Presented by Jessica Liu, Twitter @jaielle EMG, Digital Marketing Manager & Isaiah Jones Google, Account Manager Follow @EMGtheagency, #EMGleadgen HEALTHCARE AND LEAD GENERATION: How to Target Health Consumers Online Healthcare Webinar Series

Healthcare & Lead Generation: How to Target Health Consumers Online

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8 out of 10 internet users have searched for health information online. Now is the most opportune time to develop your strategy to engage these health information consumers. EMG and Google partner up for the second part in a series of webinars to show you how to reach health consumers online using Google AdWords. We will also share best practices for optimizing your landing page for lead generation. RSVP today for a chance to receive a free landing page evaluation during the webinar!From this webinar you will gain a better understanding of:1. The types of health information for which internet users are searching online2. The key benefits of using Google AdWords to target and engage health consumers3. Lead generation best practices to optimize your website for high conversions

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Presented byJessica Liu, Twitter @jaielle

EMG, Digital Marketing Manager&

Isaiah JonesGoogle, Account Manager

Follow @EMGtheagency, #EMGleadgen

HEALTHCARE AND LEAD GENERATION:How to Target Health Consumers Online

Healthcare Webinar Series

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About EMG Webinars• Short Q&A session will occur at end of presentation• Webinar presentation will be recorded• Link to be sent to attendees

Presentation posted to EMG Knowledge Center

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About EMG & Core Competencies

• Full-service interactive marketing agency• Headquartered in Orange County, CA• Established in 1999• Clients Include:



Research, Planning & Analysis


Personalization, Engagement & Entertainment


Awareness, Influence & Social Marketing


Campaigns, Testing & Intelligence


Development, Customization & Integration

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Presenter Introductions

Search & display advertising professional Focused on lead generation/customer acquisition and

customer retention Experienced in social media and content strategy Works with clients in multiple verticals: Healthcare, Higher

Education, and Entertainment

Online advertising professional Currently managing a book of Healthcare clients with

annual spend exceeding $14M Extensive experience and background with clients in the

Hospital, Cosmetic Surgery and Family Planning spaces Specializes in research and strategy


Jessica Liu,EMG, Digital Marketing


Isaiah JonesGoogle, Account Manager

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Learning Objectives

From this webinar you will gain a better understanding of:

The types of information health consumers are searching for online

The key benefits of partnering with Google and a digital agency to target and engage health consumers

Lead generation best practices to optimize your website for higher conversions


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Healthcare Search Landscape Overview of Lead Generation

Advertising on Google: Using AdWords

Lead Generation Best Practices

EMG Case Study

Landing Page Evaluation

Key Takeaways / Q&A


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Audience Poll7

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Health Search Landscape


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Americans Are Spending More Time Online Finding Health Information

8 in 10Internet Users


169 Million

Of U.S. adults (72% of all U.S. adults) going online for health in 2010 …compared to 99 million in 2005 and 63 million in 2002.

-World of DTC Marketing.com: Manhattan Research

have looked online for health information.

– Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2010

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Finding Health-related Information is on the Rise

80-89% of people ages 18-64 find Health Info Online

70-79% of people ages 65-73 find health info online

And 50-59% of people ages 74+ find health info online

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, Generations Online 2010

FACT Finding health information online is the 3rd most popular activity following Email and Search


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Types of Health and Wellness Information Searched for Online

Source: iCrossing: How America Searches – Health and Wellness, 2008


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Demographic Differences on Health-related Searching Activity

Source: iCrossing: How America Searches – Health and Wellness, 2008

Women are significantly more likely than men to search for information about symptoms, treatment regimens, diseases and conditions and drugs/medications

Men are more likely than women to conduct topical searches about vitamins and supplements, health insurance providers and doctors

Searches for wellness-related topics are evenly split between men and women

Younger audiences (18-to-34 year olds) are more likely than average (and more likely than older adults) to search for information about symptoms online

– But less likely than average to search for topics around diseases and conditions

Adults over the age of 45 tend to be the most focused on looking for disease-related information

Wellness is a topic that appeals predominantly to the young, with 62% of 18-to-24 year olds looking for information about topics such as nutrition, exercise and weight loss


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Symptoms and Diseases Drive Consumers Online

Source: iCrossing: How America Searches – Health and Wellness, 2008

75 % percent of healthcare searchers have been prompted to go online to investigate symptoms or conditions

41% go online to self-diagnose or self-treat a condition

Older consumers, especially those over the age of 55, are considerably more likely than younger adults to conduct health research online


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Search Engines are the Leading Online Health Resource

Source: iCrossing: How America Searches – Health and Wellness, 2008

Almost 70% of online adults have used search engines to search for health-related information

46% have navigated to health portals like WebMD


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Demographic Insight: Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964)



Boomers have searched for health information online

- Google/Nielsen Boomer Survey (August 2010)


Boomers use the internet to make purchase decisions

-Google/Nielsen Boomer Survey (August 2010)

There are an estimated 56 million Boomers that are online-Nielsen Online NetView Panel, June 2010

Boomers spend 91billion minutes online each month - Largest online group

-Google/Nielsen Boomer Survey (August 2010)

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Demographic Insight: Mothers are Online!

Source: 21st Century Mom Insights, Baby Center, June 2009Audience Insights: communicating to Moms, CDC 2009

Engaging Mom Blog Readers with the Right Ads, eMarketer, September 15, 2010



Moms say that the Internet has made them more informed about children's health issues


Moms trust their pediatrician but still go online before/after doctor’s visits to conduct their own research


Moms research health, medical information & advice online on a regular basis.

Moms spend 3-10 hours a week reading mom blogs

Most moms go online daily, and more than 50% go online more than 20 times per week.

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» Conversion and results

» Keyword targeting

Benefits of Understanding Health Trends Online

Understanding health user search behavior informs:

» Ad messaging

» Website content


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Overview of Lead Generation


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Traditional and Online Lead Generation

Traditional Lead Generation Traditional Advertising (print, radio, tv, outdoor) Direct Mail Phone (cold calling) Field Marketing (conferences / events)

Online Lead Generation Search Engine Marketing – Paid Search

– General Web Traffic (organic traffic / SEO)

Display / Banner Advertising Email Mobile Social Media






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How Search Engine Marketing Fits in Your Digital Marketing Mix


SEM(Instant Lead Generation)

DISPLAY(Brand Awareness)

SEO(Organic Search Results)



(Viral / Community)


(Perception and Brand Management)


(Lead Gen & Awareness)


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Online Lead Generation

Source: Sirius Decisions, 2009

With traditional lead generation more than 50% of the leads that you generate could end up buying from one of your competitors

Where did these leads go?

They search online. More individuals are conducting research online before and after doctor visits. Your competition is likely just a click or two away.

Solution: Capture and captivate your leads online!

Traditional marketing can create awareness, but once online your leads can find other materials, including competitor sites.

Make sure you’re equipped with resources and detailed information relevant to your leads on your website and landing page.

Opportunity to engage your leads online is key!

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Acquisition Funnel


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Lead Acquisition Process


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Google AdWords


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• 41% use the Internet as the first source to research hospitals• Hospital websites and search engines used most for hospital


Consumers Are Researching Hospitals Online

Question: Which of the following sources do you refer to first when looking for information on hospitals? Based on total: Total (1000); Sufferers (500); Caregivers (500)Question: Now thinking specifically about online sources, which of the following have you used to obtain information on hospitals? Based on total: Total (1000); Sufferers (500); Caregivers (500) Source: OTX & Google Custom HospitalSource: OTX & Google Custom Hospital Study, June 2009

First Source Used to Research Hospitals Online Resources Used to Obtain Information on Hospitals

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Paid Search is Very Effective for Lead Gen

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• Gear up for the seasonal peak in searches April through May

Hospital Related Queries on Search Are Growing

Source: Google Internal for the Hospital & Treatment Centers category, January 2008 – November 2010;.


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Urgent Care Related Searches Showing Strong YoY Growth

Source: Google Internal for the Hospital & Treatment Centers category, January 2008 – November 2010;.


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Search captures interest, Google Display generates it



Text AdsEasy implementation, less compelling

Image AdsAdditional effort, more engaging

A typical online user only spends 5% of time on search.What are you going to do with the other 95%?


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Display’s broad reach and tailored targeting

Demographic Targeting

Category Targeting


Not only can we reach 70% of the online audience, we can target the right 70% for our advertisers


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What is Google Ad Planner?

A free research and media planning tool for agencies and advertisers to identify websites their target customers are likely to visit.


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Overview | Site profile page






1. Site overviewThumbnail view, site categories, advertising details and site description.

2. Traffic statisticsUV (users): estimated number of unduplicated people visiting a site

Tip: use this metric for media planning and estimating the actual number of unique people

UV (estimated cookies): approx. number of cookies as determined by Ad Planner algorithms (this metric does not count actual cookie numbers) Tip: use this metric to compare with Publisher ad server logs

3. Site demographics

4. Sites also visited and keywords searched forAffinity: the number of times more likely than the average internet user to visit a specific site or search a specific keyword.

Tip: use these to define your audience’s Online Activity!


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How does it work? • Free analytics solution reports

website visitor behavior

Benefits for Marketers• Understand who your visitors are

and where they come from

• Learn how visitors use your website and compare your website traffic against industry benchmarks

• Discover which visitors are likely to convert and how to attract more of them

• Optimize online and offline marketing by measuring post-click performance

Use Google Analytics to Run Better Lead Gen Campaigns

Learn more about Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics


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Success With 1-800-DENTIST

What They Needed• To grow their referral customer base• To refine their messaging• To measure the effectiveness of their


What They Did• Started with Google AdWords in 2002• Tested different features and ad formats

to best support their goals• Organized their account into separate

campaigns for Google’s Search and Display networks.

What They Accomplished• Increased CTR• Refined Marketing • More Qualified Leads

“The key to effective advertising is reaching your audience in a cost-effective way. In that sense AdWords is the ideal tool – the ability to track the results inline is phenomenal, and we know exactly what type of return we see from each dollar we spend.”

Fred Joyal, co-founder and CEO, 1-800-DENTIST


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Digital Lead Generation Best Practices


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization


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#1 Set your Objective & Define your Target Audience

What are your goals?– Think sales, leads, pipeline

How many per month: inquiries? Leads? Sales?


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#1 Set your Objective & Define your Target Audience

Who is your target audience?– Age, gender, family, influences

education, geography What websites do they visit? What do they search for? How do they use the internet?

This will influence:– Design, photography, content, forms, media buy, etc


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Define Target Audience: Online Searching and Browsing Behavior Research what keywords users search for and what websites they


Google Keyword Tool allows you to research what users have searched for in the past


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization


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#2 Create an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy

Integrate online communications with traditional

Understand calls-to-action will impact user behavior

Align communication strategy with audience segmentation and landing page experience for highest level of relevance

Identify and Segment Audience

Strategic Communications &

Media Buy

Relevant & Usable Landing Page Strategy


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Digital Marketing Cycle



Digital Marketing Mix

Consistent and Relevant Web


Web Analytics

ROI / Value Calculation



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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization

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#3 Create a Search Campaign Strategy

Paid Search – Advertisements bought on a cost per click basis, displayed as a result of a specific or related search on a designated search engine

– Relevant - Searchers respond well to relevant advertisements related to their online search

– Targeted - Ads tied directly to keywords and search queries by health searchers

– Flexible - Campaigns can be optimized daily

– Drives Results - Consumers are in the consideration or buying phase = high engagement level

Create relevant and targeted ad copy


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization

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#4 Have a Post-Click Strategy – Landing Pages and Microsites

Creating complimentary and highly relevant site experiences– Landing pages MUST coordinate with online marketing efforts

Define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)– Creating usable, persuasive site experiences

Content development for the web– Consistent call to action– Relevant content – Tailored for audience


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Lead Generation Landing Pages

What is it?The webpage prospective patients arrive at after clicking on a link, usually a paid searchlink, or typing in a special web address foundon traditional marketing materials.

What does it do? Considers visitor’s geographic location, search

keyword preferences

Provides a segmented and highly targeted message for the visitor

Presents introductory level of information to support conversion

Provides a clear call to action (submit form or call phone #)


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Lead Generation Landing Pages

When should they be used? When your goal is a specific transaction:

– Web inquiries or referrals– Phone inquiries or referrals– New patient registration– Newsletter sign-ups

If the target audience only requires brief, introductory info. to convert – “Delegator” persona

If the target audience is early in their decision making process

When a tight timeline doesn’t allow for a microsite

When it’s supported by a traffic-generating campaign

– Pay-per-click ads– Display or banner ads– Email blasts


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Lead Generation Microsites

What is it?The mini website prospective patients arrive at after clicking on a link, usually a

paid or organic search result link, or by typing in a special web address found on traditionalmarketing materials.

What does it do? Considers visitor’s geographic

location, search keyword preferences

Provides a segmented and highly targeted message for the visitor alongside relevant informational and reference content

Provides a clear call to action (submit form or call phone #)


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Lead Generation Microsites

When should they be used? When your goal is a specific transaction:

– Web inquiries or referrals– Phone inquiries or referrals– New patient registration– Newsletter sign-ups

If the target audience . . . – Is further along in their decision making process

– Is composed of meaningful sub-segments

– Requires moderately in-depth info. to convert – “Researcher” persona

– Requires a more complex, interactive brand experienceto convert (videos, games, virtual tours, etc.)


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Relevant Keywords, Ad Copy and Landing Page

SEM ad appears for the search query “recovery center alcohol rehab”

User clicks on the ad and is taken to a highly relevant landing page about alcohol rehabilitation at a recovery center


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization

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#5 Define Results & Measure ROI

Online measurement is transparent– Set key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure

Integration of online marketing– Compliment traditional campaigns with online tactics

Adapting business process for ROI measurement– Lead funnel and workflow– Lead follow up / call center

Web analytics

• Form• Call


• Visit• Billing


• Online Spend • Value of Patient



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Define Results & Measure ROI: Online Marketing Metrics

Cost– Identify total spend for each online marketing campaign

Impressions– Measure number of times your ad is displayed

Clicks– Measure the number of users who click on your

advertisement and reach your website or landing page

Conversion– Understand what actionable goals users perform when they

are on your website


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Define Results & Measure ROI: Metrics Used by US Marketers


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Define Results & Measure ROI: Web Analytics & ROI Optimization Define $$$ value of each lead

– = (Value of Patient*Number of Patients) / (Number of Leads)

Lead value can then be related to online marketing media through web analytics

– Allocate budget to marketing tactic with highest lead value and ROI

Optimize poor performing campaigns based on– Lead value and ROI


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Lead Generation Best Practices Overview

1) Set your objective & define your target audience

2) Create an integrated digital marketing strategy

3) Create a search campaign strategy

4) Have a post-click strategy – Landing pages and Microsites

5) Define results and measure ROI

6) Continuous testing and optimization

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#6 Continuous Testing and Optimization

A/B Testing

Multivariate Testing

Optimizations for Search Engines (SEO)

– Meta descriptions– Keywords– Relevant content– Linking – Anchor text


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EMG Case Study: St. Helena Recovery Center


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Case Study: St. Helena Recovery Center


Client Background St. Helena Hospital is part of

Adventist Health, a not-for-profit, faith-based health system operating in California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.

Client Needs Needed to increase self referrals

online for multiple programs, including Recovery Center

Needed to generate awareness to promote their doctors and services

Needed to be able to track and measure success

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Case Study: St. Helena Recovery CenterNavigation



EMG Approach & Solution Extensive site audit – improved websites for

enhanced usability, user experience, and search engine optimized content

Developed lead generation focused microsite and landing pages

Created desktop search and mobile marketing campaigns

Created mobile landing page, click-to-call mobile ads

Implemented call-tracking to track phone calls and keywords for additional analytics

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Case Study: St. Helena Recovery Center


The Results Delivered over 5,000 inquiries in 2010 Decreased cost per inquiry (CPI) by 89.4% Average leads to sales conversion rate is nearly 30% Over 14,900% increase in phone inquiries compared to the beginning of 2010

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Landing Page Evaluation


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Memorial Health System of East Texas

Recommendations: Minimize scrolling

– Keep important content above the fold

Maximize screen resolution– Majority of screen resolutions

are:1280x800, followed by 1024x768


Current Height: 3,600+ pixels = more than 4.5 times the average screen resolution height

Below the Fold!

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Add Call-to-actioin

66Distinguish your most important call-to-action


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Make connecting with your social networks easier



Stronger call-to-action:“Like us on Facebook” for updates on events. “Follow us on Twitter” for up to the minute infoIntegrate Facebook’s Social plugins:Add the Like Button to allow visitors to ‘like’ your page with one click

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Showcase important information


New Patient Videos

Latest News

Patient Testimonials

Awards and Recognition

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Improve your site for lead generation


If your goal is lead generation or to increase communication on your website, consider the following:

• Adding a Contact Us page or section on the home

page for general questions/feedback

• Adding a form consistent across your site

• Adding a phone number (call tracking)

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Key Takeaways


People are spending more time online finding health information, specifically searching on search engines for symptoms, treatment, and disease/condition related information

Google AdWords and Analytics are great tools that allow you to track, and measure your online lead generation performance

Relevance is key! Make sure your keywords, ad copy, and site content are valuable for your target audience

Don’t know where to start? Work with a strategic partner to get started on planning an integrated digital marketing strategy and help you continuously optimize and measure performance





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Q & A

Thank You!

Contact us today to learn how EMG can apply it’s expertise in healthcare lead generation best practices and more to a number of your campaigns!

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