© 2010 IDC 1 External Publication of IDC Information and Data — Any IDC information that is to be used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written approval from the appropriate IDC Vice President or Country Manager. A draft of the proposed document should accompany any such request. IDC reserves the right to deny approval of external usage for any reason. Copyright 2011 IDC Canada. Reproduction without written permission is completely forbidden.

IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 1: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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© 2010 IDC


External Publication of IDC Information and Data — Any IDC information that is to be used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written approval from the appropriate IDC Vice President or Country Manager. A draft of the proposed document should accompany any such request. IDC reserves the right to deny approval of external usage for any reason.Copyright 2011 IDC Canada. Reproduction without written permission is completely forbidden.

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Page 2: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Each year, IDC surveys over 400,000 technology

© 2010 IDC



Each year, IDC surveys over 400,000 technology users and decision makers around the world

�Global Perspective

�Fact-Based Insights and Actionable Advice

�Deep Segmentation

�High Quality Methodology

�Customer Service-Focused

Page 3: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 4: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 5: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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An explosion of new solutions built on the new platform

The Third Platform forIT Industry Growth & Innovation

© 2010 IDC


By 2020, the ICT industry reaches $5 trillion — $1.7 trillion larger than it is today

Page 6: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #1 Mobile Devices Boost Canada’s ICT growth

© 2010 IDC


Canada’s ICT growth

Page 7: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC


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Page 8: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #2 Pure Play Offshore IT Outsourcing Vendors

© 2010 IDC


Outsourcing Vendors Break a Billion

Page 9: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC


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• Offshoring est. 14.3%growth for 2012-2015

• Top five Indian firms will each generate in excess of

Offshoring has become mainstream

© 2010 IDC


each generate in excess of $100 million in Canada

• Growth driven by cost savings, access to labour and expansion of Canada’s global businesses

Page 10: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #3 Growth in Application Software will be Cloud-

© 2010 IDC


Software will be Cloud-based

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• 27% Cloud SaaS (Apps+ADD+SIS) growth

• Wave of vendor acquisitions

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© 2010 IDC


Source: IT Advisory Panel N7 2011

acquisitions • IDC believes that a number of other first generation SaaS players are also likely to be taken out

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Source: IDC Canada BITAP N3 2011

Page 12: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #4 A New Breed of Channel Partner Forms

© 2010 IDC


Partner Forms

Page 13: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 14: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #5 Private Cloud Leads New Era in Infrastructure

© 2010 IDC


Era in Infrastructure

Page 15: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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• More convergence -> fewer things to maintain for understaffed IT

Private cloud surpasses 10% of virtual server deployments

Management toolbox reaches new level of sophistication

© 2010 IDC


• Workload optimization -> answers customers’ demands for simplicity & better service• New mgmt processes and tools -> play critical role to ensure governance plans for mobile, analytics, social and cloud aren’t fumbled in execution

Page 16: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #6 Foreign Carrier will enter the Canadian


China UnicomChina Telecom

© 2010 IDC


enter the Canadian Market

China UnicomChina Telecom

Page 17: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Three options for amending the Telecom Act:

• abolish all restrictions outright

• increase the limit of foreign investment to

© 2010 IDC


foreign investment to 49%; or

• *eliminate restrictions for companies whose market share is less than 10 per cent *Most likely option

$41b Canadian Telecom Services Market

Page 18: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #7 Analytics Moves Past the “Moneyball” Moment

© 2010 IDC


“Moneyball” Moment

Page 19: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC


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Source: IDC Canada BITAP N3 2011

Page 20: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #8 Social Business Moves Past Hype to Productivity

© 2010 IDC


Past Hype to Productivity

Page 21: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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N=219 What metrics are currently being used to measurethe impact of your organization's social initiatives?


Page 22: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #9 New Mobile Eclipses PCs

© 2010 IDC


Page 23: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Desktop PC Installed Base

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Portable PC Installed Base

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Source: IDC Canada 2011

Page 24: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Prediction #10 Canadians Get Serious About Mobilizing Business

© 2010 IDC


About Mobilizing Business Processes

Page 25: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 26: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Bonus Prediction #11 Growth of Intelligent Industry Specific Solutions

© 2010 IDC


Industry Specific Solutions

Page 27: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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• Vertical competency at core of next-generation solutions

• “Smart Cities” initiatives to proliferate in 2012

© 2010 IDC


to proliferate in 2012

• Mobility, patient centricity, social and cloud = healthcare transformation

• Brick-and-mortar retailers fight “scan and scram” with in-store offer management mobile apps

Page 28: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

Wrap Up: Questions

© 2010 IDC


Lars Goransson [email protected]

Tony Olvet [email protected]

Page 29: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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Page 30: IDC Canada 2012 Predictions for ITC

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© 2010 IDC


A webcast replay will be available at ON24 (the current registration link provided)