion or gaps in the queues) Do we have a blocker not dealt with? (Check the impediment list) Are we keeping to our work in process limits? Are priorities clear? What we did yesterday, planning today?

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There can add new features during the iteration (reference 3-1) and fix software defects. After completed these iterations, there will produce a large number of outputs – Build Releases. Versions will usually be generated as a form like version 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, as well as 1.1.2_2 (fix version), 1.1.5_12 (fix version) such as patch versions and so on.

4) At the entire Sprint end of period, holding Sprint Review Meeting, demonstrate the results to the Product Owner. Iterative versions will be generated, such as version 1.2 (reference 7-3).

5) The team members reviewed the final iteration to convene the meeting (Sprint Retrospective Meeting), summing up issues and experiences.

6) Repeat step 2, planning for new iterations and tasks, generate new iterative versions, such as 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, etc.;

7) Repeat steps 3 to achieve the characteristics of the new arrangements for the iteration to generate a serial new Build versions, such as 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, as well as bug fixes version 1.2.1_12 (fix version) , 1.2.2_20 (fix version), etc.;

8) Repeat step 4 to step 5, at the end of iteration, produce a new major version such as version 1.3.

9) Repeat step 2 to step 5, to generate new iterative versions such as version 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and so on.

10) End of the milestone, resulting in a milestone version 2.0. Repeat steps 1, generate a new MMF, and Sprint tasks of new iterations, repeat step 2 to step 9, so that cycle, resulting in a serial number of building 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 such versions, and 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 such versions of the each end of iterations, until the end of the election of a new milestone version 3.0 created, follow the same steps for the next Sprint.

Above simply illustrate the method for the specific version form of the release process. The major and minor version upgrades rules and the number of iterations in each milestone needs to base on specific project’s condition. In addition, the “Test Build”, “Release Build”, “Iterative Release”, “Milestone Release” and other related concepts and content please refer to Clearworks “User Manual.”

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3, Powerful Workflow Engine

3-1, Define Various Processes for Project

Operation: Select Company → Select Project → Process, then click the admin icon

,enter the process manage page. You can define a variety of “processes",

such as requirement management processes, product development processes, equipment procurement process, bidding process, outsourcing process, etc... By defining the "Process" and "Activities", "Activities related to Tasks" for effective project management processes can be defined branch merging process, the definition of a good process, the system automatically generates flow chart. This feature of ClearWorks can be used to product lifecycle management (project R & D management), or as a common enterprise BPM (Business Process Management) platforms.

After defined the process, system will generate workflow chart automation as above picture show.

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"Process" constituted by "Activities", as shown above, you can define a variety of activities,"tasks" for activities,and track tasks, decide enter next process when activities completed (or meet some conditions),as shown below:

Through the management of the "activities" related tasks you can track and adjust project schedule,

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determine whether enter into the next process, set automatically enter into another process when the tasks are completed, can also set "trigger event" when process meet some conditions etc., by way of such enterprises can effectively manage all business processes and activities.

4: Product Backlog Management

4-1 New Product Backlog

Operation: Project → Requirement → Add Record → Fill out the name, the details of such information, click the “Create” button to create a new Product Backlog.

Generally in accordance with the requirement Package Type, Feature and User Story 3 levels to organize and manage software requirements, where the feature is equivalent to Product Backlog, the following is the system ready for your project feature-defined list of attributes:

ID - demand for unique identifier. Version - the version of the requirement. Value - the needs of Story Points Issue No - needs the corresponding number of issues Organization to Release - belongs to which iteration cycle. Wiki - connecting WiKi extended content (such as pictures, video, etc.). Priority - there must be important or useful (Feature / Story). Type - the type of the requirement (availability, performance, etc.). Status - whether requirement has been approved, or has been incorporated into some

Sprint (Iteration). Difficulty - a rough guide of the difficult practice to complete the requirement. Risk - the risk of implementation. For example, if the requirement needs of other parts

of the system to have a large change, then there may be a high risk (and thus bring lower of the stability).

Source - indicate and connect the customer’s appropriate e-mail. Creation date - the date of the requirement was created. Last Updated – the date of the requirement last updated. Last updated by - identified who was last updated.

4-2 Establishment of Iterative Cycles

Operation: Project → Release → New Release → fill Release name, begin and end date, description, click the “Add” button to create a new Release.

Note: If you check the “Automatically Generate Iterations”, the system can accord the Release start date, number of iterations to calculate the each end date of period iteration. The system will generate Iterations based on the number of iteration. The auto-generated Iterations have the same

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length of duration. If today is not working day, the system will use the start date to the first working day after today. Similarly, enter the number of iterations; click the “Calculate the end date” button, then the system will calculate same number of working days for each iteration.

A project in ClearWorks includes a number of Releases (Milestone), each Release contains multiple Iterations, and each Iteration contains multiple Builds, organizational development process as follows:

So, release product versions from the bottom to top will generate Build Release, Iteration Release, and Milestone Release. (Please reference section 2.7 “the Scrum process framework diagram” step 2 and 3)

4-3 Classification and Organization of User Story

User Story in general have a certain affiliation, according to their type and attributes organized into “tree structure” in order to view, manage and track.

Operation: Project → Requirement → Packages → Select Product Backlog → Enter the details of the requirement → Edit → Edit Children, on this page, you can add or delete the Product Backlog corresponding User Stories.

Generally in accordance with the requirement Packet Type, Feature, User Story 3 levels to organize and manage software requirements, the specific levels of organization and not subject to any constraints and limitations.

Are as follows:

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Therefore, the team need to ask themselves the following questions when something

completed: When completed a User Story, the corresponding feature is completed? When completed a feature, the corresponding theme (Package) is completed?

When completed a theme (Package) is the system aspect completed?

4-4 New User Story corresponding Test Case

Operation: Requirement List → Select Requirement → Details → Create Test Create a Test Case associated with the User Story directly that is the definition of Acceptance

Test, through such settings; the system of implementation based on the results of Test Case statistics to calculate the User Story test coverage becomes very easy.

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(Please reference section 2.7 “the Scrum process framework diagram” step 6 and 7)

5: Iteration Planning (Sprint Planning)

5-1 Sprint Backlog produced

Program MMF (the smallest feature set), determine the User Stories to achieve within a Sprint iteration cycle, setting the User Stories association with a Release will done this work. According to the priority of Product Backlog and risk (high priority and high risk of Product Backlog scheduled for early iteration) to determine the User Story list to achieve in the iteration. (Please reference section 2.7 “the Scrum process framework diagram” step 4)

ClearWorks requirement management is divided into two phases, the first stage is the requirement analysis, evaluation phase, and the second stage is the requirement implementation phase. The first phase, the task persons responsible for the requirement is mainly Product Manager/Business Analyst, Software Architect, and the second phase of the task of those responsible is mainly software development engineer and testers. The first stage was managed by the “Requirement Management” sub-system, and the second phase was managed by “Issues Management” sub-system. And System provides a Wiki sub-system provides an effective platform for requirement analysis, classification and design, pre-treatment too.

Methods: Requirement → Planning, by dragging and dropping the Feature or User Story to a suitable stage will assign it to a different development cycle.

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The figure shows the Features drop to different product milestones.

The figure shows the User Story drop to different iteration cycle.

Feature or a User Story in arranging for the implementation of chronological, when the mouse stay on the card number, system will automatically display a detailed card information tip.

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After drag and drop User Story to a different iteration, then appropriate adjustments, and lastly by clicking on the “Save” button, the changes will be stored.

View: After user stories be assigned to the iterative cycles, go to the “Issues” sub-system to review corresponding issues. If there does not display the new issues that you created just, you can click the “Reset filter” button to display them. When the issues display as a list, then click the issue number to navigate to the “Issue Details” page, on the page you can found a “Source” link that reverse linked with the original User Story. This link indicates that the Issue is to achieve a User Story. If the Issue type is a software defect, the “Source” link will be a connection that connected with the “Test Result” page of Test sub-system, these type of link indicate that the Issue is to fix a defect, click the link, you can lead to the details of the “Test Execution” result page, on the page the detail of Test Steps will showing, include input and output, log Screenshots, log files, test data and test environment etc. So many tests specific circumstances provides by the link is useful for developer to understand why the defect occur rapidly. Keep the defects come out test environment consistent with development environment is very important.

5-2 Assignments of Tasks in Sprint

The feature (story) should be small enough that it can be done in a few days. – Poppendieck I like to break stories into tasks that individuals take responsibility for and estimate. I think

ownership of tasks goes a long way towards satisfying the human need for ownership. XP Father Beck is taken from “THE ESSENCE OF AGILE”

To add Sprint Tasks, on the “Issue Details” page, click “Add Task” button, then New Task page will appear, the new task name and the Issue has the same name, since the creation of the task is to complete the Issue (to achieve User Story or repair the defect), Therefore, the system default with the same name, you can make a little modification with a measurable name.

In the add New Task page, fill in the upper part of its task name, priority, progress, status;

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lower half page divided into six tags: For more information, dates, dependencies, human resources, other resources, costs are an important information is to arrange the setting, where the only need to fill in the task name and task start, completion date, other options can be modified when needed in the future.

Note that the calculation of the task completion date and duration have two ways: 1,Calculation the duration according to the completion date: click the calendar selection

behind the “completion date” to set a completion date, then click “calculations” behind the “duration”, the system will automatically calculate the duration.

2, Calculation the completion date according to duration: In the text box behind the “expected duration”, directly enter the number of hours or days needed to complete tasks, and then click the “completion date”, the system will automatically calculate the task completion date.

After fill out the task name and set the task duration, click the “Save” button, the new task will be created. System mark out tasks in different colors according to the task status (ongoing/delayed/completed) respectively. Each task can be parent of other tasks, others that is known as the sub-tasks, parent and children will connect with the dotted line.

Sprint tasks generated after a specific Sprint Planning Meeting, they are associated with Sprint Issues, each Issue’s task maybe with different persons to be responsible, as shown bellow, Issue 1 separate two Tasks, Taks1 and Task 2, so team members can claim one or many.

Please reference section 2.7 “the Scrum process framework diagram” step 5

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After Issue tasks are assigned well for the iteration, they can be tracked by click the

drop-down icon near to the Issue type column; the system automatically lists the tasks associated with the issue, you can see the task status, worked and remain hours details etc. as shown above.

6 Development of Code, Process Management

6-1 Develop the code to achieve User Story

ClearWorks provides a powerful WiKi system to help project members to communication and discussion for collaboration with each other on distributed sites.

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Sample verilog source code with syntax highlight.

Sample C++ source code with syntax highlight.

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Sample Java source code with syntax highlight.

Sample TCL source code with syntax highlight.

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Sample Perl source code with syntax highlight.

Sample WiKi article.

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System provides independent WiKi System for each project, the project members can express

a variety of posts. Team members can express their views, posts with pictures, charts, flash and other multimedia content, set up article with different fonts and colors etc. system support 139 kinds of program development language code syntax highlighting and line numbers automatically generate. Such a wealth of performance and practical means of functional design posts and also supports version management and color comparison (Diff), keyword, full-text search and other advanced features. Test scenarios can be easily discussed, vote for code debate, write manuals, documentation, blog and other purposes articles. Posts can be organized into different categories, and the formation of the kinds of hierarchical structure of web pages, to facilitate efficient project knowledge organization and retrieval. Please refer to ClearWorks “User Manual” relevant content.

ClearWorks using Subversion as a version control system built by developers to modify the code to fill out the comment after the relevant information from the notes in the pre-set keywords and other system management information associated with them, so as to achieve the control and management software source code purpose. Sample Notes as follows:

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# 4 status: close time: 6.0.8

# 4 indicates that the version of the submission is to achieve Issue4, status: close indicates that the story has been implemented or that the defect has been repaired. After the code submitted, the Issue’s handler and the monitors of the Issue will receive e-mail notification, tell that the issue have completed and ready for test, so that the tester can run the corresponding Test Cases.

time: 6.0.8, said to achieve the Issue spent 6 hours 0 minutes, but also remaining 8 hours to complete. After the code submitted, ClearWorks will automatically record a task log and update the related task end date with a new calculated date according to the remain hours.

Software Engineer comments by filling out the sample code as described above changes and to correlate a particular Issue.

# 4 status: close time: 6.0

If only records of working hours, then the notes can be written as above. The manager can see this task log on task log page or on the “Log Card” module.

6-2 Record Task logs, Statistics and Adjustment of Working Hours

Operation: Project → Time Card → New log → selection task, enter the working hours and

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log description → click “Save.” Button

Log card is divided into five options: 1. Weekly log card: Provide the project works per week logging, you can filter by

duration and personnel. 2. Date of log: the log by setting the start date, end date of project tasks query logs can be

recorded to identify records submitted by employee inside a week. 3. Staff Log Statistics: by company employees log statistics; you can search per 4-week

length of time. 4. Project Log Statistics: In accordance with individual projects and sectors as well as

spectral statistics, which could be the length of time a week or a date range of qualifications.

5. New Log: as shown above, select the companies, projects and tasks, enter the number of hours worked and description, click on “Save” button to add a log record, in the Project Details page →Task → Select Task → Task log, you can view additional logs, the system automatically calculate the accumulated working time, as shown below.

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For developers, the matter becomes even more simple, just at the code “Check In” time to prepare comment describing work hours can be a new log record not need to use of the “Log Card” for task log registration, refer to the previous section describes.

Log history statistics.

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6-3 Update Task Remained Hours, Resulting in BurnDown Chart Operation: Select Project → Task → Tasks remain hours→ Select “Product Version”, “Iteration” → click OK

The figure as showing above, each User Story could hold multiple tasks, each task have a

cumulative remain hours record by working days. When remain hours reduce by days the number color will be green, if the remain hours increase the number color will be red.

Operation: Select Project → Issues → Statistical Reports → Remaining Work

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6-4 Use the Trigger to Drive the Project Process

ClearWorks offers a variety of triggers to “drive” the project development process so that the whole product life cycle in the “event-driven” efficient coordination mechanism to manage.


Trigger is a mechanism that the system automatically performs some actions at a specific time when the certain conditions meet. As set properties such as test must be executed within a week after the story completed, such as the release must be make within a week after the defect fixed. You can set project stages at a specific duration, such as two hours before the expiration of the time limits; the system will automatically send e-mail notifications.

Trigger Condition: Issue has not been closed The state not changed The responsible person did not changed Issue has not been handled Issue in or not in a state

Trigger Date: After some time of the issue has been created After some time of the issue has been treatment The stage time limit expires before or after the stage duration The state time limit expires before or after the state duration

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Before or after some time when the expiration of a certain date Before or after some time when the trigger start date activate

Setting trigger for issues as show above, you can set a specific stage duration of product

process, such as the duration from development ready to test, the time form test completed to release, so some stages. The system will automatically send e-mail notification when the time limit expires for such stages, please refer to the earlier described as the "trigger conditions", "trigger time" and "actions". Settings for trigger is flexible, which can be set on a single Issue, you can also batch processing of multiple Issues.

The system triggers is a powerful feature, you can set the Issues at some stage, a certain state, a special date, let the system automatically before or after some time limits to execute the pre-defined actions, rather than human intervention, so that the whole product life cycle are in a highly efficient "event-driven" mechanism for efficient collaboration.

6-5 Analysis Kanban Indicators, Project Process Management

ClearWorks offers Kanban to manage the project development process indicators, please refer to 2-6 instructions:

View the WIP limits of each stage; View "Delay Time" of each card; View "Impediment List" within the iteration; Analysis the release statistics to understand release frequency; Analysis the "Lead Time" from release statistics; Analysis the activities of code check in, learn the code quality etc.;

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ScrumBan with queue limits, as showing above, each queue with a WIP limits, and each card have a “Delay Time” and “Details Tip”, for completed issues, the tip will show the total Cycle-Time.

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