Did you know that …? …contextual ads are 19% more effective? engagement is 32% greater for contextual ads? emotional intensity is 16% higher for contextual ads? …87% heavy car users say MOF billboards offer brands the space for creative & out of the box campaigns? …Clear Channel turned over 50 concepts into Create success stories these last 2 years? …we’ve built a 108m² MegaMOF out of 3 MOF billboards? www.nemooh.be Sources: The context effect study/Neuro-Insight - MOF study 2015

Context & Create

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Did you know that …?

…contextual ads are 19% more effective?

…engagement is 32% greater for contextual ads?

…emotional intensity is 16% higher for contextual ads?

…87% heavy car users say MOF billboards offer brands the space for creative & out of the box campaigns?

…Clear Channel turned over 50 concepts into Create success stories these last 2 years?

…we’ve built a 108m² MegaMOF out of 3 MOF billboards?


Sources: The context effect study/Neuro-Insight - MOF study 2015