Delegation and Empowerment 3/21/2014 By: Sayed Eltaweel 1 Delegation and Empowerment Discover Ways to Achieve More” By: Sayed Eltaweel O U T L I N E S: Delegation Factors affect Delegations What to Delegate To Whom to Delegate How to Delegate Advantages for Delegation Empowerment Empowerment definition Guidelines for how to empower employees. By: Sayed Eltaweel

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Delegation and Empowerment 3/21/2014

By: Sayed Eltaweel 1

Delegation and Empowerment “Discover Ways to Achieve More”

By: Sayed Eltaweel

O U T L I N E S:

DelegationFactors affect DelegationsWhat to DelegateTo Whom to Delegate How to Delegate Advantages for Delegation

EmpowermentEmpowerment definitionGuidelines for how to empower employees.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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By: Sayed Eltaweel 2

Objectives:By the end of the Course , participants should be able to :

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Identify what is meant by Delegation

Identify the Factors affect Delegations

Identify Advantages for Delegation

Identify what is meant by Empowerment

Empower employees.


By: Sayed Eltaweel

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By: Sayed Eltaweel 3

Quotes:“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” Theodore Roosevelt

“No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.” Andrew Carnegie

“The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels. “ Eli Broad

By: Sayed Eltaweel

DelegationAssignment of new responsibilities

(and authority to carry out tasking)

Not just telling people what to do

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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“Delegation is defined as the transfer of responsibility for the performance of an activity from one individual to another while retaining accountability for the outcome.”


By: Sayed Eltaweel

Time – Do you have enough time to delegate? It takes money to make money, and it also takes time to save time. You must be able to give sufficient instruction and support as necessary. And you also need to give yourself enough time to make corrections if needed.

Availability – You must have people with the necessary skills and expertise to complete the job successfully.

Criticality – Is the work critical to the success of the project or the organization?

Confidentiality- Confidential information or sensitive customer relationships are not typically delegation material.

Factors affect Delegations

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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What to Delegate Tasks better done by subordinate Urgent, not high priority tasks Tasks relevant to a subordinate’s career Tasks of appropriate difficulty Both pleasant and unpleasant tasks Tasks not central to the manager’s role

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Organizational structure – From within your team. From outside your team.

Staff buy-in (WIIFM)– Consider how committed you need your staff to be. Gaining their cooperation and support in the delegating decision can be critical to success. They'll feel more involved and more committed to the results

Individual vs team – Some tasks can be easily completed by one person. But when you delegate bigger pieces of work, think about how many people should be involved and what skills you need.

To Whom to DelegateThink about these issues when deciding to whom you should delegate:

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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A. Clarify your expectations what you need to be accomplished. why it's important.

B. Establish checkpoints – Plan how you're going to ensure the work is

being completed according to plan. Manage the risk of mistakes occurring by being

proactive and staying in the loop at key points within the project.

How to Delegate

key things to consider: A positive outcome depends on how you actually hand over the task.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

C. Delegate the results, not the process– Focus on the end result and allow him or her to determine how best to achieve it.

D. Define your role Explain how much support you'll provide. Let the person know whether to wait for your instructions or

make independent recommendations and decisions.

E. Talk about consequences – If you allow people to have authority over their work, inform them of the consequences of both successful and unsuccessful results. What rewards can they expect if they do a great job? What will happen if they don't achieve the expected results

How to Delegate- contkey things to consider:

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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By: Sayed Eltaweel 7

Introduce the taskIntroduce the task

Demonstrate clearly what needs to be doneDemonstrate clearly what needs to be done

Ensure understandingEnsure understanding

Allocate authority, information and resourcesAllocate authority, information and resources

Let goLet go

Support and monitorSupport and monitor


By: Sayed Eltaweel

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Improved Decision Quality Enhanced subordinate commitment Time management Less Stress Achieve More Job enrichment Development of subordinates Creates learning opportunities Identify potential leaders

Advantages for Delegation:

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Why We Fail to Delegate Need for power/control InsecurityFear of subordinate failure (Trust)Loss of control/Being in charge

Situational constraintsTimeConfidential information

Manager has expertise, self-confidence, and desire to maintain high quality

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By: Sayed Eltaweel

A management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees so that they can take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance.


By: Sayed Eltaweel

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Guidelines for howto empower employees.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Show respect. Be accountable Listen. Show sincerity. Be a good example. Avoid taking credit for team

accomplishments. Communicate. Focus on having a positive, winning attitude.

1. Adopt the traits of a good leader who promotes employee empowerment.

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Employees will know exactly what is expected of them

2. Assign tasks clearly and concisely.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

verbally congratulate employees on a job well done

Braise Say thank you

3. Acknowledge employee achievements.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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let them know their opinions are valuable to you. Adopting an open door policy lets employees

know you care about them Any employee who feels involved is an employee

who is empowered.

4. Open your door to employees.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Become BRILLIANT at coaching employees to be all they can be in the role they have,

5. Become BRILLIANT at coaching

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Provide a means for employees to get whatever training is necessary to their optimal performance.

Career development seminars and courses.

6. Promote employee education.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Allow them more freedom in defining the methods by which they will accomplish those tasks. Telecommuting. Flexible times

7. Give up some of your power in favor of employee autonomy.

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Asking them how you could best aid their empowerment.

Put out a suggestions box and ask for opinions at meetings and one to one.

Take well-intentioned suggestions into consideration.

8. Invite feedback from your employees.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

Stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with them assisting them with the task,

At times you might need to 'take the lead' and take over the task for a while as you coach them along the way.

9. Be willing to do what you ask them to do.

By: Sayed Eltaweel

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By: Sayed Eltaweel