ILYES Boudjelthia Growth Manager [email protected]

Copylead vs competitors

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Google Chrome is the most-used Web browser worldwide, according to

StatCounter, thanks to its performance and many other reasons, and one of the reasons

is its extensions.

All this modern technology just makes people try to do everything at once.

Bill Watterson

Today we are going to mention some extensions that are a must have for sales

reps and business developers, as it will help them get the job done faster, smarter and


The following extension are extremely useful when prospecting or hunting leads/prospects from the web and when updating your leads

list from Social Networks.

Before the technology of browser’s extensions, sales reps or CRM managers used to get data from the web by copy / paste and this is according to them was extremely boring

and time/energy consuming.

Now let’s start by a small definition for each solution, then we shall compare them to find

out which one is more suitable for you, depending on your needs.

Copylead is a one click solution to save all lead’s data (Name, title, profile picture, phone, email, address)

from LinkedIn or any other social network and saves this data into Salesforce automatically.

Brisk processes and prioritizes real-time data from Salesforce, Gmail and your sales tools.

Take suggested next steps directly in Brisk. All data is updated in Salesforce.

Ebsta’s LinkedIn integration for Salesforce makes it easy to log Calls, Activities and Opportunities without

switching screens.

Contactly is a sales development rep’s best friend, it helps them create a lead instantly from any LinkedIn

profile, it export a lead to Salesforce.

But, Which one is better, faster and easier to use??

One Click tool





Features & Integrations






Data saved

All of the extension are pretty good, BUT Copylead is the fastest one as it takes less than a second to save your lead’s data, all it

takes is just to press the button.

Watch the following video to observe and see clearly which one is better, faster and easier to

