Elevators Need No Pitches You Need Them

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An elevator pitch (or elevator statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition. The name "elevator pitch" reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes.Credits Wikipedia

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it’s frustrating to see potentially good ideas and quality entrepreneurs get ignored too quickly because their pitches suck.

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WWhat’s Wrong?

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Investors need to be able to instantly understand your value proposition.

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HWhat Can be Done?

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Scrap all the buzzwords and get to the point. Most investors have seen hundreds of pitches, you’re not going to “wow” them with lengthy, meaningless descriptions.

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Instead, focus on use cases


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Do you Remember


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How will the product be used? And I don’t mean in broad terms – but literally describe how it gets used.


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Who benefits? Why do they benefit?

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How does your product fit into your customer’s daily life?

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What Should Be Your Approach

Of course the Right one

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Give people a “hook” by talking about something that really interests them


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It must be succinct, to the point

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Make it simple and easy for people to contact you after the pitch - give them an incentive to seek you out.

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The Rule Of Three

Tried and Tested

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The “Hook” • Get attention and interest


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2 The Subject Explains and proves your point with

passion (investors expect energy and dedication from entrepreneurs)

Should induce desire (“greed inducing”)

Use the Concept Summary as a framework

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The Close Call to action or demand for


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UUnique Selling Proposition Template

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Sentence #1 For (target customer) who (statement of the need or opportunity), the (product/service name) is a (product/service category) that (statement of benefit)

Sentence #2 Unlike (primary competitive alternative), our product (statement of primary differentiation)

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The Ten C’s

of an Effective Elevator Pitch

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#1 Concise #2 Clear #3 Compelling #4 Credible #5 Conceptual #6 Customized #7 Concrete #8 Conversational #9 Consistent #10 Creative

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FUYour Pitch by doing this …

And please don’t

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Focus on selling a cool product/idea instead of on the viability of the business


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Take too long to get to the pain/problem that you are solving

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By not engaging the recipient via questions that request them to engage with you