Investing in Research Station (RiceTec press conference)

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SOBRE A RICETEC A RiceTec surgiu em 1990 no Sul do Texas, Estados Unidos. Em sua fazenda, além de produzir arroz, desenvolvia tecnologia para melhorar geneticamente suas diferentes especialidades. Os primeiros cruzamentos feitos com sementes híbridas de arroz aconteceram em 1985 e em 1993, através de contrato assinado com o HHRRC – Centro de Pesquisa de Arroz Híbrido de Hunan, na China, para o desenvolvimento de arroz híbrido. Mostrando pioneirismo, em 2000 a RiceTec lançou o primeiro híbrido comercial nos Estados Unidos. Hoje os híbridos RiceTec Inc. cobrem uma área de 370 mil hectares no país. No mesmo ano a empresa investiu na abertura de novos mercados e começou a operar na América latina, onde atua há 14 anos no melhoramento, pesquisa e desenvolvimento, produção e comercialização de sementes híbridas de arroz. Está presente na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai. Na Argentina, além do trabalho de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de híbridos, estão localizados os campos de produção e uma moderna planta de beneficiamento de sementes. Possui, em seu portfólio, híbridos com o sistema de tolerância a herbicidas que combina a produtividade com herbicidas de alta eficiência e seletividade para a cultura é hoje uma das mais importantes ferramentas de manejo na lavoura de arroz irrigado para o controle de arroz vermelho.

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RiceTec Porto Alegre - RS

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World Rice Production


million t 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Var

Beginning stock 80 92 94 97 3,3%

Production 447 441 451 463 2,6%

China 134 137 137 141 2,6%

India 99 89 96 102 6,3%

Indonesia 38 36 36 37 5,1%

Bangladesh 31 31 33 34 2,4%

Vietnã 24 25 26 26 -0,6%

Tailandia 20 20 20 20 0,2%

Burma 10 11 11 11 -2,3%

Filipinas 11 10 11 11 1,0%

Japan 8,0 7,7 7,7 7,6 -1,0%

Brazil 8,6 7,9 9,3 7,8 -15,9%

USA 6,5 7,1 7,6 5,9 -22,6%

Others 56 59 57 60 5,4%

Consumption 436 438 448 460 2,6%

Ending stocks 92 94 97 100 3,0%

Stock/Use 21% 22% 22% 22%

Source: USDA (fev/12). Elaboration: MB Agro

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• In the next 40 years, the world’s

population will surpass 9 billion.

• More than 1 billion people in the

world today are considered “food

insecure” (900 million live in

developing countries)*.

Globally, hybrid rice will continue to increase food

security for a growing population.

* World Food Programme, 2010.

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RiceTec is the first company to commercialize

hybrid rice seed in North and South America

Rice, wheat and maize are the three major food crops in the world. Together they directly supply more than 50% of all calories consumed by the entire human population.

Rice occupies 154 million hectares, provides 21% of global human per capita energy and 15% protein.

World wide rice yields will need to increase by 50-70%.

Our vision . . . RiceTec aspires to be the leading supplier of hybrid rice technologies for Rice farming in the markets we serve.

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Rice is a naturally a self pollinating crop

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The Heterosis Hybrid rice gives a significant advantage over varieties

Breeders can make progress faster in

hybrids than in the varieties.

• China lead Hybrids technology, first

introduction 1976


Línea A



Diseases and

other stress


Línea R



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25% less cultivated acres.

17% less N fertilizer.

More root mass.

33% less water for irrigation.

Earlier maturity (7-10 days).

25% less chemical pesticides.

Best in class disease tolerance.

Increased tillering, faster to


40% less energy overall.

Hybrids have more to offer than just yield. Hybrids require

less inputs, are more sustainable and have a smaller carbon


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Hybrids technology adoption

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RiceTec global presence



C. America

Andean Region



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Research & Development Spend

$75MM invested over the past 5 years

Equals more Rice research than all universities, public

institutes combined of Mercosur

$130MM projected in the next 5 years

Future projected investment in Sta Maria- Brazil and India


$ 8MM (R$ 20M) Direct to Sta Maria Research Station

Buildings, land and equipments in the next 2 years

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Extensive Research and Technology

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