Revision Issue Date No. of Pages : : : Appendix HR1 07 25.01.2013 1 of 34 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK All rights reserved. No part of this handbook may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this handbook) without the written permission of the copyright holder. This handbook is the property of SENDI MAHIR SDN.BHD.

Handbook eng version rev2 jan13

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All rights reserved. No part of this handbook may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this handbook) without the written permission of the copyright holder.

This handbook is the property of SENDI MAHIR SDN.BHD.

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NO. CLAUSE PAGEIntroduction……………………………………………………….. 3

1 The Title…………………………………………………………... 42 Interpretation……………………………………………………… 43 Scope of Application…………………………………………….. 44 Commencement and Duration…………………………………. 45 Important Notes………………………………………………….. 46 Appointment ……………………………………………………… 57 False / Misleading Declaration………………………………….. 68 Probationary Period……………………………………………... 69 Confirmation………………………………………………………. 6

10 Termination of Employment…………………………………….. 611 Promotion..………………………………………………………… 6-712 Remuneration.……………………………………………………. 713 Performance Appraisal………………………………………….. 814 Annual Bonus…………………………………….……………….. 815 Annual Increment…………… .………………………………….. 7-816 Working Hours………………………………………..………….. 817 Attendance and Punctuality…………………………………….. 918 Dress Code ……………………………………. 8-919 Overtime…………………………………………………………... 920 Rest Days and Public Holidays………………………………... 1021 Annual Leave………..…………………………………………... 10-1122 Unpaid Leave………………………………………………….... 1123 Emergency Leave…………..…………………………………... 11-1224 Medical / Hospitalization Leave……………………………….. 1225 Clinical & Medical Benefit……….……………………………… 13-1426 Maternity Leave …………………………………………………. 1427 Marriage Leave.…………………………………………………. 14-1528 Compassionate Leave………………………………………….. 1529 Paternity Leave…………………………………………………… 1530 Accident Insurance Coverage………………………………….. 1531 Training and Development…………………………………….. 15-1632 Transfer………………………………………………………….. 1633 Retrenchment..………………………………………………….. 1734 Retirement……………………………………………………….. 1735 Statutory Contributions..………………………………………... 16-1736 Company Properties…..………………………………………... 1737 Personal Files………….………………………………………... 1738 Confidentiality…………..………………………………………... 1739 Discipline………………..………………………………………... 17-1840 Safety and Health……...………………………………………... 1941 Code of Business Principles 19-2042 Do’s & Don’t Do 21-2243 Customer & Internal 2344 Agronomics for Safety Body Posture 24

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This Personnel Manual of the Company is made on July 1st, 2007 by SENDI MAHIR SDN. BHD. The Company is incorporated in Malaysia and has their operation head office at No. 6, 8, 10 Jalan Kapar 27/89, Taman Alam Megah, 40400 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”).

The Company reserves the right to introduce, modify, amend or annul any terms and conditions of employment at any time during its operation, Employee affected by such changes shall be duly informed by issuance of circulars, directives or other instructions by whatever name from time to time which shall henceforth form part of the terms and conditions of service.

** Any confusion please refer to English Version as reference**

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1.1 This manual shall be known as the “EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK”


This manual unless the context otherwise requires:

2.1 “Employee” means a person who is in full time employment with the Company.

2.2 “Company” means SENDI MAHIR SDN. BHD.

2.3 Words imparting the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and vice verse; words imparting the singular number shall include the plural number and vice versa.


3.1 The terms and conditions in the handbook shall apply to all Employees in the Company.


4.1 Except as otherwise provided therein, this manual:-

a) Shall be effective July 1st, 2007; andb) Thereafter continue to be in force until it is amended or updated.

4.2 If, for any reason whatsoever, the Company wishes to alter these terms and conditions of service in any way, it reserves the right to do so entirely at its discretion. Any alteration, amendment or addition to these terms and conditions of service shall be advised to you in writing.



Every Employee shall accept the Company’s policy as covered in the Employee Handbook. The interpretation of the Employee Handbook by the Company shall be final and all Employees are deemed to be fully aware of the provisions of the Employee Handbook.


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Every Employee shall serve the Company to the best of his skill and ability, shall at all times conduct himself properly towards other Employees of the Company, the Company’s customers and towards the Company itself, and shall strictly comply with the provisions of the Employment Policy. Every Employee shall carry out his duties, responsibilities and work instructions given by the superiors faithfully and conscientiously.


(a) Please read this handbook and understand the contents.

(b) Should there by any doubt, please consult your immediate superior or the Human Resource Department.

(c) This Manual shall supercede all other terms and conditions of employment, which contradict, or inconsistent with whatever stated herein.


6.1 All Appointments shall be made through a Letter of Appointment or Contract of Service subject to production of evidence of age, academic qualifications and satisfactory references that the Company may require.

6.2 The Letter of Appointment or Contract of Service shall be duly signed by both parties, the Employer and the Employee.

6.3 All newly appointed employees are required to undergo Pre-employment checkup at company appointed laboratory / panel doctor. Appointment subject to No Major Illness / Drug addict upon confirmation from the medical check-up.


7.1 At any time, subsequent to the appointment of an Employee, if it is found that any statement or information contained in the Job Application Form is false or misleading, the Employee shall be liable for instant dismissal or any other disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the Company.


8.1All newly appointed Employees shall serve a probationary period of six (6) months. The Company may extend the probationary period solely at the Company’s discretion. In this case, the Employee shall be informed of the intention in writing before the expiry of the probationary period.

8.2During the probationary period, the service of an Employee may be terminated at any time by either party giving to the other party twenty-four (24) hours’ of written notice or salary in lieu.

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8.3On successful completion of the probationary period, the Employee will be confirmed in regular employment by a Letter of Confirmation.

8.4All Technical or Laboratory Personnel are required to pass the internal training assessment before confirmation takes place.


9.1 Confirmation of employment is subjected to the satisfactory performance of an Employee who will be evaluated by the Management of the Company.


10.1 An Employee who is intended to resign from the service of the Company at any time after his confirmation of service, is required to give a written notice or pay in lieu as per the following:

Length of Service Notice of PeriodLess than 2 years 4 weeks2 years but less than 5 years 6 weeks5 years and above 8 weeks

10.2 The Company may give similar notice or similar payment in lieu of notice as per Clause 10.1 if it wishes to terminate the service of an Employee (with the exception of those whose services are to be terminated on the grounds of misconduct).

10.3 Any Employee who absents himself for 48 hours consecutively without informing the Human Resource Department or his Department Head will be regarded as having voluntarily resigned.

10.4 Notwithstanding in this Agreement the Company may terminate your appointment forthwith without any notice or payment in lieu of notice in the event that you are found guilty of criminal, breach of trust, insobriety, guilty of misconduct, insubordination, violation of Company’s rules, persistent neglect of duty, or declared as a bankrupt or be convicted of any serious criminal offence.

10.5 The Employee shall surrender all documents, records, files, keys, and other properties belonging to the Company. The Employee shall also settle all outstanding liabilities, loans and other obligations to the Company.


11.1 The Company, at its sole discretion may promote any suitable and capable Employee, depending on vacancy and / or the merit of each case, to any position of the higher category as it deems fit.

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11.2 The Company reserves the right to fill such vacancy from outside the Company should there be no existing Employee is found suitable.

11.3 Any Employee selected for promotion will be notified in writing and the Employee will get an increment for the new position.

11.4 The Company’s selection of any Employee for promotion shall be final.


12.1 All Employees shall be paid in accordance to the basis of their qualification, experience, job functions and performance.

12.2 The Company may, at its sole discretion, give annual increment on the 1st

January of each year, depending on the performance of the individual and the profitability of the Company, and in such cases, only confirmed Employee shall be eligible.

12.3 Wages will be paid on or before the end of each month.


13.1 The Management will conduct a Performance Appraisal for the Employees in the month of December each year. The Management will review the result of the Performance Appraisal and this will determine the Employee’s percentage of annual increment and bonus for the following year.


14.1 Annual bonus may be paid to all confirmed Employees at the sole discretion of the Company.

14.2 A newly engaged Employee who has been confirmed when bonus is declared but with less than one (1) year of continuous service may be eligible for bonus prorated on the number of completed months of service.


15.1 Upon confirmation, Employees are eligible for the first annual increment which shall be on 1st January of the following year.

15.2 Subsequent annual increment for all Employees will be effective 1st January of each year.

15.3 Annual increment for each individual depends on both the Company’s profitability and individual performance (through Performance Appraisal).

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15.4 The Company may grant merit increment to an Employee, who in the opinion of the Company, has shown outstanding performance.

15.5 The Company may also withhold an Employee’s annual increment if in its opinion, the Employee’s performance has been unsatisfactory.


16.1 Normal working hours(a) Monday to Friday : 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.(b) Normal Lunch Break (45 min) : # please follow shifts(c) Saturday : 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

(once a month)(d) Morning Tea Break : # please follow shifts

Note : # approved by HOD

Any Employee who is unable to report for work / will be late for work must inform the Human Resource Department or his Department Head and state the reason in the same morning.

The Management reserves the right to determine the working hours from time to time.

16.2 For Management / Executive Employee, in view of the special nature of your job duties and responsibilities, you are expected to exceed the normal working hours in accordance to the exigencies of the business of the Company.

16.3 Employees are required to observe the scheduled working hours which have been determined by the Company from time to time.


17.1 Employees are expected to be punctual when reporting for work. Employees are required to check in / out daily when reporting for work and when leaving the office. This includes punching when leaving for lunch and back from lunch as well as punching when leaving for site calibration and back from site calibration by technicians.

Note : One digital thumb print machine has been installed at FTS Lab for this purpose.

17.2 If you are unable to do so due to any unavoidable reasons, contact your Department Head or the Human Resource Department immediately.

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17.3 Employees are expected to avoid any unnecessary absence. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for efficient operation. Irregular attendance, lateness and tardiness at work will render the Employees to be liable for disciplinary action in accordance to the Company’s rules and regulations.

17.4 The Company shall not hesitate to give warning or even dismissal, to any Employee who perpetually reports late for work as the Company takes serious view on the lateness of the Employees.


18.1 An Employee is expected to be appropriately dressed during working hours.

18.2 Appropriate dress along with basic etiquette is one of the most common associates made to professionalism.

18.3 We form first impressions to customers by the way we dress up in the office environment especially staff at the customer service, counter

18.4 Sales & marketing staff are to wear proper attire ie long sleeve shirt, pans & neck tie to meeting customers. Flowery shirts and too bright colour shirts that may distract the customer attention from the business dealing are not encouraged.

18.5 Please be reminded our office is a professional environment and you may need to maintain certain atmoshphere on your dress code. (refer to guidelines)

Basic Guidelines :

1. Casual attire is not suitable for office ie sports wear, exercise sessions except on working Saturday.

2. Attire that reveal too much cleavage, your back, your chest & stomach (esp for ladies)

3. Attire should be iron and never wrinkled. 4. Torn, dirty or frayed attire is unacceptable.5. Any attire that has words , terms or pictures that may

offensive to other employees is un acceptable.6. Attire that has company logo is encouraged, sports team,

university and fashion brand names on clothing are generally acceptable.

-new proposal-CLAUSE 19 – OVERTIME

19.1 Employees whose are non Executive level are entitled for overtime payment as stated in Clause 19.3; for Executive level are RM13.00 per hour.

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19.2 All Site Lab Technicians will be paid for the overtime, which is defined as approved work performed before or after the official working hours, at the rates stated in Clause 19.3. Employee who performed overtime work must submit an application to the Manager, immediate superior or Department Head for approval.

19.3 Rate for overtime for Employees as mentioned in Clause 19.2 is as follow:

(a) Normal Working Day (Mon – Sat) : 1.5 times the hourly rate of pay(b) Sunday (Rest day)/Public Holiday: 2 times the hourly rate of pay(c) Gazetted Public Holiday : 3 times the hourly rate of pay

falls on Sunday


(i) You will be paid 1.5 times the hourly rate, during and after your normal working hours on both working and non-working Saturday.


20.1 Every Employee will be entitled to at least one (1) rest day in a week.

20.2 Employees shall be entitled to all gazetted Public Holidays with full pay. The entitlement to the gazetted Public Holidays may be changed at the absolute discretion of the Company.

20.3 Any work done at Company’s request on a rest day or gazetted Public Holidays shall be paid in accordance with the rates specified in Clause 19.

20.4 Employee who absents himself from work on the working day immediately before or after a Public Holiday without prior consent of the Company shall not be entitled for pay of the day unless the Employee has reasonable excuse for such absence.


21.1 All Employees who joined w.ef 1995 – 25 th January 2010 will be entitled to the below stipulated Annual Leave.

Period of Employment Entitlement

Less than 2 years 12 days2 years but less than 5 years 15 days5 years but less than 10 years 18 days10 years and above 20 days

Nevertheless to follow the Employment Acts Law , all employees who joined on/ after 26th January 2010 will be entitled to new Annual Leaves as below.

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Period of Employment Entitlement

Less than 2 years 8 days2 years but less than 5 years 12 days 5 years & above 16 days

21.2 The Management allows its Employee to carry forward the existing year’s Annual Leave of a maximum of seven (7) days to the following year.

21.3 Employees are allowed to advance annual leave. However, advance of annual leave shall not be more than the proportional accumulated Annual Leave for the service period of the Employee.

21.4 All Leave Application Forms must be submitted to the Human Resource Department at least two (2) working days in advance prior to going on leave.

21.5 Any leaves taken by Employee who is under probation period is considered as Unpaid Leave.

21.6 The Company reserves the right at anytime to recall an Employee who is on leave or cancel his leave if the exigencies of the service are required from the Employee.

21.7 Any Sick Leave taken during Annual Leave will be considered as Annual Leave.

21.8 Definition of half-day leave : ( no half day leave in labour law, this is base co discretion )

First half - 4½ hours in the morning from commencement of the official working hour.

Second half - 4½ hours in the afternoon until the end of official working hour.

Half day leave in the morning will start work at 1.00 pm; and half day leave in the afternoon will be able to excuse from work at 1.00 pm.


22.1 Unpaid leave means leave which is approved by the Management but is not payable because the Applicant does not have any leave entitlement / balance.

22.2 The Management does not encourage Unpaid Leave.


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23.1 All Emergency Leave should be accompanied by a valid reason and to be written in the Leave Application Form. Such leave is also subjected to the Management‘s approval.

23.2 Taking Emergency Leave frequently will affect employees’ year-end bonus and increment, if applicable.

23.3 Two types of Emergency Leave:-

(a) Emergency Leave with Notice – Prior leave applied in less than two (2) days before commencement of the said leave, provided with approval of the Management.

(b) Emergency Leave without Notice – Without prior leave from the Management, and without reasonable explanation, or without informing or attempting to inform the Management, Department Head or Human Resource Department of his/her reason of such absence.

Note : i) Confirm Staff –will be deducted from Annual Leave entitlement.ii) Probation Staff – will be considered as Unpaid Leave.


Employees shall be entitled to the following paid Medical Leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Act 1955.

24.1 If no hospitalization is needed:-

Years of Service No. of Days in a YearLess than 2 years 14 Days2 years but less than 5 years 18 Days5 years and above 22 Days

24.2 Sixty (60) days are inclusive of the Medical Leave, if hospitalization is needed, and it must be certified by such registered medical practitioner or medical officer.

24.3.1 Medical benefits shall not apply to treatment incidental to dental, optical or any self-inflicted illness or injuries, complaints or injuries attributed to or caused by immoral conduct, unlawful acts, exposure to unjustifiable hazards, provoked assault and the use of unperceived drugs or medication.

24.4 Employee must inform the Company immediately after being granted Medical Leave by the doctor. Medical Leave which is not certified by medical officer, or without notice within 24 hours shall be deemed as absent from work.

24.5 Medical Leave may carry dements to Performance Appraisal.

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24.6 Any unused Hospitalization Leave cannot be carried forward to the following year and there will be no pay for unused days at the end of the year or upon termination.

24.7 Any unused Medical Leave will be reimbursed to the employees at RM 30.00 per day by the end of the year. This is not applicable to managers and resigning staff or upon termination.

24.8 Any medical check up, treatment or pre-arrange appointment shall not be considered as Medical Leave.

24.9 Only Medical Leave taken from Company panel doctor will be recognized. Any other Medical Chit taken from others clinic will be considered as Emergency Leave and such leave will be deducted from Annual Leave Entitlement.


25.1 Kindly be informed that we have two (2) types of benefits i.e. Clinical & Medical Benefits. Each staff is entitling to either one (1) of them.

25.1.1 Clinical

The Company agrees to subsidize up to RM40.00 per visit and if the claim cost more than the stated amount, employee has to pay the additional to the Clinic by their own. You are allowed to claim maximum up to RM450.00 per year.

Mediviron Medical Group is our company Panel Doctor. Ensure that the medical card is always with you when you are visiting the clinic. Existing Klinik Shah Alam and Klinik Aman will still remain as our company panel doctor. You can to go to Hospital and Medical Centre ONLY if you are out from town.

Take note that any Medical Leave Chit from others clinic will not be certified and automatically will deduct from your annual leave entitlement and to be considered as Emergency Leave (Except : The Medical Leave Chit from Govt. Hospital which sign by “Pegawai Doktor” only).

25.1.2 Medical

The maximum claims per year are stated as per your latest “Salary & Bonus” letter. This will include your spouse, children’s, parent and parent in law.

The claims cover:

a. Clinical claim (A) but no limitation of RM40.00 as above.b. Medicines bought from Pharmacy/ from Hospital / Medical Centre.c. Premium of Hopitalisation Insurance.d. Medical Check-up.

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e. Cost Dental Treatments

Note : The claims does not cover:

a. This claim does not cover contact lense/ spectacles, Personal Accident/ Life Insurance and endowment. For others claim which not stated here, please refer to the Management.

b. The total sum of the claim (no.1-4) above cannot exceed than the entitlements benefits per year.

c. Please refer to your entitlement for the claim and category of the position.

d. All claims are required to get approval by your Department Head (Manager) and then to be submitted to Accounts Dept.

25.2 The Company will not bear the cost of the following:

25.2.1 Cosmetics or plastic surgery of correction of deformities.

25.2.2 All pregnancy related treatments.

25.2.3 Physical examination and check-up not related to the treatment of sickness or injury and not required by the Company.

25.2.4 Any expenses for treatment of mental illness.

25.2.5 Treatments by herbalists, bone settler or acupuncturists, and Bomoh.

25.2.6 Ilness or accident arising out of and in the course of employment that can be claimed under SOSCO and Company’s hospitalization and surgical insurance.

25.2.7 Medical and surgical appliances, including eyeglasses and spectacles.

25.2.8 Self-inflicted injury or illness or condition caused by chronic alcoholism

25.2.9 Any not stated as per above please refer to Management for approval.


26.1 Every female Employee shall be entitled to Maternity Leave and allowance for a period of not more than sixty (60) days (inclusive of rest days and public holidays that falls within the period) in accordance to Section 37 of the Employment Act 1955.

26.2 Female Employees are requested to notify the Company of their intention to commence their Maternity Leave at least two (2) weeks beforehand to enable the Company to make suitable staff arrangements to cover their duties.

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26.3 Leave on account of miscarriage shall not be considered as Maternity Leave but as Medical Leave.

26.4 Female Employees shall not be entitled to paid Maternity Leave if at the time of her confinement she already has five (5) children (regardless no of companies joining ).

26.5 An employer can request their employees to start her Maternity Leave 14 days before the Expected Due Date.(EDD)


27.1 All confirmed Employees shall be entitled to

four (4) working days of paid leave on occasion of his / her first legal marriage.

27.2 Application for Marriage Leave should be submitted to the Human Resource Department seven (7) days in advance.


28.1 The Company agrees to grant paid Compassionate Leave of two (2) working days in the event of death of an immediate family member such as physical parent, grandparents, spouse, child, immediate brother or sister of the Employee.

28.2 In addition to that, the Company also agrees to grant paid Compassionate Leave of two (2) working days in the event of death on their spouse family side for grandparents and parent only. It doesn’t include spouse physical brothers and sisters.

Note : For confirm Employee only, those who still under probation are not entitled, an unpaid leave shall be grant.


29.1 All male Employees shall be eligible for two (2) working days of paid Paternity Leave on the birth of his legal surviving child.


30.1. The Company will provide its Employees a Personal Accident (PA) (one) 1 month after their joining .

30.2. Nevertheless company will apply the Hospitalization Insurance coverage for new employees upon their confirmation only.

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30.3 The insurance coverage will be based as per policy and employment .


31.1 External Training Method

All Participants are not allowed to claim for overtime or replacement leave for any course attended irregardless of the day and time the course being held.

31.1.1 ScopeAll external training (local and overseas) which are sponsored by the Company.

31.1.2 Attendance Management, Certificates and Training Reports

(a) Local CourseParticipant who is found absent or do not attend the course fully have to refund the total amount which is sponsored by the Company.

Participants are required to write a report on the training attended and submit to the Human Resource Department within one (1) week. Failing which, the Participant is required to pay half of the expenses incurred for the course through incentive deduction without further notification.

Certificates of the training have to be submitted to the Human Resource Department as well.

(b) Overseas Course

Participants have to report to work on the day of arrival if it is a working day or on the following working day if the day of arrival falls on a non-working day. Failing which, you shall be considered as absent.

Participants have to submit a report on the training to the Human Resource Department within one (1) week upon completion of the training. Failing which, the Participant is required to pay half of the expenses incurred for the course through incentive deduction without further notification.

Certificates of the training have to be submitted to the Human Resource Department as well.

(c) Accommodation and transportation will be arranged by the Company.

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32.1 Transfer of Employees from one department to another within same Company or any branch, subsidiary or affiliate Company shall be at the sole discretion of the Company and shall not be disputed.


33.1 An Employee whose service is to be terminated on grounds of redundancy shall be notified in writing at least one (1) month in advance or shall be paid one (1) month basic salary in lieu of notice in addition to the retrenchment benefit payable to the Employee.


34.1 All Employees shall be retired at 55 years of age; the Company will give six (6) month’s notice prior to the date of retirement. However, the Company may at its sole discretion invite the Employee to continue the employment on a contract basis. The Company will determine the terms and conditions of such re- employment.

34.2 Based on RETIREMENT AGE of ACT 2011 effective date of the new age of retirement to 60 years will only be implemented on July 1, 2013. However, this company is very concern about accuracy and productive in the jobs, especially when composed works Calibration. Thus the company wrote a letter of appeal to the Policy Division, Level 7 of the Ministry of Human Resources policy exempts the company.


35.1 The Company will contribute a *sum of your salary to the Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF). Your portion of the EPF contribution, per the statutory requirement, and any other statutory deductions such as SOCSO, Income Tax, etc. will be deducted from your monthly salary, prior to releasing the net to you.

*Note : To follow EPF % on monthly contribution.


36.1 All Company’s properties entrusted to Employees shall be returned to the Company before the Employees leave the employment of the Company. In the event of failure to do so, the Company may deduct the cost of such property from the Employees or take whatever action deemed necessary.

36.2 Any Employee who is found guilty of vandalizing or damaging the Company’s property shall be liable to pay for the damages, besides disciplinary action.

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37.1 An Employee is allowed access to his personnel file only. This access is limited to perusing the contents in his personnel file. The Employee concerned is not allowed to remove any documents from the file.

37.2 The immediate superior, the Department Heads and the authorized personnel are allowed to access to the subordinate personnel file for confirmation, annual review, promotion and related matter with proper documentation.


38.1 Any information relating to the business, affairs or clients of the Company are regarded as confidential. It must be understood and acknowledged that you will in no circumstances divulge or make public in any way, any information imparted to or gained by you in the course of discharging your duties or otherwise. Employee that found guilty of such offences will be terminated without any notice or payment in lieu of notice, together with the forfeit of all claims that are due by the Employee. The Company’s decision in this matter shall be final and conclusive. This condition shall continue to apply after the termination of your employment of the Company.


39.1 The Company may take disciplinary action against any Employee in the event of misconduct, inconsistent with the fulfillment of the expressed or implied condition of service, inefficiency or indiscipline or any breach of the terms of the Agreement and such action shall be confirmed in writing. The followings are considered examples of poor behavior amounting to misconduct where appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken by the Company.

39.1.1 Class of Offence – Major Misconducts

(a) Theft, fraud, disclosure of trade secrets, dishonestly, or breach of trust in connection with the property of the Company;

(b) Violence, abusing, assaulting, or threatening to assault or using force or others;

(c) Insubordination, willful disobedience to any lawful and reasonable instruction of a Superior, deliberate disrespect for management in the form of abuse and / or violence;

(d) Willful or careless damage / spoilage / waste to Company’s property;

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(e) Intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs or bringing them into Company’s premises;

(f) Conviction and imprisonment for any crime under the Law of Malaysia;

(g) Deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of personal history or other material mis-statement to the Company;

(h) Receiving of offering bribes or any illegal gratification or receiving presents in cash or in kind;

(i) Riotous and disorderly behavior, quarrelling, threatening and indulging in abusive or vulgar language during and outside hours work within the Company’s premises;

(j) Smoking in a designated non-smoking area; and etc.

39.2 Employees who have committed any misconduct inconsistent with the fulfillment if the expressed or implied conditions of their services are punishable with any one or more of the following penalties:-

39.2.1 Advice Letter / Show Cause Letter ( to reply within 2 weeks)

39.2.2 Verbal warning

39.2.3 Written warning

39.2.4 Final written warning

39.2.5 Suspension / Domestic Inquiry

39.2.6 Immediate dismissal

39.2.7 Any other penalties permitted by the Law.


40.1 The Company is responsible and committed in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and to promote safe working practices among all Employees.

40.2 Creation and maintenance of safe and healthy working environment is collective and joint responsibility of both Company and Employees. It is important that full cooperation, teamwork and dedication by all and at all times are needed to achieve injury prevention among Employees.

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40.3 The Company shall provide safety training and education to develop safety skills and knowledge of injury free and healthy working environment.

40.4 All Employees must obey the Company’s Safety and Health Rules and Regulations so as to prevent themselves and their colleagues from bodily injuries.


41.1 Standard of ConductWe conduct our business with honesty, integrity and openness and with respect for the human rights and interests of our employees.

We shall similarly respect the legitimate interests of those with whom we have relationships.

41.2 Obeying the lawSMSB companies and our employees are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.

41.3 Employees

SMSB is committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of our company.

41.4 Business Integrity

SMSB does not give or receive whether directly or indirectly bribes or other improper advantages for business or financial gain.

No employee may offer, give or receive any gift or payment which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe. Any demand for, or offer of, a bribe must be rejected immediately and reported to the management.

SMSB accounting records and supporting documents must accurately describe and reflect the nature of the underlying transactions.

No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund or asset will be established or maintained.

41.5 Conflict of Interest

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All SMSB employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests which could conflict with their responsibilities to the company.SMSB employees must not seek gain for themselves or others through misuse of their positions.

41.6 Compliance-Monitoring – Reporting

Compliance with these principles is an essential element in our business success. The management is responsible for ensuring these principles are communicated to, and understood and observed by, all employees.Day-to-day responsibility is delegated to the senior management of the department or Department Heads. They are responsible for implementing these principles, if necessary through more detailed guideline tailored to Department needs. Assurance of compliance is given and monitored each year by Department Head and supported by Management.


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42.1 Computer Matters

DO DON'T DOGeneral General

Always seek for assists whenever there is any problem unsolved. Any good suggestion to overcome the problem is welcome.

DO NOT delete any default shortcut on the working computer.

Always shut down computer properly by using the command button from the START menu bar at bottom right corner.

DO NOT shut down computer directly from it power source.

Turn off the power source after shut down the computer. Unplug the power plug during the long holiday.

Strictly no USB storage and any removable media for unauthorized personal.

Printer PrinterClean the printer whenever there is the toner pounder drop-off from the toner cartridge within the printer.

DO NOT ever use the paper with the present of STAPLES BULLET.

Gently shake the toner cartridge horizontally when the printout is blurring.When it does not solve the problem then replacement of cartridge is required.

Shaking too hard will cause the heavily pounder leakage.

ON and OFF the printer from it power source for immediate printer troubleshooting.

Computer ComputerScanning on all the removable media must be scanned with the antivirus. (Example: diskette CD media can be excluded.)If the virus is found then he/she must immediately informs ICT personal.

DO NOT bring out any computer components from the SMSB’s premises.

DO NOT disturb scheduled virus scanning by antivirus.

Install only necessary software for working purpose.

DO NOT install any unauthorized software due to licensing concerns.

When there is any unknown or weird outcome, always take note of the ERROR message prompted by the computer and observe how it lead to this error and notify ICT personal.

DO NOT use any removable media from outside without permission because can cause virus.

System Software (RECALL System) System SoftwareClose all the program(s) and sign off from E-RECALL system when you need to leave the

DO NOT leave the system software open in the half way during the data key-in in the

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computer. progress.If any error happens, perform the below troubleshoot steps :-

i) Close all internet explorer window(s).ii) Restart the computer.iii) Ensure the computer is connected to the Internet Network.iv) Navigate again to the same place where the ERROR in E-RECALL system.v) If problem still not solve contact the IT Department.

DO NOT make copy without permission.

DO NOT just press many times if system no responds.


Do not share your PASSWORD with others. The password are totally CONFIDENTIAL due to different user’s account have different functionality.

42.2 – Customer & Internal

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Smiles Show No Patient / In Hurry

Down To Earth Arrogant Or Show Off

Show Confidence Scared & Not Confidence

Look Smart & TidyMessy e.g. Shirt Not Tug In/ Wearing Slipper Only Without Socks

Start Conversation With Greetings No Confrontation With Customer

Talks With Sincere & Honest Cheating / Lie / Cover Up



Confirm Use 110V Or 240V Assume Use 110V Or 240V

Always Ask When Do Not Understand Quite & Make Own Decisions

Follow High Voltage Safety Rules Do Not Entering HV Area During Test

Practices 5S & Refurbished Messy

Focus On Teamwork Individual

Work Efficiently Slow



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