Mary Hingst David Long, Ryan Vannier, Matt Parsons Identifying Historical Identifying Historical States of Balance States of Balance (Steady (Steady State/Equilibrium) in State/Equilibrium) in Lakes Using Sediment Lakes Using Sediment Chronologies of Redox- Chronologies of Redox- Sensitive Metals Sensitive Metals

Indentifying Redox Steady States In Lake Sediments

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Page 1: Indentifying Redox Steady States In Lake Sediments

Mary HingstDavid Long, Ryan Vannier, Matt Parsons

Identifying Historical States of Identifying Historical States of Balance (Steady Balance (Steady

State/Equilibrium) in Lakes State/Equilibrium) in Lakes Using Sediment Chronologies Using Sediment Chronologies

of Redox-Sensitive Metalsof Redox-Sensitive Metals

Page 2: Indentifying Redox Steady States In Lake Sediments

Purpose• If biogeochemical cycles in a lake attain a

balance with the flow of chemicals from watersheds, will redox conditions in the lake sediments enter a steady-state and will this pattern be reflected in vertical chemical profiles?

• Or simply put, can historical periods of redox equilibrium be identified lake sediments?

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Why Lake Sediments?• Lake sediments have

proven excellent records for past environmental changes (e.g. climate change, logging, pollution…)

• Preservation of elemental profiles in lake sediments may yield insight into historical balances.

• Similar patterns have been observed in Lake Superior


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(Eby 2004)

What is Redox?• Reduction-oxidation• Oxidation is the loss of electrons

(becomes more positive)• Reduction is the gain of electrons

(becomes more negative)• Redox reaction signifies a transfer of


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(Eby 2004, Langmuir 1997)

What is Eh?• “…the electromotive force of any reaction

measured relative to the standard hydrogen electrode.” (Eby 2004)

• Reduction or redox potential• Measures the tendency for an element to

acquire electrons (volts)• A greater positive value means a greater

electron affinity (more likely to be reduced)• A greater negative value corresponds to a lower

electron affinity (more likely to be oxidized)

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(Brookins 1988)

Redox Conditions/Reactions• Manganese

– Mn2+↔ MnO2 (Mn(II) ↔ Mn(IV)) Eh: 0.54• Uranium

– UO2OH+↔ UO2(OH)3 (U(IV) ↔ U(VI)) Eh: 0.2• Molybdenum

– MoO2 ↔ MoO4

2- (Mo(IV) ↔ Mo(VI)) Eh: -0.1

• Iron– Fe2+↔ Fe3O4 (Fe(II) ↔ Fe(III)) Eh: -0.2

• Arsenic– H3AsO3 ↔ H2AsO4

- (As(III) ↔ As(V)) Eh: -0.18

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Theoretical Sediment Concentration Profiles at Redox Equilibrium












0 2 4 6 8 1 0


Eh (V




MoAs Fe

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Hypothesis• Once the system has reached a balance

with chemicals off the watershed, redox conditions will also enter a steady-state and vertical sediment concentration patterns would reflect this

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Approach• Sediment cores

collected from the deepest part of Elk Lake

• Concentrations were determined and then normalized to the highest concentration in the core in order to plot on one graph

• Peaks in concentration were compared to thermodynamic patterns

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Methods• Cores were

collected aboard the U.S. EPA R/V Mudpuppy in 1999

• Immediately sectioned onshore into 0.5cm intervals for the top 5cm then 1.0cm intervals

• Sediments were freeze-dried

• Nitric acid digestions were used to dissolve sediments

• Samples were analyzed via ICPMS

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Elk Lake











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1Normalized Concentrations


th (c







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Elk Lake










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Normalized ConcentrationsD









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Results• Mn peaks at first sample (0.5cm)• Mo, Fe, and As peak at second sample

(1.0cm)• U does not peak until 8cm• The order from the Eh diagram

Mn, U, Mo, As, Fe

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A Closer Look at Molybdenum

• Mo peaks at the second sample (0.36 mg/kg). The first sample’s concentration was 0.35, while the third was 0.11

• Having such similar concentrations in the top two samples suggests the ‘true’ peak layer lies between 0.5-1.0cm

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A Closer Look at Arsenic• The top 3 samples for As had the values

of 12.01(0.5cm), 36.81(1.0cm), and 23.01(1.5cm)

• The peak concentration is only slightly closer to the lower sample meaning the ‘true’ peak layer lies just below the 1.0cm mark

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A Closer Look at Fe• Fe had values of 10,973.39, 19,587.21,

and 16,091.84 for the first 1.5cm of sediment

• The peak concentration is much closer in value to the sample below than to the sample above

• The ‘true’ peak layer lies somewhere between 1.0cm and 1.5cm

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So…• Using the estimated ‘true’ peaks, the

order from top to bottom is… Mn > Mo > As > Fe > U

• The Eh diagram had the order of… Mn > U > Mo > As > Fe

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The problem with Uranium• When Mn and Fe are at their peaks, U is

at a minimum• The peaks of Mn and Fe signify an

oxidized zone• Uranium (VI) easily forms carbonates

which are very soluble

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Conclusions• From the graphs and numerical values, the

elements follow the redox pattern at the top of cores

• The patterns are temporal and not preserved at depth; hypothesis is not supported

• The lack of patterns at depth is possibly do to chemical changes in the sediment that worked to erase the pattern (conditions changed over time)

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How to improve this study?• For a more definite pattern, thinner

sections would need to be collected• Pore water needs to be collected and

analyzed to prove U dissolves out• A more oligotrophic lake may preserve

pattern in deeper sediment

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References• Brookins, Douglas G. Eh-PH diagrams for geochemistry.

Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.• Eby, G. Nelson. Principles of environmental

geochemistry. Pacific Grove, Calif: Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2004.

• Japan. Geological Survey. Atlas of Eh pH Diagrams - Intercomparison of Thermodynamic Databases. By Naoto Takeno. May 2005. Nat. Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. 10 Apr. 2009 <http://www.gsj.jp/GDB/openfile/files/no0419/openfile419e.pdf>.

• Langmuir, Donald. Aqueous environmental geochemistry. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1997.