Fundamentals of Effective Public Speaking The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. — George Jessel Presented by: Clinton Liederman

Fundamentals of effective public speaking

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Page 1: Fundamentals of effective public speaking

Fundamentals of Effective Public Speaking

The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. — George Jessel

Presented by: Clinton Liederman

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Ground Rules

1. Switch off all cellphones

2. Close all laptop screens

3. Ask questions when necessary

4. Break halfway through

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1. Nothing frightens most people more than having to stand up in front of a group and deliver a speech.

1. A survey has shown that people fear:

a. Darkness -7.5%

b. Death -18%

c. Insects -30%

d. Public speaking -40%

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To equip the audience with the fundamentals of effective public speaking

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1. Planning.

2. Communication Aids.

3. Basic Format.

4. How to Deliver your Presentation.

5. Presentation Tips.

6. Overcoming Stage Fright.

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Planning1. Know the topic well.

1. Have a clear idea of the purpose.

1. Consider the audience.

1. Practice

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Communication Aids

1. Include the use of aids in your presntation because:

a) A picture is worth a thousand words

b) Can instantly portray things that cannot be said adequately

c) Creates Interest.

d) Adds impact.

e) Remains in memory long after the words have left

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Communication Aids (cont)

1. Examples:

a) Powerpoint.

b) Pointers.

c) TV's & Videos.

d) Flip charts.

e) White boards.

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Basic Format

1. Introduction

a) Interest grabber

b) Ground rules

2. Aim

a) Singular.

b) Should remain visible throught the presentation

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Basic Format (cont)

3. Scope

a) Indicates the subjects you intend covering in order to achieve your aim.

b) Say why you discuss these points.

c) How are they linked together to reach the aim?

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Basic Format (cont)

4. Body

a. Main part of the presentation.

b. Must be discussed in a logical manner.

c. Aspects discussed must relate to the aim.

d. Accuracy and completeness of facts are important.

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Basic Format (cont)

5. Conclusion

a. Closing must be forceful.

b. Brief summary of the main points.

c. Must clearly indicate that the aim has been obtained.

d. Finally leave time for your audience to ask questions if the topic allows.

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Basic Format (cont)

6.In summary:

a. Introduce the audience to what you’re going to tell them. (Introduction)

b. Tell the audience what you’re going to tell them (Scope).

c. Tell the audience (Body).

d. Remind the audience what you told them (Conclusion).

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5 Minute Break

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How to Deliver your presentation (cont)

1. A demagogue– plays on the passions and prejudices of the masses.

1. Poor speakers struggle to communicate even worthwhile ideas.

1. Speakers have a responsibility to give worthwhile speeches as effectively as possible

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How to Deliver your presentation (cont)

4. Appearance.

5. Use your voice:

a) Rate or tempo of speech.

b) Pitch.

c) Volume.

d) Pause.

e) Eliminate filter words.

f) Pronunciation.

g) Practise aloud.

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How to Deliver your presentation (cont)

5. Body language.

a) Increase physical space.

b) Posture.

c) Stand firmly.

d) Move deliberately.

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How to Deliver your presentation (cont)

e) Relax your hands.

f) Eliminate distracting items.

g) Move consistant with your message.

h) Eye contact.

I) Facial expressions.

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How to Deliver your presentation (cont)

7. Questions and Answers:

a) Ask questions to check audience comprehension.

b) Always encourage your audience to ask you questions.

c) When asked questions-watch the person, make eye contact.

d) Always repeat the question you are asked.

e) Be honest.

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Presentation Tips

1. Try to:

a) Keep it simple.

b) Use font 24.

c) Not too much text per slide.

d) Don’t use capitals in text.

e) Balance your slides.

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Presentation Tips (cont)

f) Avoid reading.

g) Stay away from jargon.

h) Keep text animation to the minimum.

I) Know how the technology works.

j) Try not to walk in front of slides.

k) Have a backup plan.

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Overcoming Stage Fright

1. Everybody experiences stage fright in varying degrees. Don't apologize!

2. Practice and Plan.

3. Know your topic.

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Overcoming Stage Fright (cont)

4. Hints

a) Expect the best.

b) Speak positive about your presentation.

c) Presume your success

d) Breath deeply and slowly

e) Act self assured.

f) Smile.

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1. Determine the approppriate communication aids

2. Stick to the basic format.

3. Beware of what you saying and how you are saying it.

4. Be your own coach.

5. Relax.

6. Enjoy it.

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Questions / Answers