IT Governance Edmonton ICD Governance Forum Bill Clark Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission April 25, 2012

IT Governance for Board Members

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An introduction to IT Governance for corporate board members.

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Page 1: IT Governance for Board Members

IT GovernanceEdmonton ICD Governance Forum

Bill ClarkAlberta Gaming and Liquor Commission

April 25, 2012

Page 2: IT Governance for Board Members

1. Is IT a Topic for the Board?2. Current and Emerging IT Trends3. IT Governance4. Questions to Ask Your CEO5. Questions / Comments


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◦ Technical

◦ Focused on formal governance frameworks

◦ Beyond the scope of any Corporate Director

What It is Not

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Most organizations are highly dependent upon their IT systems

Major IT initiatives involve major risks, large capital expenditures, and significant trauma to the organization

The pace of technology change continues to be very fast

IT and the Board

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“IT Governance is the responsibility of the board of directors and executive management. It is an integral part of enterprise governance and consists of the leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure that the organisation’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives.” IT Governance Institute

IT and the Board

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Some Current IT Trends

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What is It?◦ The demand for IT continues to increase◦ Colleges are producing fewer IT graduates◦ “Boomers” are starting to retire

Why is it Important?◦ Supporting legacy applications is becoming more

difficult◦ Recruitment and retention of human resources

with the necessary skill sets in new technologies is becoming more difficult

IT Trends – Manpower Shortages

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What is It?◦ Connectivity of everything to everything◦ Access 24 / 7 / 365◦ SOA [Services Oriented Architecture]

Why is it Important?◦ Internet enabled applications◦ PCs -> Laptops -> Tablets -> Smart Phones◦ Security

IT Trends – The Network Is King

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What is It?◦ Browser based applications ◦ Massive data◦ Centralized control

Why is it Important?◦ Mainframe skills are in short supply◦ Mainframes are expensive◦ Sharing [Outsourcing] may be appropriate

IT Trends – The Mainframe Isn’t Dead

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What is it?◦ Separation of physical and logical storage◦ Virtual storage (you don’t know where data is

stored or on what device)

Why is it important?◦ Reliance upon 3rd parties (good and bad)◦ Data crossing borders◦ An answer to continual hardware/software

upgrades (?)

IT Trends – Cloud Computing

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What is it?◦ FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, …◦ Accessible at any time from anywhere on any

device◦ Instant!

Why is it important?◦ Communication method of choice for a significant

portion of the population and growing dramatically

IT Trends – Social Media

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What is the trend?◦ From 1.0 (Static Information Presentation) to

◦ 2.0 (Interactive Transaction Processing) to◦ 3.0 (Smart Applications / Data Intensive) to ◦ 4.0 (???)

Why is it important?◦ The platform for Social Media◦ Sophisticated [complex] architectures◦ New skill sets required

IT Trends – The Internet

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What is it?◦ Bring Your Own Device◦ Staff use of personal Smart Phones, Laptops, and

Tablets for company business

Why is it Important?◦ Complexity [Support of Multiple Platforms]◦ Security / Confidentiality◦ Liability

IT Trends - BYOD

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What is it?◦ Separate IT organizations to “Keep the Lights On”

vs. Plan and Introduce New Functionality

Why is it Important?◦ Radically different skill sets are required◦ Dedicated resources are required for both

IT Trends – Separation of Strategic From Operational IT

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What is it?◦ Use of 3rd party organizations to provide IT services◦ Can be Hardware / Application Support / Help Desk◦ Can be local, regional or international

Why is it Important?◦ Can help address IT skill shortages◦ Can allow the business to focus on its primary

mandate◦ Often gets screwed up

IT Trends - Outsourcing

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What is it?◦ Formal training and certification of Project

Managers, Business Analysts, Programmers, Security Specialists, …

◦ Periodic re-certification

Why is it important?◦ Base level competency◦ Common terminology◦ The business of IT constantly changes

IT Trends – Formal Credentials

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What is it?◦ Use of powerful software tools to sift through

massive amounts of data to extract trends◦ Sophisticated reporting◦ Includes: Data Cleanup / “Deduping” /


Why is it Important?◦ Stability of data over time◦ Reliability of data – definitional issues◦ FOIP

IT Trends - Analytics

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What is it?◦ A vendor raises the bar by offering everything the

competition has plus more - and sometimes for less

Why is it Important?◦ “Best of Breed” is a transient measure◦ Both IT professionals and IT users often get into

“religious wars” concerning what is best◦ The reality is that the range of technology

solutions will change soon

IT Trends - Leapfrogging

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What is it?◦ Providing the necessary tools to allow IT

personnel and others to work from home◦ Hardware / network access / security

Why is it Important?◦ Preferred method of working for many◦ Cost savings?◦ “Green”◦ Helps keep young mothers in the workforce

IT Trends – Work From Home

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IT Governance

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What is it?◦ Alignment of IT with Business◦ Introduction and use of formal frameworks to guide

IT investment and use◦ Identify and mitigate risks◦ Confirm that value is commensurate with


Why is it Important?◦ Places accountability in the right places◦ Transparency◦ A baseline to audit against

IT Governance

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How are IT decisions made? Who makes them?

Who owns accountability for IT – your IT Dept. or your IT users?

Is investment in IT planned and continuous or ad hoc and infrequent?

Are major projects given sufficient transparency?

Formal approaches exist and require investment

IT Governance – Some of the Issues

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Questions for Your CEOA Starter Set

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Is succession planning well in hand? [How old is your IT leadership team?]

Are we using a formal IT control methodology such as COBIT or ISO?

Do we have PMPs (certified Project Management Professionals) leading all strategic projects?

Do we have external oversight on all large and/or strategic projects?

Ask Your CEO

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How many “failed” projects has your PM and team experienced? [Too many should raise a flag. None should also raise a flag. How experienced is your PM? Good PMs tend to get pulled into failing projects.]

How long since the last major project? What has changed - Technology platform? Architecture? Key Users? Methodology? Major business transformation? Regulatory rules? The project complexity [risk] increases significantly with each new component.

Ask Your CEO - continued

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Has the primary business user been through a large IT project before?

How will the day-to-day responsibilities of users seconded to the project be handled?

[“I also have a 9 to 5 job!”]

Who is leading the Change Management? [New processes, new job specs., re-training, org. design, communications plan, …] Has this team done it before?

Ask Your CEO - continued

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Who owns the project and is ultimately accountable?

Do they have the authority to:◦ Change dates? ◦ Reallocate user resources? ◦ Reduce or add functionality? ◦ Change the project budget?◦ Hire external resources?

Ask Your CEO -continued

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In Conclusion

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The Board does have a role in the oversight of Information Technology

The basic questions that need to be addressed are not technical

Formal methodologies and models exist and are important

Good IT governance requires training and investment


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Questions / Comments ?