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Page 1: Institutions

What kind of media institution might distribute you product and why?

Page 2: Institutions

An institution is a company which distributes different styles of media products like Bauer makes and distributes both Kerrang and Q two completely different magazine and music channels.Another big media institution is IPC which is the distributors of Q magazine and many other things. Future is a big institution which distribute the big magazine Metal hammer and many other products across many different topics.

Page 3: Institutions

Identify which of the major UK publishing companies you would like to distribute your magazine.

If I had the choice between all the great institutions out there I would choose the massive company Bauer. This is because it is one of the biggest media institutions and would be able to provide a bigger budget which would mean I could afford a better photographer and better writers. Another reason is because it would be better distributed because they already have so many different magazines being distributed all over the world and if more are distributed it is likely to sell more which means more money .

Page 4: Institutions

Think about how your magazine, as a product, could be extended into other media areas.

If I published my magazine through Bauer then I would be able to make the magazine Rock On! Into many other forms of media because Bauer have already done that with many different magazines like Kerrang. I would probably start it off as a radio station and then see how it went from there and then maybe try and make it into a television programme. This would be a lot harder with some of the smaller media groups because they would not have as much money and would not have the previous knowledge of how to expand into other media areas such as radio or TV.