© 2014 IBM Corporation The Composable Business WebSphere September 2014 By Chris Schmitt, IBM 1

IBM WebSphere: Becoming a Composable Business

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Everywhere you turn now people are talking about the digital economy. How the new technologies of mobile, social, cloud, big data, and the internet of things are changing everything. This requires an organization that can reinvent itself to adapt to the change. We at IBM call this the Composable Business – it is the ability to view your business, from people, to processes, to applications -- down to the infrastructure -- as individual piece parts; the “building blocks” if you will. These building blocks can be quickly assembled and re-assembled as the market demands. So what does it take to become a Composable Business? Our experience has shown that there are 5 core principles that make up a Composable Business. It is the ability to: 1) Transform how you engage with your ecosystem 2) Restlessly reinvent and innovate your processes 3) Make better decisions with real-time Actionable Insights 4) Accelerate your time to market 5) Integrate across the enterprise

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Page 1: IBM WebSphere: Becoming a Composable Business

© 2014 IBM Corporation

The Composable Business WebSphereSeptember 2014

By Chris Schmitt, IBM


Page 2: IBM WebSphere: Becoming a Composable Business

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Shift in personalized computing towards mobile using cloud-based services

Shift towards unbundling business offerings

Shift towards killer-apps disrupting entire industries

Shiftsin the digital economy

The information age

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© 2014 IBM Corporation


Success is defined by companies that adapt the fastest

The Digital Economy is changing everything about what it means to be a business

New Technologies




Internet of Things

Big Data

New Approach

What that means

Page 4: IBM WebSphere: Becoming a Composable Business

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Make better decisions with Real-time Actionable Insights

Restlessly reinvent and innovate your processes

Accelerate your time to market

Integrate across the enterprise

Transform how you engage with your ecosystem

A Composable Business forces you to rethink your enterprise

An integrated approach

An Organization Built on a New Foundation

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Empower business leaders to create new markets, engage new customers and transform business models

Provide developers an ecosystem and platform to quickly create and deploy the next killer app

Enable technology leaders to provide a

flexible, scalable, infrastructure that secures

and protects the organization

A Composable Business requires entrepreneurs

Driven By its People

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

The average mobile phoneuser checks their phone

times a day


organizations make customer collaboration a top priority


of CEOs in outperforming

Global mobile data traffic will increase26

- fold between 2010 and 2015 reaching6.

3exabytes per month by 2015

84%of Millennials

say social and user-generated content has an influence on what they buy


Fewer than half of all companies have a mobile strategy and this is despitethe fact that

of strategyleaders haverealized ROI on their investment

Mobile and Social are changing engagements and how work gets done

Adapting to New Engagement Models

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Make Every Transaction Secure

Integrate your Ecosystem

Accelerate your Development Cycle

Use mobile analytics to improve outcomes at every moment

Delight your customers at every interaction

Where, when, how and with whom you engage is transforming industries

Requiring the Organization to Transform

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

higher performing organizations create a culture-driven enterprise that encourages innovation and change

higher performing organizations create a culture-driven enterprise that encourages innovation and change


high performers are embracing internal social networks

high performers are embracing internal social networks


higher performing organizations globally integrating information technology across their enterprise

higher performing organizations globally integrating information technology across their enterprise


of organizations say automation of key processes is the largest change for global integration

of organizations say automation of key processes is the largest change for global integration


“How” you deliver is now just as important as “What” you deliver

Changing How it Needs to Think and Act

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Process Optimization

Institutional Knowledge



Composable Processes

Restlessly reinvent and innovate your processes

Driving a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

connected things by 2015


Increase in transistors per human by 2017


gigabytes new every day

2.5 Billion

Data is an organizations new natural resource

To Capitalize on the Explosion of Data

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© 2014 IBM Corporation


Predictive and rules-driven

Continuous real-time at massive-scale






Real-time actionable insight provides the basis for everything you do

Turning that Data into Insight and Action

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Source: IBM Center for Applied Insights, Date published: 01/22/2014

Reduce time to market







% Pacesetterssurpass chasers


Markets are created and shaped by the first movers…first to innovate, first to act

Requiring Speed in the Marketplace

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© 2014 IBM Corporation

Integrated FlexibleOpen

Turn Ideas into Solutions

How quick you can think, build and deploy will determine the agility of your entire organization

By Shortening the Development Cycle

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© 2014 IBM Corporation







Value creation in traditional value chain

Total value: total costs + total returns


Value creation in ecosystems

Total value: willingness to pay to participate in the ecosystem


Source: Digital Reinvention: Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, IBM Institute for Business Value, by Saul Berman, Nadia Leonellii, and Anthony Marshall.

To keep pace you need the right partners to drive innovation and delivery

An Ecosystem is the Enterprise

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Enterprise integration has become ecosystem integration as your partners and customers form a new value chain

Redefining Enterprise Integration

System of engagement

System of Record

Mobile Social Security

Cloud APIs



Tools & Assets

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Internet of Things

Big Data

The principles of the Composable Business remain the constant… how your organization implements it varies

Because Everyone is the Same but Unique