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Courage is when you to face danger or pain whether you are afraid or not.

To have courage is to be brave.

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It is the Ability to Confront Fear, Pain, Risk,

Danger, Uncertainty or Intimidation.

Life has its struggles and battles but it is how you live

life that counts.

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“One is not necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We cannot be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”

Maya Angelou

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Courage is not something you are born with, it must be developed.

Individuals, who fail to develop courage, remain confined in mental prisons and face each day as mental lightweights.

Courage is the mental muscle that conquers fear. Like all muscles, the more you use

them the stronger they become.

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“Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."

Orison Swett Marden

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Courage is a very important component of growing up. It is required in the very

decisive moments of life and in day-to-day affairs.

Life exposes people to risks, setbacks and challenges. Overcoming these events

demands that a person exercise knowledge, reason and, most of all,


While the other cognitive resources are essential, consciously developing courage

is crucial to personal success.

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"Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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When fears creep in, that is where your courage has to be your guiding light and your power. As a matter of fact, at times, when all appears to be hopeless, you will only have your courage to help drive you to the next step on your journey to success.

Lack of courage gets in the way of success for everyone, young and old, poor and rich, sick and healthy.

Every single person can live more life and experience greater things, if they will just live with more courage.

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"People do not know how much potential actually they have. In facts if they live out their lives with their true potential, they can do wonders but it

required courage to self-reliance to meet most problems, even a big


Syed Imtiaz Hussain

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The Origins of FEAR

The development of courage begins with understanding the psychological origins of fear.

The newborn child has only two fears; the fear of falling and the

fear of loud noises.

All other fears that we experience as adults are learned as we are

growing up, primarily as the result of well-meaning but destructive

criticism from our parents.

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How FEAR Develop

When the curious child gets into things and makes a mess, the

parent scolds and punishes the child, eventually building up a pattern of fear connected with

trying or getting into anything new or different.

As adults, we experience this as the fear of failure, the fear of

risking, of making a mistake, of losing.

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Who has Courage?

Anyone can have courage.

Some people show courage at work.

Some people show courage when they are having fun.

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Imagine the courage it takes to climb the highest mountains in the world …

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Imagine being the youngest person to sail alone across the Pacific Ocean and being by yourself for 54 days.

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To succeed you must approach challenges with hard work, determination and courage.

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How to Develop COURAGE

Courageous people are courageous because they know they can do it and are prepared to do it, or they

feel the fear and do it anyway.

It is not a way of being, and it is not about who you are; it is a


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Develop Faith & Confidence

A large part of developing courage is having faith in yourself, faith in a higher power and faith that things

will work out.

This type of confidence comes from maintaining a positive

attitude and visualizing a favorable outcome.

A courageous mindset is the product of faith, self-confidence

and positive thinking.

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Know Your Strengths Instead of WEAKNESS

Try to remind yourselves of the things that you can do well.

Look at the bright side of your life. There are definitely many things in your favor, even when you are going through the worst period in your life.

Look around you and notice what you do have, such as family, friends, health, education, etc.  When was the last time you looked at the things that were going for you, instead of, looking at all the misfortunes in your life?

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Start Working on SOLUTION

Now that you became brave enough to tear down your defenses and to look your problems straight in the eye its time to find a solution for these problems

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The old saying that a “Winner Never Quits and a Quitter Never Wins" is very true.

Life with its multiple problems can be rounds for victory for the self-determined, self-motivated, and hard working individuals.

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The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely.

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All Great Things begin with a Single Uncertain STEP.

True Character does not Develop in a World without

Challenge or Change.

You must Step Forward Bravely in order to Grow.

Challenge YOUR Character.

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Aristotle called courage the first virtue, because it makes all of the other virtues possible. In

addition to being the most important human virtue, it is the most important business virtue,

as well.