consenting to research iDASH webinar 3/16/2012

Consent to Research - iDASH webinar

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Freshest version of the Consent to Research Project slides. For a webinar as part of the iDASH project. http://idash.ucsd.edu/

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consenting to research

iDASH webinar


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“Privacy is about context, social situations, and control.”

- danah boyd

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We are going to get our [genetic, health] data, one way or another.

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but we often lack agency to decide what is done with data about us…

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(we are also going to talk about it)

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in the future, anyone who wants a copy of your genome will probably be able to get it.

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how do we ensure our data gets turned into knowledge?

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“technology doesn’t support patient engagement”

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Terms in blue pop up to definitions

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volunteer must click to proceed

all boxes must be checked

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volunteer cannot skip video

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1. understanding the choice

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you decide what data you’ll upload

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can researchers contact me (anonymously)?

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please email

patient #XYZ123


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2. understanding what happens to your data

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3. PLC is a data gift

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no “quid pro quo”

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1. will not re-identify you2. will not harm you

3. research will be “open”

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4. you are consenting to risk and uncertainty.

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potential for harmeconomicsocialand more we don’t know

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links to external resources

volunteer must click to proceed

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volunteer must affirm desire to consent

volunteer must check each box

definitions pop up as user examines

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both boxes must be checked

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Individual Level Data


Sage BionetworksCGRE

Portable Legal Consent

1 2 3 4 5



CGRE Database Synapse Database

Advocacy Foundation


Advocacy Foundation

Portable Legal Consent

Public Recruitment

Sage BionetworksSynapse

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12-month recruitment goal: 25,000

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to do:vendor integrationeuropean “port”“real names” vulnerable populations“bolt on” for clinical studies

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play:http://consenttoresearch.us (alpha, no guarantees, constantly changing)