Dream Dinners Franchisees Share How Business Has Benefitted Their Families

Dream Dinners Franchisees Share How Business Has Benefited Their Families

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Dream Dinners Franchisees Share How Business Has Benefitted Their Families

Dream Dinners Franchisees Share How Business Has Benefitted Their Families Dream Dinners doesn’t just benefit the families of its customers; Dream Dinners franchisees also reap the benefits of owning a family-centric business.

Today, Dream Dinners franchisees share how franchise ownership has brought their families together.

We begin with a driving question: How has becoming a Dream Dinners franchisee brought your family together?

“First of all, the very nature of the Dream Dinners mission of making life easier and helping families come together promotes family time. I am able to spend more quality time at home with my loved ones because of the flexible lifestyle that owning my own business provides.” – Becky Sims, Dream Dinners franchisee in Vancouver, Washington

“Becoming a Dream Dinners franchisee has helped us become stronger as family, a team, and now we know for certain that nothing can take us down.” – Mike Sims, Dream Dinners franchisee in Vancouver, Washington

“My kids were very young when we opened Dream Dinners. It's all they have ever known. I think because of that, they are very good eaters, not picky at all.” – Erin Mike, Dream Dinners franchisee in Tustin, California

…Spend more quality time with loved ones…

“We have always eaten healthy, however Dream Dinners has definitely helped my children become better eaters. Dream Dinners provides my family with a variety of meals that I would not have necessarily made on my own. I constantly get comments from other parents who can't believe the variety of foods that my children eat. I contribute a great deal of that to Dream Dinners.” – Jamie Mills, Dream Dinners franchisee in Tustin, California

“I am a mother of three children, 5 and under, my husband works as a full-time logistics manager 45 minutes away from home, and I have the store. Without Dream Dinners, we would have no family time. We would spend so much time planning and prepping and shopping that we would have no time for each other.” – Lauren Persall, Dream Dinners franchisee in San Luis Obispo, California

…My children have become better eaters…

“Dream Dinners has benefited my family in so many ways. In addition to financially contributing to our household, it has allowed me the flexibility to be there for my family. I feel very blessed to be able to teach my children that hard work is required to have nice things in life and that giving is more important than receiving!” – Rhiannon Cochrane, Dream Dinners franchisee in Parker, Colorado

“We are a family-owned business, so that has brought us closer in so many ways. As busy as we are, I am just as appreciative to have a Dream Dinner to serve at the end of the day to my family as our guests are. I too don’t have stress about ‘what’s for dinner?’ My husband and I can sit down with the kids and hear about each other’s day.” – Laura Prefling, Dream Dinners franchisee in Phoenix, Arizona

…We are a family-owned business…

Are you looking for a career that can have a positive impact on your family and those in your community? Consider becoming a Dream Dinners franchisee today.

Become a Dream Dinners Franchisee!

To learn more about how you can invest in a Dream Dinners franchise for sale or how you can bring a new Dream Dinners franchise to your neighborhood, visit the Dream Dinners franchise information page today.