Europeana Metadata licensing: Three goals, three questions and two options Communia 7th Workshop – 01.02.2010 [email protected]

Communia Luxembourg Sharing Europeana Metadata 3 Goals 3 Questions 2 Options

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Communia 7th workshop Luxembourg Sharing Europeana Metadata Europeana Connect National Library of Luxembourg Patrick Peiffer

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Europeana Metadata licensing:

Three goals, three questions

and two options

Communia 7th Workshop – 01.02.2010

[email protected]

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Europeana Connect

• One of the deliverables of Work Package 4• Europeana Licensing Framework

• Focus of presentation• Agreements between Europeana and its Partners


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Europeana Agreements are ONLY about metadata

• Metadata which can be under• Copyright, public domain, PSI rules, database rights, ...

• This is a legal problem and will be solved by lawyers

• If single metadata elements are commercially valuable or otherwise too valuable, partners are free to withhold them

• Agreements do NOT cover digital / digitised objects

• Digital objects stay at partner’s websites and remain entirely under partners’s re-use condition


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Europeana Agreements object metadata

• Very general rights information about the digital objects is asked, to enable filtering of search results on Europeana

• Digital objects can be • digital public domain, • accessible for free• accessible suject to payment• ...

• Optional previews, if partner has cleared rights

• Optional fulltext, for better search results


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Three goals for Metadata licensing


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Goal 1: Create Europeana metadata

• Across domains• Museums, Libraries, Archives, a/v Archive

• Across Nations• Multilingual

• Semantically enriched• Vocabularies, Thesauri, Authority files

• Encourage participation of end-users• Enrich and contribute


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Goal 2: Discovery of partner’s digital objects

• End-users follow links to the digital object, to the partner website

• Traffic is generated towards partner’s websites

• Allowing re-use is a must to discover through other channels e.g. facebook, wikipedia, ...


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Goal 3: Sharing back Europeana metadata

• All of Europeana metadata is shared back to everyone• Including translations, semantic enrichment and user contributions

• Accessible through machine interfaces• APIs to query metadata• Data dumps to copy metadata, • Linked data to create “web of data”

• Have simple rules to avoid exclusive capture of value• Participation breaks down• Same rules for everyone


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Three goals recap

• Collect metadata, enrich it, encourage end-user participation

• Goal 1: Make it easy to contribute and re-use

• Drive discovery and create traffic to partner’s sites

• Goal 2: Non-Europeana discovery channels crucial

• Share back enriched metadata to partners and everyone

• Goal 3: Avoid exclusive capture


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Goals are not about copyright

• Goals are social and cultural, not legal

• Starting with copyright will not help achieving goals

• Keep in mind we are not talking about works, only metadata

• Three questions are about social norms:

• How to interact with partners, with the public (no commercial intent) and possible commercial use?


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“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”Peter Drucker


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Three questions

• Allow commercial use for Europeana?

• Allow commercial use for everyone else?

• Which is the simplest sharing mechanism that works, socially and legally, including use with no commercial intent?


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First question is easiest

• Boils down to a financing question of Europeana services• Exclusive sublicensing (selling) of metadata should be excluded• Metadata is available for free already• Affiliate programs most likely source of income

• Buy this object at a bookshop, museumshop, etc.

• Unlikely to generate huge revenues• Should be limited to help finance Europeana• Very relevant for long term sustainability (See Wikipedia)

• Let’s set it aside for the moment


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Second question: Commercial use for everyone

• Metadata available for free for everyone anyway

• Substantial value (e.g. better metadata) has to be added to be able to exploit commercially

• “Make it easy to contribute to and re-use metadata” is the first goal, these contributions may be from commercial players

• “Non-Europeana discovery channels” is the second goal, many of these channels are probably commercial (Facebook etc)

• “Avoid exclusive capture”, the third goal, seems to be the crucial element then to answer this second question


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Third question: Working sharing models?

• Contributions and re-use of metadata are also desired for non-commercial purposes

• This is the Wikipedia, citizen-based value creation

• The third goal “Avoiding exclusive capture” is crucial to have citizens sustainibly contribute their time and effort to Europeana metadata (see Wikipedia)


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Reframing second and third question

• All goals are reached if there is a simple model for • re-use for commercial and non-commercial intent• avoiding exclusive capture• requiring sharing back to everyone

• Reframed:

• How to handle commercial and non-commercial use for everyone while ensuring the sharing back of better metadata to everyone?


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Two options

• Allow commercial use upfront, but require the sharing back of better Metadata (share-alike)

• No transaction costs, permission already given to everyone• Level playing field,

• Bearing in mind that sharing back is also required if better metadata is produced without commercial intent


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Two options

• Allow commercial use upfront, but require the sharing back of better Metadata (share-alike)

• No transaction costs, permission already given to everyone• Level playing field,

• Allow commercial use only after permission has been asked and granted via separate contract

• Substantial transaction costs, need to ask a lot of partners• Substantial technical costs, rights management for metadata• Danger of exclusive deals, because exclusivity is worth more• Citizens who contributed may not like this


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“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”Peter Drucker


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Proposal for metadata: Allow commercial use, Require “Share alike”

• Use the “Share-alike” option• A Creative Commons licence element

• Allows commercial use

• If no transformations, same conditions apply

• Allows transformations only if they are shared back under same conditions (no exclusivity, no new rights)

• Same conditions apply to everyone, even those who do not intend commercial use

• It already works in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, who excel at creating better metadata


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Danger: Europeana metadata stuck with non-commercial use only

• Technological dead-end• New ways of making available require new permissions• Example: Documentary films which cannot be re-released on DVD• Linked data already uses links only, no copies needed

• Bad for long-term sustainability• It will become increasingly impossible to find those who can give

commercial rights• Orphan metadata problem• Complexity and costs for aggregators and Europeana


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Thanks for your interest and attention!

[email protected]