A Special Edition of the Guide to Internet Word of Mouth: Internet and IWOM shape the Sichuan earthquake aftermath Report Period: May, 2008 Report Date: May 27, 2008 CIC Contact: [email protected]

IWOM Watch - Sichuan Earthquake Special Edition

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A report on how Internet and Social Media shape the Sichuan earthquake aftermath.

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A Special Edition of the Guide to Internet Word of Mouth:Internet and IWOM shape the Sichuan earthquake aftermath

Report Period: May, 2008

Report Date: May 27, 2008

CIC Contact: [email protected]

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Special Edition, May 2008 (Please click here for info on how you can help) 2

Report Content• Editorial Summary

• Overview

• IWOM unites the country by offering information, prayers and relief

• BBS• Blogs • Microblogging • Video Sharing Sites• SNS • Instant Messenger

• Websites create new applications to mobilize netizens

• Netease creates interactive map for accessing survivor comments and information by location

• Searching IWOM: Google sets up “survivor search engine” to facilitate the search for lost relatives

• Sina Green Ribbon Campaign unites citizens both online and off• Over 20 million RMB donated to the earthquake through Tencent’s online donation page• E-Commerce Donations: Alibaba mobilizes its merchants and payment platform to facilitat

e donations


• How you can help donate and contribute to the cause• Recommended reading

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Editorial Summary

May 12, 2008, 14:28 will be a time and date remembered by those in China forever. The memory of the catastrophic earthquake in Sichuan province that happened that day is tattooed onto our brains just like 9/11/01 is for Americans. May 12 is when time stopped; when the country stood still. It is when, for one of the most memorable times in recent history, Chinese united together around one event in a massive show of solidarity that demonstrates the strength of this powerful nation.

For anyone who knows China, the fact that the Internet and Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) served as a central platform for the nation to share the latest information, to help out and to grieve should come as no surprise. At last count, China has 210 million Internet users and likely now has more users than any other country in the world. Chinese netizens are also among the most engaged in the world, with some reports suggesting that 98% have created content for BBS, blogs and other forms of IWOM. The netizens were out in full force during the week following the event: major portals hosted over 23 million netizen comments and blogs with over 12.6 million comments.

We have put together a special IWOM watch report on the power of the Internet, IWOM and netizens. Perhaps more than 9/11, more than Katrina, the Sichuan earthquake is the prime example of how engaged netizens can play such a significant role in sharing and even shaping the news. From the Wenchuan native posting landing instructions for a military relief helicopter on BBS to Netease setting up an interactive map to make it easier to find messages written by victims and relatives, there is much to be learned from these innovative uses of Internet and Web 2.0 technology. The rest of the world should look to the Chinese response on the Internet as a model and as a source of inspiration on how to react in similar times of crisis.

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Overview: Internet and IWOM generates massive volume of content

• As of 10pm on May 19, one week after the tragic disaster, People Net, Xinhua Net, CCTV and China.cin published approximately 123,000 items (including photos, texts, audiovisual items) about the earthquake disaster. 

• Sina.com, Sohu.com, NetEase and QQ published 133,000 news items.  The above eight websites received 11.6 billion page views to these items, with about 10.63 million comments.

• Blogs, vlogs and IM tools played an important role in the disaster relief efforts.  At Sina.com, Sohu.com and NetEase, the number of blog posts exceeded 233,000 with 2.36 billion page views and more than 12.6 million comments.

• Audiovisual items were also a special characteristic.  In the earthquake reports, People Net, Xinhua Net, China.com and CCTV published 4,830 video clips and 1,500 audio clips.  Sina.com, Sohu.com, NetEase and QQ published 6,113 video clips and 3,827 audio clips.

(Source: Hexun Media; Translation: EastSouthNorthWest Blog)

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Picture source reference: http://club.pchome.net/topic_1_15_2609906___.html

Overview: Sample shared photos and comments

"I do not feel regret for losing my leg.  What I regret is having not rescued more of my classmates.” (link)

" 不后悔,后悔的是我没有救出更多的同学。 "

"Dry your tears, let's start from the beginning.” (link)

" 把眼泪擦干 我们重新开始 "

"People in Sichuan are brave, iron-willed and unbending!” (link)


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By Solider:

“Please let me go to the frontlines, I can save one more!” (link)

“求求你们让我再去救一个 我还能再救一个”

Picture source reference: http://club.pchome.net/topic_1_15_2609906___.html

By Nurse working in Sichuan

“No tears in our eyes does not mean we don't feel sad. There are too many patients to care for so we have no time to feel sad.” (link)


Overview: Sample shared photos and comments

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Pictures created by netizen (Chunjuan), source reference : http://club.pchome.net/topic_2_3_289833__.html

Overview: Catastrophe brings the country together

In the wake of this tragic event, Chinese citizens in China and around the world have united in support of the earthquake victims.

The series of “Go China! 中国加油 !” photos are an excellent example of this. One netizen uploaded these touching high resolution photos inspiring Chinese citizens to join together in supporting the cause.

Many other movements have grown from the grassroots, uniting China and leaving it stronger in the aftermath of the catastrophe.

By Premier Wenjiabao:

“Don't cry , we Chinese will always be united.” (link)

“ 不哭,我们在一起 .”

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IWOM unites the country by offering information, prayers and relief

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BBS, the dominant online community platform in China, became the core source for information exchange about the Sichuan earthquake.

On all major BBS forums, netizens can easily access conversation threads with titles such as “live updates” from the region posted by observers. Some might find this similar to the function of microblogging sites like Twitter

These live, first person accounts brought unprecedented immediacy and personalization to the coverage unmatched by traditional media.

Sample Thread 1: [ 灾情目击 ] 四川 8.0 级地震专题 ( 不断更新 ) / [Witness of the disaster] Sichuan 8.0M earthquake special reporting thread (will continuously update throughout aftermath) Page View: 13,431 Reply: 330 Link: here

Sample Thread 2: [ 亲身经历 ]2008 年 5 月 14日 都江堰灾区摄影 / [personal experience] 2008.5.14 photographing in Dujiangyan disaster areaPage View: 52,480 Reply: 515 Link: here返回成都时已经太晚 , 正在担心已经没车回来的时候却有两个志愿者愿意带我们回成都 , 在这里特别感谢一下 ... 下面开始传照片It was very late when I returned to Chengdu (after photographing). I was worried I would not find a taxi, but two volunteers picked me up. I appreciate them so much… Now I am going to upload photos.

论坛成为强大的个人实时报道平台BBS enable “live, first person" updates, on the ground perspectives and personalized reporting

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Post transferred through IM: “Please do not let this poster down… please do your best to transfer the information so that the government can see it and take action” (Link)

A college student in Chengdu, originally from the epicenter Wenchuan, successfully assisted the army find a landing platform for a relief helicopter by posting a message with the suggested location and her contact information on Baidu Post Bar and QQ. The post asked netizens to forward the message to the appropriate contacts. The message was re-posted on BBS portals and transferred via IM and within hours the information reached the headquarters for emergency relief and the helicopter was able to land successfully.

Original Post: “I know a good location for helicopter landing… the topography there is flat with good field of vision…Please help rescue the victims and my family members. Anyone who knows how to contact the main disaster relief organization please call me immediately. My phone number is 135××××××××. “Link

女大学生利用论坛直接引导军队救援BBS helps a college student direct a military rescue


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More than any other channel, blogs in China serve as personal diaries. In the wake of the catastrophe, blogs became a platform for grieving and prayer for the victims and their families. Popular blog sites like Sina blog, Sohu blog, Blogbus all have hundreds of thousands of entries discussing and sharing personal accounts and feelings towards the tragic event.

Blogs become a platform for public sharing of prayer and hope

Typing keyword “pray + earthquake” on NetEase Blog search, yields more than 334,000 blog articles on praying. (link)

Sample Quote: 祈福  / Pray (link)

5 月 12 日的汶川地震让我们这一辈子都会刻骨铭心,这也是我第一次亲身经历地震,这次的损失惨重,但这并不可怕,只要我们有重建家园的决心就行,让我们都为灾区人民祈福吧!! We will never forget the earthquake that occurred on May 12th, 2008 and even though it caused a huge amount of damage, as long as we have the resolution to rebuild the homes, then it is not so frightening. Let us pray for the people living in the earthquake area!


Prayer: Let’s pray for the victims that everything will be recovered and rebuilt.

Prayer: My heart is broken, all I can do is pray for the other victims.

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Microblogging site Twitter breaks the news of the earthquake to the world

After the earthquake, many passionate netizens set up accounts on microblogging sites, like Fanfou and Jiwaide, to help broadcast the latest updates on the status of the earthquake and organize immediate aid solutions to help the victims.

Among these microblogging sites, Twitter broke the news of the earthquake to the English speaking world. Well-known blogger and active twitter user, Robert Scoble, based in California, is said to have broken the news of the earthquake before not only CNN and BBC, but even before the US Geological Survey (see screenshot).

One Dutch “twitterer” living in Chengdu provided on-the-ground updates from Chengdu and served as an amateur reporter garnering almost immediate interview requests from major international media such as the BBC.




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Emotional Netizen Edited Video (link)

Netizens leveraged the power and reach of video sharing sites to contribute visible information of personal accounts and experiences. In particular, video sharing sites were used to spread the following information:

• TV and news programs;

• Status reports and up-to-date accounts on the earthquake stricken regions;

• First hand records from the scene of the earthquake stricken areas;

• Personal videos which display heartbreaking and emotional moments from victims and survivors;

Many netizen-generated videos dedicated to mourning victims have received massive numbers of page views and overflowing comments.Top 10 most viewed videos on Tudou

are all related to the earthquake

TV program republished (link)

Video Sharing Sites: Netizens upload powerful accounts and self edited memorial videos

Netizen filmed video first hand (link)


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SNS unite overseas Chinese communities in support社交性网站集结海外华人团体对祖国灾区的支持

Social networking sites (SNS) also served as a popular platform for community information sharing and support for earthquake victims.

For example, overseas Chinese students in the UK organized a group on Facebook encouraging students to offer fresh flowers and express messages of condolences. The ability to communicate through the Internet has enabled all Chinese nationals, regardless of which country they reside in, to unite together in support of the earthquake victims.

5.18 overseas students in England get together for the candle light prayer

Online priest for Wenchuan earthquake victims

Painful mourning, send a (virtual) bouquet of flowers to the victims

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Instant Messenger icons become expressions of support即时通讯工具成为人们向地震受难者传递祝福的平台

The “Love China” initiative on MSN messenger from April took on taken on a new form following the earthquake in Sichuan. On May 12, immediately following the disaster, netizens spontaneously changed their instant message icon from “I Love China” to “I Love Sichuan” to show their support and respect for the earthquake victims.

Following this grassroots movement, Toyota and MSN jointly launched a “rainbow” signature initiative on MSN. For each “rainbow” signature added to a screen name, MSN donates 0.1 RMB to the earthquake area and Toyota matches this donation. This initiative quickly turned into a phenomena, with 5,995,233 MSN messenger users participating in the campaign as of May 27th. Danwei, among other sites have reported on the success of this campaign.

L-China initiative on MSN Rainbow signature initiative on MSN MSN and Toyota joint campaign

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Websites create new applications to mobilize netizens

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Portal site Netease created a map which survivors can use to upload real time reports on their location and provide updates on relief efforts and needs. In addition, they can reassure others of their safety and families can search for missing members using this map function by clicking on different locations, and digging through the messages. Each blinking dot represents a location where survivors have uploaded information both on themselves and the status of their particular location.


Click on a point on map to read messages relatives and victims related to that area. Link

“Does this site have your relatives?” Netease website launched a platform to search for survivors.

Xiao Xuebing: Mianyang’s Xuexue--- if you see my post, please contact me; if anyone knows any information about this person, please let me know, thanks a lot.Re by Volunteer 2345: We have not received any news about her, please wait patiently.

Netease creates interactive map for accessing survivor comments and information by location

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- Photos of Wenchuan Earthquake

Searching IWOM: Google sets up “survivor search engine” to facilitate the search for lost relatives 亲人搜索:寻找失踪的灾区亲人

On May 16, Google officially launched a special page dedicated to the earthquake which aggregates content from thousands of forums dedicated to finding earthquake victims, earthquake news update and donation information. Google created a special search engine where netizens can easily type their relative’s name into the search box to look for their family members across multiple survivor search forums. Sina and Netease also launched easy-to-use people search applications on their websites and popular communities like QQ and Baidu Tieba have specific forums dedicated to helping users find survivors.

Related information

- Find your relative

- Earthquake news update

- Blog on earthquake- Discussion Forum

- Map of the Wenchuan earthquake situation

- Satellite map of quake area

Type your relatives’ names here to see if the search result comes up in any forum dedicated to seek people lost in the quake

Map of blood donation location consolidated on the pageMap of material donation and transportation update

on the page

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Sina Green Ribbon Campaign unites citizens both online and off新浪“绿丝带”活动线上线下呼唤希望

Portal site Sina launched a green ribbon campaign on May 14 in support of the Wenchuan earthquake victims. Netizens have the ability to spread the message and build the “green ribbon community” by posting green ribbon icons on blogs or MSN. Additionally, netizens can wear the green ribbon offline to show their support for Sina’s campaign. The campaign creates a community that extends both online and off and calls for donations from all society members, organizes relief efforts, enlists volunteers and shows national support for the soldiers and aid workers.

What does Green stand for? Peace, Life and Hope.

Green Ribbon:

Sina netizens take action.

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Over 20 million RMB donated to the earthquake through Tencent’s online donation page 腾讯捐款助力,募捐平台募集已逾 2 千万元人民

Tencent QQ set up a special earthquake page to update the latest news surrounding the Wenchuan earthquake. A special news comment section allows netizens to share their compassion for the earthquake victims.

In addition, Tencent also built up a separate page to help facilitate money donations for post-earthquake re-construction. The site includes an online payment system to make transactions more efficient and convenient for users to contribute donations.

As of May 25th, 300,399 people donated to a total of 22,604,554 RMB to the relief efforts in Sichuan through QQ’s donation channel.

Other sites with donation pages include, Taobao, Yeepay.com, NetEase, and Douban.

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E-Commerce Donations: Alibaba mobilizes its merchants and payment platform to facilitate donations 阿里巴巴利用各种电子商务渠道募集捐款

Alibaba, the dominant e-commerce community site in China, responds to the earthquake by providing e-commerce channels for donation and support.

• Taobao launched a campaign, which called for Taobao sellers to participate by donating a portion of their sales revenue to the cause.

• Alipay also set up a quick donation channel based on, its own e-payment platform.

• Alimama encourage its users (webmaster) to replace ads on their websites with PSA ads to call for donation.

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For a more comprehensive list of donation channels, please see here for English and here for Chinese:

Here’s how you can help donate and contribute to the cause

Below is a list of some of the top earthquake relief organizations in China:

• 中国红十字总会: Red Cross Society of China http://www.redcross.org.cn/

• 中华慈善总会: China Charity Association http://www.chinacharity.cn

• 中国红十字基金会: Chinese Red Cross Foundation


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• How the Chinese Internet Becomes a Platform for Earthquake Grief (A local perspective)

• Earthquake Relief Efforts on China’s Web

• China: Time to pray

Below please find some recommended articles and blog posts in English for further reading on the power of the Internet and IWOM around the earthquake:

Recommended Reading

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