Essential Skills for the 21st Century Manager - AIM Open House presentation

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Essential Skills for the 21st Century Manager by Steve Francis AIMM, delivered at the Australian Institute of Management Open House in Brisbane on Wednesday 7 August 2013.

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People skills and Technical skillsWhat’s the ratio in YOUR role?

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Essential Skills for 21st Century


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A TEAM is a relatively small number of people who share common goals, as well as rewards

and responsibilities for achieving them.Lencioni, 2005


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Effective Teams Model

Purpose Processes



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Purpose Processes


Purpose Processes


What happens when ONE element is missing?

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Effective Teams Model


Clear Processes





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What attitude is evident?

Not my job!

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What attributes do we want in our teams?

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Which attributes does your team do well?

Use the bookmarks to RANK your team on the attributes

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Identify 3 areas for improvement

List specific ACTIONS for each area

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Teamwork lessons from MAMILs...

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5 Dysfunctions of a TeamAbsence of Trust

Fear of Conflict

Lack of Commitment

Avoidance of Accountability

Inattention to ResultsLencioni, 2002

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Trust = Speed Cost


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Trust = Speed Cost


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Integrity Intent Capability Results


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Talk straight

Demonstrate respect

Clarify expectations

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Create transparency

Confront reality

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Right wrongs

Practise accountability

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Get better

Listen first

Keep commitments

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Show loyalty

Deliver results

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Extend trust

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Behaviours that Build Trust

Talk straight



Create transparency


Right wrongs

Show loyalty



Get better

Confront reality



Practise accountability

Listen first



Extend trust





Biggest issue last week?

Which behaviours would help?

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survive,

Charles Darwin

but the ones most responsive to change."

nor the most intelligent,

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“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those

Alvin Toffler

cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”who cannot read and write, but those who

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Ability to LEARN

Our ATTITUDEkey factors2

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You CHOOSE your attitude

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Ability to LEARN

Our ATTITUDEkey factors2

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For LEARNING to occur.....

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Aspire to something better

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Be open

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Need to feel safe

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Slightly uncomfortable

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Get going

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Blanchard, 2010

CHANGE Predictable Stages of Concern

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Sins of Implementing Change 7

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Keep doing what you have always done


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Ignore it...trends come and go!


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Throw out the baby with the bath water


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Jump on EVERY bandwagon


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Waste your time and energy whinging


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Procrastinate until it becomes MASSIVE


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Fake it...do what you’ve always done but call it something else

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Choose wisely

Keep the BIG picture in mind

Get involved in steering

Start small but START

Build on your strengths

Anticipate the DIP

steps to Successful Change7 Celebrate progress

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4 goals on TO DO list

Place to go

Thing to do

Learn something

Better person

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4 goals on TO DO list

Place to go

Thing to do

Learn something

Better person

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Appreciate the little things...

Ph 0421 705 [email protected]

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