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Front cover analysis

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POP Magazines Front Cover


Page 2: Front cover analysis

We Love Pop AnalysisI have chosen to analyse this pop magazine front cover as I feel it is attractive and effective, which will catch the target audiences eye. In the “We Love Pop” magazine, there is a florescent yellow colour scheme which makes the magazine stand out as it isn’t a dull or boring colour but instead bright and obvious. The colour makes us think of energy, innocence and the sun. This then leads us to reflecting the mood of summer: happy, fun, jolly and excitement. This is then promoting a teenage audience as they come across as fun and lively. The colour fluorescent yellow makes you think of youth & innocence because it is a colour associated with fun and adventure; often seen on children’s toys or objects such as glow sticks.

The layout of the magazine follows the conventions rule of three. The main image is positioned in the centre of the page whilst the smaller pictures and captions are mainly to the right of the image. This is then forming the image to standout and grab the

audience’s attention. The magazine is busy and contains a lot of information but the design is ordered and shaped careful around the central image. The image itself is a popular beautiful solo artist in the UK. It contains a medium close up/mid shot of the pop singer Cher Lloyd, posing with a camera. This is grabbing the audience's eye as she is very well known and is still young. This gives young girls the goal of becoming like her when they grow up. This is also giving them the courage that they can be just as stunning and successful as Cher.

The language of the magazine is informal and portrays a ‘friendly’ mode of address which appeals to the target audience. A pull quote is used from one direction saying ‘trust me....I've been there’ which is linking to an ‘agony aunt’ style page which gives the ability to attract and become popular with a teenage audience. Agony aunts are popular with teenagers as they help and give advice to teenagers problems which makes them feel guided and supported. It is solving a problem for the reader and making them think One Direction actually can; is making them accept that the magazine is helping them. The sell line uses the word ‘Woah’ which is slang, suggesting that ‘we love pop’ is mimicking the way a teenager would speak. The slang and improper language that used on the cover immediately draws in a younger audience and makes others realise it is for girly teenagers. The main font used is 'Sans Serif' which is bold and easily readable, again catering to the target audience of typical teenagers. The language is very informal and relaxed on the which contains

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throughout the magazine, creating a sense of relaxation towards the reader and providing entertainment, fun and positive self-esteem.The title of the magazine makes the reader feel involved due to the use of "we". They will get the idea that they have things in common with the magazine and feel familiarised and a part of a group. The logo is incorporated into the title which is giving the magazine individuality as well as an identity. In addition, it is making it easier to read as it stands out, leading the readers to recognise the logo wherever they go as it will become memorable and easily recognisable. The world "love" is replaced with a love heart to highlight the magazines informal nature which is also appealing to the young audience as the majority of teenagers speak in slang and informality. The use of a heart design in the ‘We Love Pop’ logo also links with how teenagers often scribble hearts all over their books and pencil cases at school The advertisement of the magazine being a "Brand New Mag!" is an attraction as people associate new with the unknown, therefore it is engaging them and making them want to find out what they don't already know. "GOSSIP FASHION BOYS UNCENSORED" are topics that young girls would like to know and read about, attracting a bigger audience and finding out more information about their favourite artists. The word "uncensored" gives us the idea that the magazine includes things that actually shouldn't be told. For example, interviews that involve

secrets. This is having an effect as young girls like to read about gossip which they can then pass on to their friends.

Part of mise-en-scene: a camera is used as a prop which is linked to the line, ‘little miss swagger finally snaps’. With the camera pointing forward, it makes the image seem more personal, as if it is directly addressing the audience of the magazine. The word ‘swagger’ associates with her top number one hit single “Swagger Jagger”. This is giving the reader the remembrance of the song and the artist herself. Cher is holding is holding a camera that is ‘snapping’ pictures directly at the audience; this links with her attitude towards paparazzi and fame. The costume on Cher is kept simple to pull all attention to the prop, also as she is dressed like a teenager. The colour blue stands out from the green which allows the image to capture the audience’s attention. The expression on Cher’s face is as if she is shocked and amazed which is used to attract the eye to the magazine. Her expression also seems friendly and fun, as if she has no worry in the world, which makes it suitable for young teenage girls. The layout of the magazine is busy and contains a lot of information but the design is ordered and shaped careful around the central image. There is a “THE WANTED POSTER SPECIAL” at the bottom of the front cover which is appealing to the audience as young girls like to decorate their room with posters of people they adore. The images shown give the reader the realisation of what posters contain in the magazine. The photos are all attractive which will satisfy the read and make them buy the magazine.

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I chose to analyse this front cover as it is from another pop magazine and is also effective. The main image of is of a well known, likeable band called The Wanted. They are the direct mode of address for the reader which will then make them look at the strap line "who's ready to date a fan" which would immediately grab the readers attention. The male artists presented on the front of the magazine will then aspire the girls to learn about the boys in order to become their girlfriend .The image makes it seem as if the boys are looking directly at the reader which will allow them to feel special and unique. It also gives a warm and freedom feeling as nearly all the people in the images are smiling and look happy. This is then linking to the mood of the target audience as young teenage girls are always happy. this firstly establishes that the magazine must be something to do with pop music. They are dressed casually which makes us think they are going to talk about their lives which is making the audience want to read into it. The colours they are wearing stands out from the white, pink and purple which is allowing them to still be seen.

The magazine has a bold masthead which is giving off the impression that the magazine has an established audience as the main image is covering most of it. This proves that the readers already know what the title is and therefore there is no need to see it. The font comes across as quite girly which links with young girls. It also states on the title that there is "more gossip!" which shows that its not exactly true news but young girls love a bit of gossip.

There are a variety of young youthful colours used on this magazine front cover. For instance, the colour pink captures the audiences eye; instantly makes us think of young teenage girls which links to the target audience. The colour purple is also used which comes across a quite feminine and girly. The headline is outlined in yellow which gives the ability to draw in the attention of the reader as it stands out because it is the brightest colour on the magazine. The fact the "The Wanted" are highlighted will grab all their fans and convince them to buy the magazine. It stands out from the main image and gives people the chance to see it from far. The colours used connate innocence which links well with young female readers.

This front cover is busy which is effective as there are a lot of other feature that will attract the target audience. For instance, ‘LUSH LADS STRIPPED’ has a featured image, which is convincing young girls to read the magazine. There are also different fonts used to make the front cover more effective and less boring and dull. The front cover

Top of the Pops Analysis

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also has different size fonts and images. For example, there is a larger image and font size on the main image and main slogan to make this more dominant and catch the readers eye. This is to make the front cover more effective and attractive, to persuade the target audience to make a purchase.

The coverline "what boys really go for" gives off the impression that the magazine wants to help the reader personally by telling them what tracts boys and also offers the chance to meet them which brings excitement and a positive self-esteem towards the reader. The banner at the top of the front cover reminds the reader that the magazine is produced and edited by the BBC, which makes them remind themselves that there are other facilities of the company that are available. It also gives the reader an opportunity to WIN a chance to meet Zac; this giving the reader the chance to believe they can actually meet him which is making them purchase the magazine. The magazine has altered the text sizes to be able to show the read the most important stores which will grab the readers attention even more. The number "65" is also in

bold to get the reader to see as well as find out more new trends and styles in which their idols are wearing. This is effective as young teenage girls have music artists as their role model which makes them want to be more like them.

The magazine uses plenty of features which provides what is inside the magazine. For instance, they have a an article about a girl being “PREGNANT AT 13!”. This will instantly engage the reader as they are around the age of thirteen and so they are able to be empathy and find out more information about a girl being pregnant at their age. They have this in bold black and white to stand out from the purple, blue and pink. “true-life trauma” is highlighted in black to make reader acknowledge that it is a true story.

The smaller images on the front cover is mostly of well known boys e.g. JLS. This is engaging more young girls to pick up the magazine and buy it to find more information. There are also images shown of young topless boys like Justin Bieber which is bringing a bigger audience as young teenage girls like to see topless, attractive boys. The cover line "LUSH LADS STRIPPED!" is creating a persuasion for young girls to buy the magazines. The use of alliteration is also enduring the audience as it is informal and makes the wonder what boys are found topless.