Dean Kosage The Power of Public Speaking

Dean kosage – the power of public speaking

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Dean Kosage The Power of Public Speaking

Page 2: Dean kosage – the power of public speaking

Public Speaking is a skill that few are blessed with. Being able to articulate complex ideas and deliver speeches is a highly sought-after characteristic in nearly every industry in the world. Further, being able to inspire and motivate those you speak to is another step up from this entirely. Humor, intellect, desire and verve are all things that make good public speakers some of the best people to seek advice from to help kick start our lives. Being able to awaken people’s courage to fulfill their dreams is something that Dean Kosage has been doing from a very young age. Kosage is one of the best-known figures on the multi-level marketing circuits, and has inspired millions not only with his business successes but also his personal life-affirming story.

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Page 4: Dean kosage – the power of public speaking

Dean Kosage had already been persuaded to use his charismatic persona to speak to groups of 20,000–30,000 people. Having a background in music, attracting and entertaining large audiences was natural for him and he was able to translate these skills into the world of business. Kosage relishes the opportunity to share his years of experience in the industry with those interested, and likes nothing more than to see those who have taken his advice succeed to become the people they want to be.For the majority of his career Kosage remained one of the most prolific, respected and sought-after keynote speakers in the industry; he connected vast networks of young entrepreneurs, and helped some of the most reputable network marketing companies fulfill their potential and storm the market.

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