Increase Word of Mouth and Grow Your Business with Your Own Referral App! We Give You the Edge in the Referral Business

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Increase Word of

Mouth and Grow Your

Business with Your

Own Referral App!We Give You the Edge in

the Referral Business

Top Issues for Companies

• Lead generation• Cost to get in front of a qualified customer• Cost per acquisition

Why Referrals?

• Best type of leads– Referrals! Or word-of-mouth marketing

92% of respondents trusted referrals from

people they knew- Nielsen

83% of consumers are willing to refer after a positive experience.

Yet only 29% do!- Texas Tech

65% of new business come from referrals

- New York Times

Why Referrals?

• Warm leads• Common ground between rep and referral• Typically not dealing with multiple competitors• Referrals close at a higher rate than any other

lead sources– We have seen 40-50% close ratios in comparison to

15-25% with other lead sources

• Likelihood of getting a referral from a referred customer increases dramatically

The Problem with Referrals

• Waiting for the call• How do you track?• How do you reward someone for the referral

– When do you reward them?

• How you remain top of mind?• How do you let your former customers know

about new products or promotions?• How can you double your referral business?

What’s a Reffiliate?

• We have taken referral marketing and affiliate marketing and combined the two

• We’ve created our own word-of-mouth brand ambassadors

Why GetTheReferral.com?

• GetTheReferral.com is an App based referral program

• Easily incorporate into your existing business model

• The App and dashboard give you the tools you need to manage an effective referral program

Your Reffiliate Team

• We’ll provide you with the tools to develop and support your very own team of Reffiliates to go out and share the good word about your business

Get Started Today• Increase your referral business; Decrease your cost per

acquisition• Manage incoming referrals in one place• Activate dormant customers and motivate new customers to

become Reffiliates• Stay in touch with the Reffiliate team• Reward your Reffiliate through Dwolla, a leading electronic

payment network• Sales reps can build their own Reffiliate team

– Track all Reffiliates and referrals by rep

• Offer up to 5 different products with different reward amounts• Choose up to 3 reward payment triggers

Download the App

• Available for iOS and Android

Sign up to Become a Reffiliate!

Your Own Company Dashboard

• Check the dashboard for more referrals• Pay a Reffiliate by clicking “Pay Now”

Contact your Reffiliates

• Use push notifications and emails to contact Reffiliates

Case StudySolar Universe (Fresno)*

• In 2014, referral business represented 35% of all sales• Launched GetTheReferral.com at the end of 2014• Currently have over 150 reffiliates• Reffiliates submitted over 190 referrals to date• 55% sit ratio• 45% close ratio• 55% of all sales came directly from GetTheReferral.com• Goal for 2015:

– 300+ reffiliates– Increase sit ratio to 60-65%– Increase close ratio to 50%+– Generate 70-75% of sales from GetTheReferral.com*Case Study was performed from December 2014 – March 2015)


• We’ve got the perfect plan for your business


Joey [email protected]
