Fmp production log

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  • 1. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTec Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Games Design FMP - Production Log Name Shaun Warburton Date: 03.02.14 I started to look at mazes that would help to give me inspiration for my maze. Firstly I looked at the traditional hedge mazes; I looked at three that I already knew. Longleat Safari Park, Hampton Court Maze and Imprint Maze. Although when I started to research more I came across a lot more different mazes which helped influence my ideas. Date: 10.02.14 I created a mood board of ideas for my maze with written ideas, this helped me decide which ones I would prefer to do as my final one, I wrote down what the theme would be based on, what would make up of the map also what assets I would need to create. I then discovered that it was hard to come up with original ideas so I spent the week coming up to write down my ideas. Date: 17.02.14 I finally finished my mood board today ending with 11 different ideas that will help me settle on two final mazes, these ideas included an Asian Temple Theme, Drop Zone Theme and a Traditional Hedge Maze. Date: 24.02.14 I started to printed off grid paper, with this I can start to design intricate maze designs to create these maze designs I used a pencil to draw the outline and then go over them in fine liner pen, with the pencil I started to draw the outline of the first maze and shaded in areas of the middle of the maze to show where obstacles will happen and then with the fine liner pen I went over the pencil outlines so when I scan them in It would be easier to show up on the screen.

2. Date: 03.03.14 I started my first maze I started by scanning the chosen maze I wanted to make into a 3D model. I started to use the tool add point (+) this let me add in extra points that I need to create the maze. First I placed the points around the outside walls then once they were done I had to unselect them all and then re-select them in order as if I didnt select them in order the polygon would be confused and create gaps within the polygon after I selected them in order I pressed P on they keyboard as its a short cut to create a polygon. Then I used the extrude tool which either raises the selected polygon or drop the selected polygon. Date: 10.03.14 Now that I had my walls made 3D I placed them on a separate layer by pressing CTRL+X this lets me cut and then paste it CTRL+V in the exact place where I cut it from. Now that it was separated I could then move on to making the inner walls by using the same process as before by putting the points in and then making sure I selected them in the right order and making a polygon out of them and then finally extruding them up to make them a 3D shape. Date: 17.03.14 Placed my first complete maze into the program lightwave, this program lets me make a flythrough of what I want the player to see for my short video also this is where I texture my maze. But I realized that my maze seemed very bland so I went back to my sketch pad and drew out items that could be on the outside of my maze and stuff that could be on the inside of my maze such as keys chests and the items on the outside of the maze such as the Chinese gate, fences and a path. Date: 24.03.14 Now that I have my items all drew out and now that I have scanned them in I can start to model them, i have chosen the following to go outside my maze; the Chinese gate, fence and a path. The path was very easy to model because I only had to use the cube tool and copy them and place them in the correct way on both start and finish of the maze, also the fence was a bit harder but still easy as it was only using the cylinder tool and then scaling them down to size and again with the cube tool i stretched it out so it looked like a cuboid and positioned it in between the two cylinders. Date: 31.03.14 When I started to make the Chinese gate I had some struggle with this as I used several layers and several tools. I started off by making the base of the gate this was basically two cubes and then I used the bevel tool which allows me to size and add separate polygons and also make a smooth curve on a object, with this tool I started to change the cube from cube to the top of the cube slightly bent inwards and then I created a slight cure to make it look smooth. Next was to make the pillars these were very simple as I only had to use the cylinder tool again and size them properly after this I created the top of the gate which was two cuboids one on top of the other separated by a block. On the ends of the cuboids I curled the ends by using the bevel tool again creating a smooth curve. 3. Add as required Date: 21.04.14 Now that I had finished my first maze properly I placed it back into lightwave, once I had done that I started to test out different textures on the maze itself which took some time to get the right one I was wanting then I moved onto the rest of the items such as the Chinese gates, fence, grass and the path. Some of the textures I used: Maze Battered metal (this gives a rocky look even though its a metal texture) Chinese gate base battered metal (even though this is the same as the maze I lightened up the colour to make it look like metal) Fence wood texture (this makes it look real as its the same texture as a tree) Grass grass texture (again as the wood makes it look real especially with the colours) Chinese gate frame velvet (even though this a fabric texture I changed a lot of the settings to make it look untouched wood) Date: 28.04.14 Now that I have gotten my first maze out of the way I just needed to create the second maze the drop down maze this one was easy to make as it had only two different shapes in this maze the shapes are the cuboid and the cube. Even though I thought it would be easy but It became very time consuming as I had to create loads of different blocks different sizes and lengths also place them in the correct position. Date: 5.05.14 Once I placed all of my blocks in the right position I had to put it into the same program as the first lightwave, so that I have finished my second maze I did the same as the first one started to test out all the different textures but I had a very big problem with the textures as they were very pixelated as they were stretched out so I settled for: Blocks inside the tunnel gold texture (giving the block a shine to it also lighting up the area) Tunnel wall misc texture (giving it a different feel to the map, making it seem mysterious and strange) Once I had made the timeline for both of the mazes I rendered them out which didnt take too long as the first maze was only 600 frames and the second maze was only 160 frames long, I rendered them out in a 640^480 so once they rendered out I could put them into Adobe Premier Pro which is a program which creates the film stages also from still images can create a video.