What is VUCA and how will it affect the procurement organisation of tomorrow? Presented by Paul Rogers Director of Consulting Date July 2016

How VUCA will affect the procurement organisation of tomorrow

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Page 1: How VUCA will affect the procurement organisation of tomorrow

What is VUCA and how will it affect the procurement organisation of tomorrow? 

Presented byPaul RogersDirector of Consulting   DateJuly 2016

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VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Easy!


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How much do we know about the situation?

COMPLEXITY Multiple key

decision factors

AMBIGUITYLack of clarity

about significance of an event

VOLATILITYRate of change

UNCERTAINTYUnclear about the


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VUCADrivers Effects Solution?

Volatility Market changesInnovation

RisksFlux and instability

VISION; act and review impact

Uncertainty UnpredictabilityDisruptions

ParalysisFew right decisions

UNDERSTANDING;Satisficing choices

Complexity # relationshipsNon linear results

Governance and processes = barrier

CLARITY; flexibility of response

Ambiguity Non-programmed decisions

Loss of consensusDivergent opinions

AGILITY; agnostic solutions


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SO WHAT?We often plan years in advance, so how will VUCA affect what we do?


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Model of Business Excellence


Strategic planning

Process solutions

Business results

Measurement, data, information, knowledge & wisdom

Customer and market





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From• Justifying existence

and scale of full time procurement team

To• Sourcing procurement

capability internally and externally

So what?Commercial processes will involve a smaller number of full time commercial specialists and a larger number of part-time participants and externally sourced resources.The leader will need to be a visionary and an integrator capable of creating coherency and consistency

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• Setting 18-24 month goals

• Translating corporate goals into functional plans

To• Setting 12 month

goals• Translating customer

goals into project plans

So what?Many events will not be ‘forecast-able’. Agility implies that foresight is combined with contingency plans developed based upon scenario planning. The past ≠ the future

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Customer / market focus

From• Internal customers• Event driven market


To• External customers• Continuous market


So what?Commercial operators need to be active in both customer and supply markets to sense what is happening. The ability to answer the ‘so what’ question will need both leading indicators and the entrepreneurial insight to identify market threats and opportunities

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From• Process champions• Focus upon ‘what’

and ‘how’

To• Outcome focus• Ability to see

opportunities • Extended ‘teams’

So what?Easier to ‘bolt on’ commercial smarts to engineers, project managers and other business operators than to improve business insight of full time procurement practitioners.

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Process solutions

From• System driven

governance compliance• Consistency is king

To• Agility drives flexible

processes• Customisation of

process (and goals?)So what?Processes will become indistinguishable from technology that hardwires them. Enterprise wide solutions will need to adapt or be replaced by smaller, simpler solutions that are fit-for-niche purposes. Transactional processes will be bought in and non-programmed decisions made in-house

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Measurement, DIKW

From• ‘Hard dollar’ savings• Focus upon hard data,

and historical data

To• Outputs and customer

retention• ‘Factoids’ and

satisficingSo what?Measurement needs to migrate from introspective role justification to outputs and engagement. Focus upon information, knowledge and wisdom rather than data acquisition or analysis.

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Business results

From• Our triple bottom line• This year versus last


To• Performance of our

supply chains• This quarter and

moving averageSo what?Reputational capital will be valued as a business outcome for client and customers. Customer retention and revenue becomes procurement measure as well as margin.

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FIVE KEY IMPLICATIONSWhat does this mean?


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Five key take aways1. The procurement process will involve a portfolio of

providers, internal and external. So what?2. The traditional procurement role will diminish in

importance replaced by business people with commercial smarts. So what?

3. ‘Satisficing’ will displace optimising, and fact-based decision making will be rarer. So what?

4. Enterprise wide systems that impede agility will be displaced by simpler solutions. So what?

5. The key managerial choice will be what parts of the procurement process shall we do ourselves and what parts shall we acquire from third parties?


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