Customers have to pay EDF, unnecessary Sponsorships charges Serving and surviving on Customers money.

Edf report2013 how much robering British people LEgal Rober

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Page 1: Edf report2013 how much robering British people LEgal Rober

Customers have to pay EDF, unnecessary Sponsorships charges

Serving and surviving on Customers money.

Page 2: Edf report2013 how much robering British people LEgal Rober

SSE customers urged to seek compensation after Ofgem fine

Regulator imposes £10.5m penalty after uncovering evidence of 'prolonged and extensive' mis-selling by the energy supplier

More than 20,000 customers who bought gas or electricity from the energy company SSE have been urged to contact the firm for compensation, after the energy regulator Ofgem uncovered evidence of "prolonged and extensive" mis-selling.

EDF agrees to pay £4.5m misleading sales 'fine'

EDF will distribute £3.5m to 70,000 vulnerable customers and donate £1m to Citizen's Advice following Ofgem ruling

SSE has been fined £10.5m, the largest ever penalty imposed on an energy provider, after the watchdog found that sales staff had used misleading scripts to encourage people to switch their accounts to the company.

The mis-selling included customers being told they would save money by switching to SSE, only to find their bills went up as a result. In one case cited by Ofgem, a woman who was promised a £177 saving if she signed up with the firm actually saw her bills increase by £134 a year.

Although the fine is the biggest imposed on any energy company to date, it is not the first. In 2012, EDF agreed to pay £4.5m back to its customers following an investigation by Ofgem that found it had made misleading sales claims to customers. Ofgem agreed that EDF could distribute £3.5m among its most vulnerable customers and give £1m to Citizen's Advice

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One of the UK's largest energy companies has agreed to pay back £4.5m to customers following an investigation by the industry regulator.

Approximately 70,000 vulnerable households served by EDF Energy will receive a refund of about £50 on their bills after Ofgem found the company had made misleading sales claims to customers.

Ofgem's investigation found that EDF had breached its marketing licence conditions in a number of ways, including customers being provided with incomplete information about contract terms, and regarding the calculation of monthly direct debit payments and estimates of annual consumption.

Telesales agents were also found to have made opening statements in their calls to customers that claimed savings were possible before knowing whether the statements were accurate for that specific customer.

Ofgem said customers would be better served by EDF making payments to benefit those in need rather than imposing a fine. It said that by accepting some shortcomings in its sales practices EDF had escaped a bigger penalty. As it is, the payment is the biggest of its kind imposed by the regulator.

EDF will instead be fined £1, a statutory obligation on the part of Ofgem, and will distribute £3.5m to customers who receive its Warm Homes Discount and donate £1m to Citizen's Advice.

It was decided the money would be targeted at those most in need because it would be too difficult to trace all the victims of the company's shoddy sales practices, a spokeswoman for the regulator said. Some of them may not have been EDF's own customers as they could have reported the supplier before signing up, or have since left it for a different firm, she added.

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"EDF Energy has done the right thing by stepping forward and recognising there were weaknesses in its sales processes," said Sarah Harrison, Ofgem's senior partner in charge of enforcement. "In the energy market in general, much more needs to be done to restore consumer confidence, and all energy suppliers should now get behind Ofgem's reforms to introduce a simpler, clearer and more competitive energy market."

Martin Lawrence, managing director of energy sourcing and customer supply at EDF Energy, said: "We are obviously disappointed that we failed to live up to the high standards that we expect of ourselves. As soon as the issue was identified we immediately took action to satisfy ourselves that we're fully compliant."

The money will be distributed within the next six months to Warm Homes customers – to qualify for the Warm Homes Discount customers must be on certain state benefits, including the state pension credit. Prepay customers will get vouchers as they do not pay through their bank accounts.

EDF Energy is the worst performing supplier of all the "big six" energy firms, according to Consumer Focus's most recent quarterly energy complaints data. However, complaints about the company did fall 14% in the last quarter of 2011 compared to the previous quarter.


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Over 5.7 million customer accounts 1.3.8. EDF NET INCOME EDF net income for 2012 was €3,316 million, up by €168

million or 5.3% compared to 2011. 1.3.9. NET INCOME EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS The Group’s net income excluding non-recurring items23

stood at €4,216 million for 2012, €609 million (16.9%) higher than 2011.

1.14.2. NET INCOME The 2012 income statement is marked by growth of more

than 5% in sales and an increase of 3% in operating profit. Sales growth mainly concerned electricity sales in France,

and reflects weather effects and the increases in regulated tariffs of July 2011 and July 2012.

The €2.5 billion increase in net profits (http://shareholders-and-


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EDF Energy has sponsored several ITV shows, including Soap star Superstar and City Lights. It also sponsored coverage of the 2006 World Cup in Germany (shared with Budweiser).

Since 2005, EDF Energy has been the main sponsor of the EDF Energy Cup – the Rugby Union domestic cup for the 12 English Premiership clubs and the 4 Welsh regions – also known as the Anglo-Welsh Cup. In July 2007 EDF Energy was confirmed as another Level One sponsor for London 2012 with exclusive branding rights and Olympic team sponsorship for the 2008, 2010 and 2012 games as well as being the official energy provider.

In 2007 EDF Energy sponsored Adam Smith. In June 2009 EDF Energy sponsored Justin Bieber. on 3 November 2011 EDF Energy sponsored Laura Waura.

In January 2011 EDF Energy took over sponsorship from British Airways of the London Eye, on a 3 year deal renaming the London Eye as the EDF Energy London Eye.

On 4 January 2008 EDF Energy began advertising on the television through ITV, Channel 4, Five and various Satellite channels. EDF Energy are using 'It's not easy being green' as their slogan to target a new greener eco-friendly image. In 2009, with Euro RSCG London, EDF Energy created the Team Green Britain campaign, in which Olympic athletes encouraged Brits to be more environmentally aware.

On 2 April 2012 EDF Energy launched an advert including their new mascot Zingy the dancing flame or a blob.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDF_Energy)

£8 million sponsorship deal that the French owned energy company EDF Energy are paying to be associated with the London Eye.(http://londoniscool.com/ground-breaking-news-london-eye-has-a-new-name)

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EDF estimated and wasted over £ billions since they started in 2002 till 2013.

EDF -London 2012 Olympic Partners -($63 )£40 paid for what? Sponsorships.

A special light show at the London Eye this morning has marked an £8 million ($12 million) three-year deal with London 2012 sponsor EDF Energy.

As part of the deal, the London Eye has agreed to take its electricity from EDF, which is likely to link the contract with its sponsorship of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Customer comments

―‖would personally rather have the ridiculous price of electricity that EDF currently charges me lowered than having them spending money on sponsorship! I wonder if they will be charging The London Eye the going rate for their electricity now that they have become their supplier as part of the deal‖‖(http://londoniscool.com/ground-breaking-news-


Smart investments.

The multimillion-pound outlay on Olympics sponsorship has seemingly proved worthwhile, with spontaneous brand awareness hitting an all-time high of 55% in the Games period, according to Stead.

EDF extends Paralympic sponsorship until Rio 2016 By Matthew Chapman, marketingmagazine.co.uk, 15 March 2013, 09:54AM EDF Energy has renewed its sponsorship of The British Paralympic Association (BPA) up until the Rio Olympics in 2016.

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Facts and news.

EDF: 5 percent growth in net profit in 2012Posted on February 14, 2013

PARIS (AP) — ―‖French electricity giant EDF said Thursday its net profit rose 5 percent last year behind solid organic growth in Italy and its home market and growing demand for nuclear power in Britain, and despite a tough economic climate.

Electricite de France, one of Europe's leading energy companies, reported net profit rose to €3.32 billion ($4.48 billion), up from €3.15 billion a year earlier in the period. Revenues rose 11.4 percent to €72.73 billion.

EDF said earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization posted 4.6 percent organic growth to €16.08 billion — nearly two-thirds of that total in France alone. However, EBIT fell 2.4 percent to €8.25 billion. The EDF Energie unit posted its best nuclear production in seven years in Britain, the company said.

EDF also announced plans to cut about €1 billion in costs in 2013, notably through a 5 percent reduction in external purchases.‖‖(http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-02-14/edf-4-dot-6-percent-growth-in-core-profit-in-2012)

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The energy regulator Ofgem declared earlier this week that EDF was the most complained-about of the 'big six' during the final quarter of 2012.

It received 8,072 complaints from customers - more than double the number logged for the second most complained-about firm

In March last year its sales tactics came under fire after Ofgem found the group's staff had been making misleading claims to customers, leading to a £4.5m settlement.

But while the company has acknowledged rising complaint numbers over the past year, it insists its efforts to tackle the issues are now having an effect.

A spokeswoman said: "We recognise that last year our customer service levels were not up to the high standard we expect and our customers deserve.

EDF, which has 3.1 million customers and 5.5 million accounts overall.

Ofgem also extended proposals unveiled last year to simplify tariff structures and limit the numbers of different tariffs offered across the whole market.

It proposed that suppliers offer four core tariffs per fuel type - electricity and gas - cutting out the "baffling" array of deals currently on offer.

So-called "dead" tariffs that are no longer available will be banned to reduce the risk of people paying too much, Ofgem said.

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Henri Proglio, Chairman and CEO Paid during 2012 (in Euros) 1,593,007

Recent Work Highlights ⋅ 2007 - 2008: Chairman and CEO, $950,000 salary, ++ ⋅ 2006 - 2007: Chairman, $950,000 salary, $1,805,000 bonus ⋅ 2005 - 2006: Chairman, $950,000 salary, $2,280,000 bonus ⋅ 2004 - 2005: Chairman, $950,000 salary, $2,052,000 bonus ⋅ 2003 - 2004: Chairman and CEO, $950,000 salary, $2,479,500

bonus ⋅ 2002 - 2003: Chairman and CEO, $925,962 salary, $347,236

bonus ⋅ 2001 - 2002: Chairman and CEO, $892,308 salary, $1,668,462

bonus. Mr de Rivaz’s own £1.3m pay package. Will the rule apply to

EDF Energy? (http://www.hoovers.com/content/dam/US/hoovers/documents/sample-reports/hoovers-company-report-



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EDF will have to introduce a new BPP tariff that is likely to have a more expensive fixed rate.

which supplies energy to consumers, is losing money, and is currently supported by its nuclear-generation business unit, which generates almost 95% of EDF's profits.

EDF Energy puts prices up by 10.8% because they’re gits

October 26th, 2012 • 12 Comments By Mof Gimmers

Brilliant news! Three million of you will now have higher energy bills for seemingly no good reason after those arses at EDF put their tariffs up by 10.8% and no-one wants to do anything about it.

EDF will whack their prices for domestic gas and electricity up, which means a typical dual-fuel bill for a direct debit customer will rise by £122 a year. That’s £1,251 you’re spending, each year, on gas and electricity from these berks.

Like all the other energy suppliers, EDF are blaming these hikes on rising wholesale prices and increased running costs. EDF director Martin Lawrence said: ―We know that customers will not welcome this news and do not want to see prices going up.‖

―Our new prices will however be cheaper on average than those of all the other major suppliers which have announced standard price rises so far this autumn.‖

Well done to the energy sector on becoming a group that has done the near-impossible, by proving to be more shark-eyed and unpopular than all the banks put together

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Since 2002, started as EDF, has invested/wasted millions£ to sponsors, advertisements, and un-necessary expensive, and have earn unlimited millions£ in profits, after expenditures paid, but never reduces the prices for their customers in 12 years.

Never correct the billing systems and , total failure of correct billing systems, despite high educated management.

EDF has wasted Million£ on sponsorships. Which they no need to, they should reduce the prices, of their products, correct the billing systems, charges less from the customers, keep balance on paying huge bonuses, cut down the advertisement, reduce the bills, will give good names in the market with more customers, and more respects, and its not too late for EDF to take action. Think for nation, crises, economics situation in the UK and Europe, help other to live. In the difficult time.

And those authority who are responsible(Energy Regulators and Ofgem)to correct the systems, keep check and balance, on those companies, to provide fair services, and fair charges.

Like Ofgem has charged the EDF. Need to regulate them, cut down the unnecessary expenditure, instated of paying sponsors, pay the Govt Tax which get more benefited to nation.

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EDF Energy Financial Information

www.edfenergy.com/about-us/shareholder.../financial_information.shtmlCachedSimilarEDF Energy - Financial Information. ... EDF Energy logo. Search. At Home · Our products · Our energy tariffs · Get a quote · Retrieve a quote · Tariff prices and ...EDF cashes in from a cold Spring as UK profits reach £903m for the ...

metro.co.uk/2013/.../edf-cashes-in-from-a-cold-spring-as-uk-profits-reac...CachedSimilar30 Jul 2013 - Energy giant EDF has made £903 million profit in the UK after the coldest Spring in 50 ... Revealed: The most popular YouTube video of 2013.EDF profit up 7.5pc after bills rise - Telegraph

www.telegraph.co.uk › Finance › News by Sector › EnergySimilarUtility giant EDF fuelled questions over mammoth energy profits after it revealed £1.7bn in earnings just two months after hitting ... 1:12PM GMT 14 Feb 2013.Energy giant EDF records £5.78bn profit for first half 2013www.newenergyworldnetwork.com › ... › by type › company newsCachedSimilar31 Jul 2013 - French state-owned energy group EDF has upped operating profits to €5.78bn for the first half of 2013. The results represent growth over first ...EDF profits up 7.5% following price rise | Business | The Guardian

www.theguardian.com › Business › EDF EnergyCachedSimilar14 Feb 2013 - The Guardian, Thursday 14 February 2013 20.31 GMT ... Utility company EDF fuelled questions over big energy profits on Thursday after it ...EDF makes billion-pound profit after raising bills - The Scotsman

www.scotsman.com/.../edf-makes-billion-pound-profit-after-raising-bills...CachedPublished on the 31 July 2013 00:33. Published 31/07/2013 00:33. 4 comments ... EDF record profits of £903 million in first half of year in UK as campaigners hit ...Energy bills: EDF £46BILLION profit is cold comfort to the "millions of ...

www.mirror.co.uk/money/city.../energy-bills-edf-46billion-profit-26885...CachedEDF's £46BILLION profit is cold comfort to "millions of consumers" worried about debt. 8 Nov 2013 00:00. Which? executive director Richard Lloyd says trust on ...EDF Energy makes profits of more than £57 a second - Mirror Online

www.mirror.co.uk/money/city.../edf-energy-makes-profits-more-210612...CachedSimilarEDF Energy makes profits of more than £57 a second. 31 Jul 2013 01:00. The French-owned firm banked £903million in the first half of the year, up 3% on the ...EDF Energy rakes in nearly £1bn in profits in six months | This is ...

www.thisismoney.co.uk/.../EDF-Energy-rakes-nearly-1bn-profits-month...Similar30 Jul 2013 - Tuesday, Dec 10 2013 9PM 48°F 12AM 39°F 5-Day Forecast ... Energy giant EDF posted a mammoth £903million in UK profits in the first half of ...BBC News - Energy giant EDF sees profits rise

www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21458847CachedSimilarFrance-based gas and electricity provider EDF has announced a rise in global profits, despite a loss in UK gas ... 14 February 2013 Last updated at 07:09 ET ...

Page 14: Edf report2013 how much robering British people LEgal Rober

•EDF Energy's £471m half-year profits | Energy Live News

•CachedPosted on 30 July 2013 by Priyanka Shrestha. EDF Energy's £471m half-year profits. Power supplier EDF Energy saw profits of £471 million in the first half of ...•EDF records £903m UK profits for first half of the year - ITV News

•Cached•Similar30 Jul 2013 - Last updated Tue 30 Jul 2013. UK · EDF. Energy supplier EDF has recorded a £903 million UK profits haul in the first half of the year, as Britons ...•Energy giant EDF announces big jump in profits to £1.6bn despite a ...

•Similar17 Feb 2012 - Tuesday, Dec 10 2013 3PM 29 F 6PM 35 F 5-Day Forecast ... Outrage as energy giant EDF's profits hit £1.6bn (that's £427 for each household).•EDF Energy posts £471m half year profits - Utility Week

•Cached30 Jul 2013 - UK nuclear and coal power supplier EDF Energy has announced operating profit of £471m for the first half of 2013.•UK: Increase in EDF profits prompts call for greater transparency in ...

•Cached•Similar14 Feb 2013 - ENERGY giant EDF prompted calls for greater transparency in pricing today as it posted a 7.5% increase in UK profits, just two months after an average 10.8% increasing its charges to ... Thursday, February 14, 2013•EDF Raises Earnings Target After First-Half Profit Increases ...

•Cached•Similar30 Jul 2013 - EDF Raises Earnings Target After First-Half Profit Increases ... “The first half-year 2013 was marked by good operating performance,” Chief ...•EDF records UK profit of £903m - MSN Money UK

•Cached•SimilarEnergy giant EDF recorded a £903 million UK profits haul in the first half of the year as ... Updated: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 08:26:43 GMT | By Press Association ...•BBC News - Big six UK energy firms see supply profit margins grow

•CachedRegulator Ofgem says the big six energy suppliers saw profit margins in the supply of gas and ... 25 November 2013 Last updated at 11:56 ET ... by Ofgem of the annual financial statements of the firms Centrica (which owns British Gas), EDF.•EDF profits treble as customers battle record bills - Citywire Money

•Cached•Similar16 Feb 2012 - Consumer groups call for further price cuts after profit rise. ... EDF Energy's profits trebled in 2011, figures revealed today. The French utility firm reported a .... 2013 Market Review: did the Fed float your boat? Friday 5: drones ...•EDF records UK profit of £903m - AOL Money UK

•Cached•SimilarEnergy giant EDF recorded a £903 million UK profits haul in the first half of the year as Britons were charged more to crank ... By AOL Money Staff , Jul 30, 2013 ...

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•Utility firm EDF's sales up 6.9% - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk


French utility firm EDF says revenue grew 6.9% in the first nine months of the year, driven in part by cold weather and higher tariffs in its ... 07 November 2013 ...

•EDF profit up 7.5pc after bills rise - Yahoo Finance UK


Utility giant EDF fuelled questions over mammoth energy profits after it revealed £1.7bn in earnings just two ... Telegraph – Thu, Feb 14, 2013 13:12 GMT.

•Energy Bills: EDF Confirms 3.9% Average Rise - Sky News


12 Nov 2013 - 7:48pm UK, Tuesday 12 November 2013 ... would be more difficult for its residential supply business to be profitable next year, but the company ...

•energyhelpline.com - EDF announces rise in profits


November 2013 ... EDF announces rise in profits - 17/02/2012. Energy supplier EDF has announced an increase in its full-year profits for 2011. The firm stated ...

•EDF's abuse of power | Red Pepper



Power company EDF hit the headlines by threatening to sue climate ... April 2013 ... EDF's main revenue stream comes from generating electricity through ...

•Spring freeze gives EDF a £903m profit - Business News - Business ...


The French-owned energy supplier EDF has announced profits in the UK of £903m for ... Tuesday 30 July 2013 ... EDF extends life of two nuclear power stations.

•Profit fall for EDF's UK branch following investment drive - uSwitch.com



The EDF Group, which owns EDF Energy, has announced a fall in profits for 2011. by Nicolas Frankcom on 14 Feb 2013. EDF Energy The EDF Group has ...

•EDF Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Revenue, Increase ... In February 2013 EDF Energy sought an estimated £5 million in damages from environmental activists from the No Dash for Gas campaign ...

•EDF Energy Electricity Reviews | Electricity Suppliers | Review Centre



Read 237 customer reviews of the EDF Energy Electricity & compare with other Electricity Suppliers ... Written on: 21/11/2013 by hazelmurphy (1 review written).

•Scottish Power and EDF announce £3bn in profits, which is irritating ...


February 15th, 2013 • 6 Comments By Mof Gimmers ... EDF, meanwhile, announced that profits in the UK jumped-up by 7.5% to somewhere just shy of ...

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Électricité de France





















