SEO doesn't have to be complex, although many people want you to believe it is. The greatest frustration that people encounter when doing SEO is that there are so many theories about rankings that they are left in total confusions. Yesterday SEO "gurus" were all praising the benefits of having tons of backlinks, and today those same gurus are now opposing the views they had yesterday. The gurus shift from one school of thought to another within a short space of time due to small changes to Google’s algorithm. You have probably heard these cries. "Google is to blame!" "The SEO world is too dynamic, it’s hard to keep up with the pace..." "What's working today, won't work tomorrow..." Do all these seem familiar to you? Well they do to me. That's what stimulates the SEO service business and makes you buy more from them. Whether you believe this or not, it's completely up to you. It's a personal decision to play the game or not, to pay the piper or not to pay the piper, so to speak.


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believeitis.The greatest frustration that people encounter when doing SEO is that there are so many theories about 

rankings that they are left in total confusions. 

Yesterday SEO "gurus" were all praising the benefits of having tons of backlinks, and today those same 

gurus are now opposing the views they had yesterday. 

The gurus shift from one school of thought to another within a short space of time due to small changes 

to Google’s algorithm. 


"Google is to blame!" 

"The SEO world is too dynamic, it’s hard to keep up with the pace..."  

"What's working today, won't work tomorrow..." 

Do all these seem familiar to you? 

Well they do to me. 

That's what stimulates the SEO service business and makes you buy more from them. 

Whether you believe this or not, it's completely up to you. It's a personal decision to play the game or 

not, to pay the piper or not to pay the piper, so to speak. 

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Optimization?Well for me and a few close friends there is. We found and implemented a different path when dealing 

with our niche seo sites, a path that IS more Google friendly. 

We had to do a full rework on our SEO beliefs and began tackling it with a different mindset. The way 

Google sees it. The good news is, you can now take advantage of what we are doing too. 

But first let me warn you, we DO NOT have any "QUICK rankings" theories that just don’t work. We have 

to face the fact that ranking on first page of Google needs to be acquired and merited. We have taken a 

more long term strategy. Why, because we are here for the long haul. We are here to bring value to the 

industry and when you deliver value, when you under promise and over deliver, you will see higher 

profits in the long run. 


SEO Dynamite is NOT for those who are looking for quick results overnight... 


SEO Dynamite is for those who are frustrated with jumping from one method to another every few 


It's about setting up the right foundation for your sites and blogs. A solid approach designed to last. 

It's all about seeing SEO with Google eyes. It's about credibility, reputation and user engagement. 

It’s an SEO strategy that is build it to last. 

That's what SEO Dynamite is about, setting the right SEO foundations so that you become independent 

of the SEO theories that come out almost daily crying about Panda this or Penguin that. 

If you're willing to step away from the huge noisy crowd that we are used to, click the link below. You 

will find out everything you need to know to make an informed decision. I know you are in this for the 

money and there is lots of money to be made if and only if you learn to get this SEO thing right. There is 

no time like the present. Check it out and see what you think. It may be just what you need to get the 

rankings you need and the profits you deserve. Here is the link: 




Jake McAuley 

Mindshare Media