Jobs-To-Be- Done Theory Alex Kehr Clayton Christensen’s

Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory

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Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory

Alex Kehr

Clayton Christensen’s

"People don't want a quarter-inch drill, they

want a quarter-inch hole.”-Theodore Levitt

Innovate or Die

• Companies need to innovate or improve their existing products (create a better quarter-inch drill).

• The best innovation happens when you stop studying the product and instead study the job that people are trying to get done.

• By focusing on the job, rather than the product, companies can better predict their growth and need for their product.


The Methodology in Practice

• By focusing on the job-to-be-done, you can understand the customer’s needs and identify which needs are unmet.

• The desired customer outcome should be made easier to achieve by your product, and this will help you get customers.

• You will understand how customers measure value when you focus on the outcome they are trying to achieve.


What the Theory Tells Us

• Using the Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory mindset and philosophy will tell you more about customers, strategy, and products–– and how you need to think about your business and growth/innovation strategy.


Define Your Markets Around the Job-to-Be-Done

• Instead of defining your market by your product, define your market by the job your product helps people accomplish. For example, Uber doesn’t help you get a car, they help you get to a destination.

• Defining your market with this mentality will allow you to discover where there is a struggle and how you can help reduce the struggle that consumers in that market are feeling.


Help Customers Get the Entire Job Done

• Your customers shouldn’t have to use multiple products, from multiple companies, to accomplish their desired outcomes. Give your customers one product to get the entire job done.

• By doing this, you’ll have an easier time creating value for consumers.


Help Customers Get More Jobs Done

• Products evolve over time to help people get more jobs done.

• The Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory tells us that the more jobs that a product can help a customer accomplish, the more valuable the product becomes.

• Think of a Swiss army knife… it gets dozens of jobs done, which makes it a valuable product. A smartphone is similar… you can get thousands of jobs done with a single smartphone.


Design A Business Around a Job-To-Be-Done

• Don’t design your business around a product, design it around a job-to-be-done.

• This will allow your company to be constantly focused on creating solutions that get the job done best.

• Your company will also be better positioned for long-term success and you’ll be more likely to disrupt yourself.


Target People Willing to Pay the Most

• People who are willing to the pay the most are most likely part of an underserved market.

• Targeting an underserved market is the fastest way to generate revenue.

• Example: Customers were willing to pay 5 times more for the Next product because it helps people with “achieving personal comfort” better than competitors.


Focus on Getting a Customer Job Done Better

• You should be spending your R&D and M&A efforts on helping a customer job get done better.

• By focusing your R&D and M&A efforts on helping a customer get a job done better, it will be more likely that your more experimental business growth efforts will be successful.


What is the Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory?

• The Jobs-To-Be-Done theory says that people buy products and services to get jobs done.

• While products come and go, the underlying job-to-be-done does no go away, and people need products to complete these jobs.


Let the Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory Guide You

This Theory Will Help You Be More Successful

• The products that win focus on helping people accomplish jobs better, faster, and stronger.

• Knowing where your customers struggle will help you formulate better products and a stronger business.

• This theory will help you win and create a business positioned for longevity.


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