THE POWER OF KNOWING HER NEXT MOVE Real-Time Customer Experience Management

Customer Commitment Framework brochure

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CCF provides near real-time insights into the customer experience and journey that previously could only be obtained through labor-intensive and time-consuming traditional research techniques. By applying predictive technologies to social data, SDL gives companies the means to better understand what customers care about, the reasons behind their actions, their attitudes and triggers for their behaviors, all of which can effectively translate audience experiences into strategic opportunities.

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The Power of Knowing her nexT MoveReal-Time Customer Experience Management

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whaT if you could PredicT your fuTure?

There is no crystal ball in business, but there is a rich world of data rife with intelligence that you can mine to better inform your business strategy, product development and customer interactions. With the right data you can create a 360-degree view of the customer that gives you the holistic insights to impact your business and influence your customers’ behavior. You can look backward, forward—and most importantly—to make predictions about how your customers shop, share and advocate for you.

Inform Your Business Strategy

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whaT daTa are you using To MaKe business decisions?Nearly 90% of the data in the world has been created in the last two years alone—social and mobile data account for a large part of that. This dataset is highly scalable, constantly updating and user generated. By analyzing and deriving insights based on social data, you give your business a real-time, non-biased view of your customer and their experiences.

What customers say they do in the social sphere accurately predicts their behavior in the real world. Their online activities and

conversations illustrate in real-time what matters the most to them. Modeling these unstructured conversations provides a deep and holistic understanding of that experience. The key is zeroing in on the conversations that matter. Ultimately, this gives you a way to be more nimble than ever before—trends, customer requests, etc.—to the factors that influence opinion and your brand. This means that you can adjust your strategy while a campaign, program or launch is running instead of waiting for post-event results.

Social Intelligence

TargeTed & acTionableRelate events and activities to a specific point in time

user-generaTed & unsoliciTedLearn what your customers really think and feel

coMPeTiTive inTelligenceView conversations about your competitors’ brands and products

resPonsive & scalableCollect and respond to insight in real-time, globally

longiTudinal & PredicTiveLook back and see the future






ThE valUE social daTa BRINgS

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80% of businesses believe Their cusToMer exPerience is suPerior, while only 8% of cusToMers agreed1

Your customers encounter varied experiences along their journey to purchase or engage with you. Whether they have positive experiences or run into roadblocks, these interactions lead them to choose one product, service or brand over another. Taking action to improve the experiences your customers have within that journey can convert them from shoppers to customers, and then to advocates.

By modeling against competitors’ best practices while continuously monitoring, identifying and removing roadblocks and reinforcing what you are doing right, you gain significant competitive advantage. You easily shorten the purchase cycle and ensure constant relevance for your products and services as markets and customer needs change. This way of managing the customer experience enables you to make better-informed and faster decisions around value propositions, brand strategies, and more importantly how to engage customers.

1 Bain & Company survey

The Customer Experience

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sPrinT sTrengThens business cusToMer offers wiTh The helP of social daTa

In order to bring a new mobile device to the business market in an innovative and compelling way, Sprint needed to find a differentiated approach to draw business customers in—and convert them to contract holders. By looking at how businesses make technology purchasing decisions, the key players in the purchase process and the typical process as a whole, Sprint would be equipped to tailor solutions for the business consumer and their organization.

Comparison to Conversion

looking at conversations that business consumers were having, we compared Sprint with three competitors to see how the brands each ranked. Next, we looked at how Sprint’s new mobile device stacked up against competitive devices to see if the business community had an affinity to one over another. This approach enabled us to evaluate the competitive mobile landscape, apply metrics and identify opportunities.

armed with analysis and insight from our social data, Sprint was able to align its go-to-market approach with the needs of the business customer. acting as a partner instead of a vendor, Sprint was successful in converting customers and also in demonstrating its ability to listen and change with their needs.

We [Sprint] were able to successfully identify the best path and process for delivering solutions tailored to the needs and objectives of our business consumers, while also serving the needs of their businesses.

- Jan Curry Group Manager – Addressable Marketing

Case Study

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a valuable cusToMer is one ThaT is coMMiTTed To buying ProducTs or services, sharing conTenT and advocaTing brand Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to. as your customers move through the process of connecting with your offerings, it’s important to assist them throughout their journey. From shoppers to customers, and then from customers to advocates, the journey is more than just a path to purchase; it’s product research, price comparison, value comparison and even customer satisfaction long after the purchase has been made.

Taking a walk in your customers’ shoes can provide a rich, contextual view into what a customer is experiencing in that journey. It helps you locate and remove barriers blocking them, and to enhance the enabling factors driving your customers along the way.

The Customer Journey

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raising awareness, converTing shoPPers inTo cusToMers, and cusToMers inTo advocaTesFueled by our customers’ desire to get a deep, detailed understanding of the customer journey and how to impact the quality of it we developed the Customer Commitment FrameworkTM. The Customer Commitment Framework helps you to understand what your customers care about, the reasons behind their actions, their attitudes and triggers for their behaviors, and translate these experiences into strategic opportunities. We do this by measuring three customer journeys: the Shopping Journey, the Sharing Journey and the advocacy Journey.

The shopping JourneyFrom point of awareness to point of sale you need to focus on moving customers through the purchase cycle seamlessly by removing roadblocks and reinforcing what’s working.

The sharing JourneyTo transform your primary audience into broadcasters of your message, your focus should not just be on the quality of your content, but also the how, where and when of it. Enabling your primary audience to share content in the right channel, time and place magnifies your market presence.

The advocacy JourneyPowering “Word of Mouth” referrals means understanding what your customers encounter as they connect with your offerings and enhancing your brand’s perception to encourage them to actively promote you.

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The Customer Journey

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using social inTelligence To find new MarKeTs

Tablet devices are a rapidly growing category in the U.S. market, as evidenced by the increasing variety of devices available. We wanted to take a closer look at how tablets are doing globally, specifically to identify where there may be new opportunities for manufacturers in markets they had yet to engage with. Using our Customer Commitment Framework social intelligence we delved into the specific nuances of individual geographies, opportunities and strategies for engaging with consumers. Through our analysis of the tablet market around the globe, we identified a few top markets Barnes & Nobles’ NOOK® would likely be successful in, what to say in those markets, and how best to launch in order to maximize adoption.

Conversations into commitment

In looking at social media conversations related to tablets across the globe, we were able to hone in on markets ready and open to a new device. Converting shoppers ready to purchase in these markets would require a campaign promoting the device through the use of well-structured, localized language messaging and content for each.

Instead of pushing for the NOOK to be a success in over-saturated markets, we identified germany and France as ripe with customers looking for a tablet such as the NOOK. The Spanish-speaking areas of the U.S. also came to the forefront as a large market opportunity.

additionally, our research highlighted just how fragmented the tablet market is and the lack of differentiation between products or services of major technology brands—especially in how they speak about themselves to consumers. There is opportunity for Barnes & Noble to take a lead by differentiating itself from competitors at a local level in order to stand out and to maximize conversions from other tablets to the NOOK.

By analyzing global conversations from tablet leaders like Apple, Amazon, ASUS, Sony, and Barnes & Noble we were able to assign a unique Product Commitment Score to each device. This measure is able to predict and enable purchasing behavior

Case Study

SDL analysis of publicly available data;

not commissioned by any representative clients.

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The Customer Commitment Framework in action

The cusToMer coMMiTMenT fraMeworK in acTionThe Customer Commitment Framework combines a patented metric system comprised of key performance indicators for the customer journeys coupled with a set of diagnostics. This gives you illustrative insight before, during and after activities and enables you to more easily and quickly guide your customers through their journeys. and we give it to you in an easy-to-view dashboard customized with the social datasets specific to your company, competitors and industry.

customer commitment framework

• KPIs- in the form of scores that model and predict customer behavior

• CustomerExperience&JourneyMapping- aligning the KPIs against specific, measurable steps in the customer journeys

• ContextualCustomerSegmentations- highlighting the valuable customer targets groupings for optimal focus

• customer Personas Mapping - providing a comprehensive and deeper level of under- standing of the behaviors and emotional drivers for the identified contextual customer segments

















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iT all leads To increased business Enabling your customer to travel more seamlessly through their journeys is a win-win for everyone. With the Customer Commitment Framework you can model best practices, build playbooks, align KPIs, and while executing ensure you are measuring, monitoring and pivoting for optimum results. This gives you the illustrative insights you need before, during and after activities, whether that’s a product launch, advertising campaign, brand initiative or any number of other business impacting activities. When you put a data-driven strategy into play you greatly improve experiences for your customers and create competitive advantage for you.

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The Customer Commitment Framework in action

ModelbestpracticesReview where you rank against your top competitors to validate your position and get the perspective necessary to model best practices.

Buildplaybooks Use the insights and best practices to create prescriptive guidance that illustrate key audience personas, campaign strategy, predictive insight and approaches to improving the customer journey at each step.

Alignandexecute Put your plans for market, product and/or corporate initiatives into action and assign appropriate key performance indicators to measure and track performance.

Measure, monitor, pivot Continuously review the health of your active initiatives by measuring and monitoring so you can be proactive, make mid-stream course corrections and impact the customer’s actions resulting in your desired outcomes.

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you can PredicT The fuTure

When you listen, analyze and react to customer needs in real-time you shorten the purchase cycle, ensure constant relevance and remove the chasm between gaining insight and getting to action. The SDl Customer Commitment Framework enables data-driven, real-time decision making to holistically enhance the customer experience—ultimately letting you drive customer behavior and impact your business success. Using it, you have a measurement system to target investments and activities for continual improvement. Isn’t it time to do more than just manage the customer experience?

start predicting your—and your customer’s—future.

The Customer Commitment Framework

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learn more about impacting your customers’ experience and driving your business objectives with our Customer Commitment Framework at www.sdl.com/si

abouT sdl social inTelligence

SDL Social Intelligence provides enterprise customers with real-time insight and foresight to optimize customer experience. The Customer Commitment FrameworkTM enables global brands to develop and measure product, brand and engagement strategies to drive growth and increase revenues.

Copyright © 2013 SDl PlC. all Rights Reserved. all company product or service names referenced

herein are properties of their respective owners.

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