everteam.ibpms 8.0 Adds Ad Hoc Processing There are many situations that require complete process design up front and implementation into a BPM system that can’t be altered. But business is transforming, and it has become critical to enable flexibility and responsiveness in today’s highly competitive market. And that means your processes need to be flexible and able to adjust at a moment’s notice. That’s why the latest version of everteam.ibpms supports ad hoc processing. www.everteam.com 745 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111 – USA

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everteam.ibpms 8.0 Adds Ad Hoc Processing

There are many situations that require complete process design up front and implementation into a BPM system that can’t be altered. But business is transforming, and it has become critical to enable flexibility and responsiveness in today’s highly competitive market. And that means your processes need to be flexible and able to adjust at a moment’s notice.

That’s why the latest version of everteam.ibpms supports ad hoc processing.

www.everteam.com745 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111 – USA

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Introducing Ad Hoc ProcessingPicture this: when IT automates a process they are saying “this is what is has

to happen,” “this is what you are allowed to do.” But how many times do this

approach not work? That something comes up on the operation side that

requires an additional task or activity? That someone different needs to be

brought into the process to help?

It can happen a lot.

everteam.ibpms 8.0 has added the ability to adjust processes in real-time. It

enables operations (the business) to view a process and inject a new task or

activity that needs to complete.

When inserting a new task, you select who to assign the task to and where the new activity should run in relation to the current task. Should it

run before the current task, in parallel with the current task or in parallel with the task that comes after the current task? Once an ad hoc task

has been created and inserted into the process, everteam.ibpms treats the task like any other task. everteam.ibpms indicates the ad hoc nature

of the task with a lightening bolt.

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Don’t Fear Process AutomationThere are people who don’t want to implement business process

management systems because they fear process automation. They

are worried that once a process is defined and implemented they

cannot change it easily, and this limits their agility and capability

to act.

everteam.ibpms 8.0 ad hoc processing eases that fear. It adds

flexibility where it’s needed while also ensuring that processes or

tasks that shouldn’t be changed can’t be.

Once you save it, the process is adjusted, and the task kicked off as defined. If assigning a different person to the ad hoc task, the task will

appear in their workflow. This person may also be able to add an ad hoc task to their task.

It’s pretty straightforward. A business analyst or business user can perform ad hoc processing, you aren’t constrained by what IT creates and it

doesn’t require IT to come in and adjust the process for you.

How Do I Audit Ad Hoc Processes?

It’s good to provide the ability to modify a process when necessary, but it’s also extremely

important to maintain an audit of any changes to a process.

With everteam.ibpms 8.0, a system administrator can view a process diagram and see

where an ad hoc process was added by looking for the ad hoc icon in the task. When an

administrator clicks the icon, the BPMN diagram then reconstructs the actions that were

injected into the original process model, overlaying it on the process diagram for review.

everteam.ibpms also maintains a full audit trail for the inserted task in line with the full

process audit. Also, system administrators can disable this ad hoc processing capability for

processes or individual tasks that should not be modifiable.

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of products support the improvement of content –driven processes, and enable enterprise

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