Chapter :03 Human Resource Management


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Chapter :03

Human Resource Management

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Man Power Planning &

Personal Management

• Definition:-

“ the planning, organizing, Directing and controlling of

the procurement, Development, compensation,

Integration and maintenance of people for the

contributing to the organizational goals.”

• What is mean by planning?

A. What is to be done?

B. How , When and where it is to be done?

C. Who is do it? And How?

D. How the result are to be evaluated?

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Function of personal managementA) procurement and maintenance of adequate work –

force as regards to both -number and quality of personnel. Requirement Interviewing Testing Placement Follow up of new employees for adjustment Merit rating Promotion , transfer and discharge Employment records

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Function of personal management

• B) Education and training of present employee Job instruction : Apprentice trainingEconomic educationTraining plans: operative training , supervisory

training, Executive training.General industrial educationReading rooms & librariesRecord and statistics

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Function of personal management

• C) maintaining satisfactory personal contact1. Job analysis, job specification2. Merit rating of employee3. Wags and reward4. Labour audit5. Moral studies

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Function of personal management

• D)Maintaining satisfactory group relation by1. Contact employee group2. Contact employee representative3. Contact government agencies

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Function of personal management

e) Maintain employee health1. Health standard.2. Physical examination3. Treatment of minor injuries and diseases4. Rest period5. Hospitalization

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Function of personal management

f) Maintaining employee safety1. Safety standard2. Safety guard & inspection of safety

equipment 3. Safety programmers, safety publicity, safety

rules4. Fire protection

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Function of personal management

g) Maintain employee service activities 1. Credit unions 2. Group insurance3. Profit sharing4. Housing programme5. Saving & investment plans

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Uses and benefits of manpower planning

1. Manpower planning ensures optimum use of the available human resource .

2. It is useful for the organization but also for the nation.3. It creates facilities to educate people in the organization 4. Manpower planning brings about rapid economic

development.5. It create future opening and promotions.6. It helps for career development of the employee.7. Due to planning training becomes more effective.

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Steps in man power planning

1. Anticipate manpower plans2. Plan the job description and the job requirements.3. tap adequate sources of requirements4. Find out new blood for appointments to higher posts.5. Optimum motivation for internal promotion6. Anticipate expected losses due to retirements,

transfer and other causes7. Annual estimation of vacancies=No. of vacancies x100 Total No. of employee

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• Introduction to HR planning Definition:-“an effort to anticipate future

business and environmental demands upon and organization and to provide personnel to fulfill that business and satisfy that demand”

HR planning is the term used to identify how organizations ensure that right persons is hired to the specific jobs.

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HR planning

• It provides an efficient and realistic means of predicting future staffing necessities so that organization can move professionally undertake new initiative of new system.

• Work of HR1. Data gathering 2. Analysis and forecasting3. succession and career planning 4. Organizational culture5. Workforce development 6. Organizational development7. Remuneration scheme

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Recruitment procedure • The process by which a job vacancy

is identified and potential employees are notified.• The nature of the recruitment process

is regulated and subject to employment law.

• Main forms of recruitment through advertising in newspapers, magazines, trade papers and internal vacancy lists.

• Job description – outline of the role of the job holder

• Person specification – outline of the skills and qualities required of the post holder

• Applicants may demonstrate their suitability through application form, letter or curriculum vitae (CV)

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Sources of recruitment

1. Employment exchange: it keep record of various candidate

2. Advertisement 3. Technical Institute4. Labour unions5. Application received and factory gate 6. Former employees:- cal back employee7. Friends and relative of present employees

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• Select best suited candidateConsider following points1. The number of post to be fill2. The academic qualification3. Age4. Grade of post5. Future prospects

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Selection procedure• First stage AdvertisementReceive applicationScrutiny of applicationFixing date of interviewIssue a call• Second stagePreliminary interviewGeneral written testKnowledge testTrade testSuitability of job previous history of candidate

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Selection procedure

• Third stageInterviewEmployment testReference verified Medical examination• Final stageOverall review of processFinal decision Appointment

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Personnel – Training & Development • Education increases knowledge and

understanding but training increases skill and ability of workers to perform specific jobs.

• To acquire a higher standard of efficiency in production, training is important to all concern right from unskilled workers to the executive staff.

• New machine & new techniques are used in production process workers should trained to handle this.

• So that wastage can be minimize and per unit cost of production can also reducesed to minimum.

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Objective of training

• To increase production• To provide superior and advanced skill to the workers• To give workers opportunity for promotion to higher

posts.• To develop workers performance • To improve workers knowledge.• To teach them to reduce wastage • To build up confidence among workers, leading to

better efficiency

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• Increase efficiency• Reduce wastage• Increase life of machine • Increase earning capacity of worker.• reduce absenteeism• Reduce accident• Increase output per labour employed• Help in improving the quality and quantity of product• Trained workers make few mistake

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Types of training

1. Induced training :- initial training at the time of admission in organization . Workers get clear idea of product, history of organization, rule and regulation of working condition.

2. Job Training :- clear idea about handling equipment, machinery and material of the respective jobs.

3. Training for promotion: given new responsibility , when they are expected promotion

4. Refresher training:- with passage of time , several methods and instruction are either forgotten or may be outdated.

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• It is important qualities of manager.• Definition: “ the process of influencing other

work enthusiastically towards achieving set objective”

• It include ability, initiative & creativeness which give confidence & cooperation to worker.

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Following factor consider for leader

1. Position :-the leader should having some prestigious position in organization.

2. Person:- A leader shall be effective only if he possesses abilities , interest and character.

3. Process :- person should acquire leadership quality once they get position. . The influence process affects the situation.

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Role of leader

Group task Role :-1. An initiator 2. Information seeker 3. Opinion seeker 4. Information giver5. Elaborator 6. Coordinator7. Energizer8. recorder

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Role of leader Team building 1. Encourager2. Compromiser3. Group observer and commentator Individual Role1. Perfect judge2. Counselor3. Time manager 4. Help- seeker5. Aggressor and dominator

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Leadership theory

• Trait theory• The situation theory• Group theory

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Leadership theory

Trait theory :-Quality necessary in leader Honesty , initiative , judgment, intellectual capability Inborn quality divides people in two group 1. Leader2. Non-leaders Based on qualitative aspects rather than quantitative


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The situation theory

• Based on situation rather than characteristics or qualities of leader

• Leaders are made and not born• Think good leader adjust to situation • Provide appropriate training

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Group theory

• Leadership cannot exit unless there are followers..

• It analyze team characteristics of group followers and leader relationship with group

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Leadership Style

1. Autocratic 2. Laissez – fair 3. Democratic4. charismatic

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Autocratic style

• Dominate and guide men trough coercion ( do it).

• Do not like subordinates ask question .• Direct gives order and assign duties without

consideration of subordinates confidence.• As per own wish

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Laissez – faire style

• Complete freedom gives to subordinates.• Work as per their will & wish• Leader play passive role.• This type of leadership is not always effective

as it is democratic in nature .• Insecurity exits in between workers.

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Democratic leadership style

• Importance to the opinion of his subordinates• Welcome free and fair participation of different

group in preparing policies and plan of organization

• Does not interfere in working• Friendly relationship , time consuming,

productivity increase , use of talent and abilities• Motivate the people who respect the leader

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Charismatic leadership

• Interpersonal attraction that inspire followers

• Followers having certain emotional involvement towards organization.

• This leader contribute his selt – confidance, ideas which influence people.

• Small decision will be taken by leader , consider the opinion of followers.

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Definition : “ It deals with behavior get started , is

energized , sustained, directed, stopped and what kind of objective action is present in organization while it is going on”

Mr. Jones“ motivation is the process of initiating and

directing behavior” Victore H. Vroom

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Intrinsic and extrinsic Motivation

• Motivation is defined as an inner state that energizes, activates and directs the behavior of individual towards certain goals. Strong motives or needs the individual restless and put him in a state of disequilibrium until his needs are fulfill or satisfied.

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Intrinsic motivation

• Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. Intrinsic Motivation is based on taking pleasure in an activity rather working towards an external reward

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Extrinsic motivation

• Extrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome, which then contradicts intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the individual. Common extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and grades, coercion and threat of punishment. Competition is in general extrinsic because it encourages the performer to win and beat others, not to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity. A crowd cheering on the individual and trophies are also extrinsic incentives.

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Moslow’s Theory of motivation

• Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943.

• Realization of organization objectives .

• Inspire people

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Industrial Legislation

• Importance : Improves the industrial relationship i.e.

employee-employer relations.Helps pay fair wags to workers.Minimize unrest among workers Reduce conflict and strikes Promote wholesome environment

condition in the country Fixes hours of works , rest pauses etc.

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Factory act ,1948

• It regulate condition of work ( health , safety etc) in factory .• This act received the assent of Governor – General of India

on September 23,1948• This act applicable for all factory in which 10 or more than

10 workers are working.• This factory act has provision in respect of

1. Employee health & safety

2. Hours of working

3. Wholesome work environment

4. Employee welfare

5. Leave with wags

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Important Definition 1. Factory :- A place where 10 or more persons

are working and in which manufacturing process going on using electricity, steam, oil, etc.

2. Manufacturing process :-A process for- Making ,altering , repairing , finishing , packing,

washing, cleaning or treating a substance for its use ,sale, transport , disposal etc.

- Pumping oil , water or sewage ,or- Generating transforming or transmitting power3. Workers :- a person employed directly or

through any agency whether for wags or not in manufacturing or premises of manufacturing process.

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Important Definition 4. Adult:- A person who complete 18

year of age.5. Child:- A person who not complete15

year of age.6. Power:- Electrical Energy or any kind

of energy.7. Machinery:- include 1. Primary movers:- Engine , Motor etc.2. Transmission machinery :-

Shaft ,wheel , drum , pulley, Belt etc.8. Occupier of factory :- a person who

have ultimate control over the affairs of factory

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Approval , licensing and registration of factory

• Before starting factory :-1. Take permission of the state

government or chief inspector on which factory is to be made .

2. Get the factory plan & specifications approved by inspector of industries.

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Health 1. Cleanliness :- Removal and disposal of dirt and refuse from floors ,

benches etc. Washing of floor of work at least once in week.2. Disposal of wastage and effluents:-Suitable arrangement should be made for disposal of

wastage and effluents due to manufacturing process.3. Ventilation and Temperature:- Adequate ventilation by fresh air circulation . Suitable temperature provide condition of comfort and

prevent injury to health of workers.4. Dust and Fumes:- employee shall take necessary step to

step workrooms free from dust or fumes

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Health 5. Overcrowding :- • No workroom should be overcrowded to an extent,

which is injurious to health .• Workspace should provide 4.2 cu. M.6. Lightning :-• Both artificial and natural , sufficient for workroom• Glares and shadows causes eye strain or risk of

accident.7. Drinking water:-Available at suitable point conveniently situated in

factory Mark as drinking water.

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Safety A)Following things are securely

fenced1. Moving pats of primary mover and

flywheel connected to it.2. Head race and tail race of water

wheel and water turbine.3. Any part of stock bar projecting

beyond the lathe head stock.

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B. Work on near machinery in motion :Any part is examined while it is in motion by

specially adult worker wearing tight fitting clothing. No women or young worker permitted to clean , lubricate or adjust any part of moving machinery.

c:- Employment of young persons on dangerous machines.

No young person shall work on dangerous machine unless, He has got sufficient training to work at that machinery

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D) Excessive lift:-No person shall be asked to lift , carry or move any

load so heavy as to cause him an injury.E) Lifting machine, for Chains , rope and lift

tackles:- like toggle , pulley block, examine once in year

F) Pressure plant :-Working pressure does not exceed the safe value.E) Floor , stairs and means of access different

to different places:-Sound construction, properly maintain, and provide


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f) Precautions against dangerous fumes:-

No person shall allowed to enter any confined space , chamber , tank in which dangerous fumes are likely to be present

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1. Washing facility 2. Facility for sitting3. First aid appliances :- every 150

workers ,ambulance room4. Canteen5. Shelters ,rest room and lunch room

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Working hours

1. Weekly hours :- 48 hr.2. Weekly holidays :-3. Daily hours :- not more than 9 hr.4. Interval for rest:- not more than 5 hr. continuous.1/2 hr

break 5. Extra wags for over time :- more than 9hr/day or 48/week

give overtime wags twice the rate ordinary rate of wags . 6. Restriction on double employment :- not allow to work in

another factory. 7. Restriction on employment of women:- 6 AM to 7 PM

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The Employee State Insurance Act , 1948 ( ESI act)

Workman compensation act have some problem regarding –

• It did not cover many diseases• Involve delay in payment • Objective :-To provide certain benefits to

employees in case of sickness , employment injury and for certain other matters in relation thereto.

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Important definition

1. Contribution:- sum of money payable to cooperation by principal employer in respect of an employee.

2. Cooperation :- it consist of A chairman A vice chairman 5 people nominated by central government.3. Employment injury :- caused by accident or at the time

of employee.4. Principal Employee :-Owner, any person responsible for supervision and control

of undertaking.5. Sickness:- needs medical treatment and require

absention from work on medical ground

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The Employee State Insurance Act , 1948 ( ESI act)

Medical Benefit council :-Matter relating to administration of medical benefits.Council can investigate against medical practitioner in connection

with medical treatment and attendance. Finance and Audit:-Creation of fund called ESI fund.Fund is created mainly by contribution made by employer and

employees.Fund utilized for-1. Payment of benefits and provision of medical treatment to

worker & their families.2. Establishment and maintenance of ESI hospital and

dispensaries. 3. Payment of fees , allowances , salaries etc

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Towards making funds ,Deduct from salaries , share shall submit to bank ESI cooperation appoint inspector and check

particular about funds submitted by employee Benefits:- 1. Sickness benefit:-Periodical payment by

producing medical certificate.2. Disablement benefit:- 3. Dependents benefit :- insured person die.4. Medical benefit:- demand medical tretment.

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Workman compensation act 1923 • It come into force in 1924.

Objective :- the worker can claim compensation if the injury has been caused by an accident in the course of employment .provided he was not under influence of drink or drug and the accident was not due to his wilful disobedience of rule. The amount of compensation depend upon result of injury and nature of disablement . All fatal accident should notice of the commissioner and employee should deposit the amount of compensation.

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Important definition 1. Dependant mean:- A widow , a minor son, unmarried daughter or a

widowed mother . If wholly dependent on the earnings of worker at the

time of his or death ; i) A widower , a minor brother and unmarried sisterii) A widower daughter in law. 2. Minor :- A person below 18 yr of age.3. Partial disablement :- disable temporary nature and

in which reduce the earning capacity of workman.4. Total disablement ;- disable temporary or permanently

and he cannot earn at all.

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Employee liability for compensation If 1. Injury has been caused by accident 2. During the course of employment 3. Result of death or permanent or

temporary disablement

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Amount compensation

A) where death result form injury :- amount equal to 40 % of the monthly wags multiplied by relevant factor or amount of Rs.20000 whichever is more.

B) Where permanent total disablement :- amount equal to 50 % of monthly wags multiplied by relevant factor or an amount of Rs.24000 whichever is more

c) Where temporary disablement whether total or partial result from the injury , a half monthly payment of sum equivalent to 25 % of monthly wags of workman to be paid.

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Distribution of compensation

• Payment of death or under legal disablement of workman shall be deposited by employer with commissioner . Not directly .

• An employer of course can give advance to any dependent on account of compensation not exceeding Rs.100

• The commissioner after deducting this advance , may allot entire amount to any dependant.

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Notice and claims of accident • A workman should give in writing notice to employer regarding

accident.The purpose of giving notice to is to enable the employer to

check the facts of accident The notice should contain particulars of workman , date of

accident and cause of accident A claim for compensation must made within 2 yr of the

occurrence of the accident or within 2 yr of date of death. In case of occupational diseases the period of two yr is counted

from the day the workman given notice of disablement to his employer.

Where commissioner receive an information about fatal accident , he may send notice to workman employer asking circumstances which led to death , about deposition of compensation.

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Industrial dispute act ,1947

Dissatisfaction amongst the labour as regards their exiting labour condition , avoid strikes

This act aims at making industrial peace through voluntary negotiation and compulsory adjudication.

Important aspects of the act :- 1. Industrial dispute may referred as industrial tribunal 1. Strike should be prohibited during pendency of conciliation and adjudication proceedings Settlement reaches in the course of concilition

proceedings Awards of industrial tribunals declared bindings by

appropriate government.

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Important definition 1. Award :- interim or final determination of an industrial dispute .2. Average pay:- avg. wags payable to workman.3. Industry :- manufacturing business4. Industrial dispute :- any dispute or difference --between employee and

employers ,- Between employee and workman - Between workman and workman5. Lay off:- failure ( on account of shortage of caol ,power , raw material etc)6. Lock out:- closing the place of employment 7. Public utility services:- railway, Postal,8. Retrenchment :- termination of services of worker by employer for any

reason.9. Strike :- refusal of work10. Settlement :- arrived at in the course of conciliation proceeding. Agreement 11. Workman :- person in industry for manual , clerical , technical , supervisory


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Authority under this act.

1.Work committee:- in industry where more than 100

worker are employed for any day in preceding 12 month shall constitute work committee .

Work committee shall have representative of workers and employer.

Work committee should preserve amity and good relation with worker and employer

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Authority under this act

2. Conciliation officer :- conciliation officer appointed by any appropriate

government and they shall mediate and promote the settlement of industrial disputes.

3. Board of conciliation:- BOC should be headed by chairman and shall have two or

four members4. Court of Enquiry :- Appropriate government may constitute a court of enquiry

to look into any matter connected with industrial dispute . It consist of 1 or more independent persons. Court shall inquire and submit report ordinary with six

month from the date of commencement .

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Authority under this act5. Labour court :- State government is to select one person with judicial

experience to adjudicate the matter special below:-1. The legality of an order passed by an employer2. The application and interpretation of standing order.3. Discharge and dismiss of workmen.6. Tribunals :-State government appoint person on the level of high court

judge and adjudicate on matters pertaining to :4. Wags5. Allowances6. Hours of work7. Leave with wags and holidays.8. Rules of discipline .9. Classification of grades.10. Retrenchment of workers .

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Assignment: - 04

1. Explain the main provisions of workmen’s Compensation act.

2. Define Industrial dispute. State the causes of industrial dispute.

3. Explain Maslow’s theory of Motivation.4. State the causes of accidents. What are the safety

precautions to be taken in manufacturing industries to prevent accident?

5. State the provision of Factory Act. 6. State the qualities of good leadership.