Crash Course in Creativity - Stanford University Fall 2012 Hosers 11/12/2012 Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team 1

"Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

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Teams of two or more compete to see who can fill vases with a water hose from longer and longer distances with the minimum spillage.

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Page 1: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Crash Course in Creativity

- Stanford University Fall 2012



Page 2: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team

2 11/12/2012

Page 3: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team



An individual assignment. The challenge is to use TWO HOUSEHOLD ITEMS of any type and develop a set of rules and guidelines to come up with a brand new SPORT.

I am to use my creativity to generate something you have never seen before.

My creativity will be evaluated on both the amount of creativity and the quality of presentation.

Delivery can contain drawings, photos, or video demonstrating the sport.

A short description is allowed.


Page 4: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team

4 11/12/2012


50 feet of Standard Garden HoseOperating pressure as at standard for homes in the


No pressure boost pumps

Open supply faucet

No nozzle devices, open hose only

5 liter or 1 gallon vaseOpening at top to be 6” or 15 cm diameter

Vase Diameter 6” / 15 cm below the top to be 9” / 22.5 cm

Fully composed of Ceramic material

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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Basic Nature of the Play

* This is a team sport

* Each Team is composed of 5 players, of 2 substitutes and 1 coach

* Players play one at a time in parallel competitions with a second team

* Each player must stand at a specified distance from the opening of the vase and fill it by directly the hose at the vase

* Each player plays in sequence until the vase is filled or disqualified

Layout of the Playing Field

*The grass flied is 75 ft / 25 meters by 45 ft / 15 meters

*Each Teams Vase is placed in a 12 “ / 30 cm diameter pit with the top of the vase exactly level with the grass surface

* Lines are drawn at 9 ft/ 3 m, 15 ft / 5 m, 21 ft / 7 m and 24ft / 8 m from the nearest lip of the vase

*Team Benches are placed at the end closest to the vase pit


*Sport Description

Page 6: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Details of Play

*Play starts with the first player positioned at 9 ft / 3 m from the closest edge of the vase. That player attempts to fill the vase as quickly as possible without

* If the player fills the pit before he / she fills the vase he /she is automatically disqualified and must leave the pitch

*The emptied vase is replaced into an emptied pit

*Additional players must continue until the vase is filled before the pit is filled

*As each ‘filling’ is completed the next player attempts to complete the task from the next longer distance

*Each player can attempt the task only once

*For each new player, the preceding player must remove the vase, empty it completely, empty the pit box, and replace them before play resumes by the following player


*Details of Play

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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team



*Points are earned in 3 ways

*Total volume of water collected legally from the empties vases that have been filled without disqualification – 100 points maximum per cubic cm of water

*100 Points maximum for the number of stations used in the competition

*100 points maximum for the shortest of the accumulated times to complete all players

*The team with the highest aggregate score wins


*Penalties of disqualification for overfilling the pit – 25 points per occasion

*Over-stepping the demarcation line for each distance during filling attempts

*100 Points for spraying the opponents

*Complete disqualification of the whole team for filling the competitors pit



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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Multi-Team Competitions

*Normal round robin rules and staging will apply


*Tournament Play

Page 9: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Principal Skills Tested

*Hand eye coordination

*Depth perception


*Agility in controlling the hose direction

*Skill in controlling the flow of water from the end of the open hose


*This is a game of skills

Page 10: "Hosers' - A Family Game from 2 Household Items

Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Preparing and repairing the Pitches

*Teams are responsible for supplying their own hoses and vases according to specifications

*Teams will arrive at the pitch 1 hour prior to each match to prepare all aspects of the pitch

*At the end of each match day the teams wil wok together to return the pitch to an agreed sate of readiness for other activities as required by the pitch owers


*Team Responsibilities

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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


* This sport has the potential to be played in all locations where potable piped water is in good supply available.

Growth Perspective


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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


Who is this for?

*This is intended to be a family or intra-family or community or inter-community sport

* It is intended for people to have fun in spring, summer and fall.

* It could be adapted to winter by replacing water with snow balls



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Creativity Project 2 - Arvid Hardin and Team


* These ideas were developed by the Hardin family over Dinner on Nov. 12 2012

People involved in the Brainstorming were

Sons-Trent Hardin - Brett Hardin

Grandsons- Tomas Hardin - Finn hardin

Wife -Berni Hardin
