(H2H)3D Passion and Results by Human-to-Human Gamification Elina Arponen [email protected] @yonder_ @dramagame #h2h3d

(H2H)3D Game-Based Human-to-Human Solutions for Business

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How to transform the passion and impact of games to business.

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Page 1: (H2H)3D Game-Based Human-to-Human Solutions for Business

(H2H)3D Passion and Results by Human-to-Human Gamification

Elina Arponen [email protected]

@yonder_ @dramagame


Page 2: (H2H)3D Game-Based Human-to-Human Solutions for Business

Unique multiplayer story game Opened at Steam in July 2014

Over 90 000 users Over 500 000 views for fan made youtube films

Presented By Tribe Studios Ltd

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"This concept is amazing, this is really what videogames world needed. … This is the future

of video gaming. “

“Just played @VelvetSundown, I think it brings a whole new lvl of multiplayer & story telling

to gaming, check it out: http://velvetsundown.com ”

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• ”Unnecessary obstacles we volunteer to tackle” Jane McGonigal

• ”Creative behaviour within given set of boundaries”

Gaming demography

•Average player age is 31 years

• 48% of players are female

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Measuring Gameplay

• Intellect challenges

•Reaction speed challenges

•Social challenges

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Games for Business

• Games as co-operative business tools

• Games for practicing business processes

• Games for exploring new business practices and possibilities

• Games for learning and training

• Games for marketing and engaging audiences

• Games for ...

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Benefits from games

• Engagement

• Intense focus

•Detailed data

•Global reach

• Safe to make mistakes


• ...

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The Dramagame Genre

• Conversation and human-to-human interactions as a gameplay mechanic

• Short multi-player, virtual world experiences designed to simulate social situations

• Enable to handle tens of millions of variations with open or closed endings

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CASE Lateral Gallery with Altogame Ltd.

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How does it work?

Lobby-chat: • Define your

real-life question

Virtual Gallery: • Play with the team

(2 – N players)

Debrief: • Experiences and

results • Review the Game log

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Lateral Gallery use cases

1. Innovation tool

2. Group coaching / Coaching

3. Meeting tool

4. Sharing vision and values

5. Crowd innovation

6. ... And use your imagination...

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CASE Agile Avenue with Altogame Ltd.

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Agile Avenue use cases

1. Learn agile ways of working

2. Plan your next sprint

3. Practise roles and events

4. Carry out mental exercises (e.g.

for upcoming new challenges)

5. ... And use your imagination...

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CASE Linda Trainer with Muutostaito

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User feedback from Lateral Gallery

CEO’s feedback: ”In 45 minutes

of playing the game we were

able to innovate more new

ideas than in traditional

management meetings during

one year." “I learned totally new qualities of

my colleague with whom I have

been working together more than

15 years. I didn’t know that he is

so empathic and nice."

"The game generated action-

orientated ideas and we will

continue to utilize AltoGame

in our innovation work."

CEO: ”I would like to play


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Going to the future

• A breakfast seminar Wednesday 10th of September

• https://dramagame.wufoo.com/forms/aamiaisseminaari/

• Including Sonja Ängeslevä, writer of ”Level Up: Työrutiinit Peliksi”

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Thank you!

Elina Arponen [email protected]

@yonder_ @dramagame

