Building an Integrated Social Media Plan Cindy Kim @CindyKimPR

IABC Phoenix July Professional Development Luncheon: Building an Integrated Social Media Plan

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Building an


Social Media Plan

Cindy Kim @CindyKimPR

“47% say Facebook has

the greatest impact on purchase behavior.”

Source: Edison Research

“ 76% of

Twitter users

now post status updates.”

Source: Edison Research

“46% of online users count

on social media when making a purchase.”

Source: Nielsen

Brands no longer control the message.

Consumers do.

Harnessing the Power of

Social Media means shifting

from being tool-focused to customer-focused to stay in step

with your customers.

Step 1: Arm Your Troops

Pro Tips: Company-wide Social Media Policy (internal or external or both) Education Program Social Media Ambassador Program Best Practices Guidelines Triage Plan

Step 2: Define Plan

Pro Tips: Answer the question of “WHY” –

awareness, sales, loyalty? Set expectations around goals Work with key stakeholders to build

an integrated plan Communicate with key

stakeholders Plan with customers in mind

…Your Customers


Are they social?

What channels are they using?

How engaged are they?

Gather DATA… Customer/Prospect

Characteristics Influencers… Social Metrics (if

any) Web Metrics Business Metrics

Source: Jay Baer’s “Why Before How”

Step 3: Integrating Social

Pro Tips: Build a Social Media Playbook Create a Social Media Checklist for

different business units Build customized training materials Build easy-to-use templates Mobilize your natives to support

different business needs



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Twitter Take questions via Twitter

Engage w/ live tweeting Promote on-demand webinar/blog

Facebook Take questions via FB

Engage w/ live FB updates Promote on-demand webinar/blog

LinkedIn Pre-promote events/webinar

Promote on-demand webinar/blog

Slideshare Post slides to Slideshare

Promote across SM channels Blog about it…



Campaigns + Facebook

Email & Facebook


Ford Motor Co. uses social media to be

more proactive with customer issues and concerns –

an average of 2,000 people weekly via social media.


Four Seasons turns online engagement

to offline relationship

Product Development

Step 4: Aligning Content

To Social

“What’s fascinating about Coca-Cola’s foray into content marketing isn’t just

that a beverage producer has recognized the value of using content

to engage its audience.” - CMI

Content that

triggers results

First…Identify what content your customers want Second…understand the role of social

Third…build a customer-centric content strategy Fourth…design an integrated multi-channel program

Lastly…measure the impact

Step 5: Execute as a Team

Align Business


with Social


Engagement Reach (Influencers) Repeat Engagement

Share of Voice Conversions

First Things First Start Small

Strategy & Goals Policy

People + Technology + Processes Measure As You Go