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Coaching through the Credit Crunch

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Coaching through the Credit Coaching through the Credit CrunchCrunch

Matt Somers23rd June 2009

Page 3: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Feedback on previous talksOOutstanding, NNeeded, EExcellent, BBrilliant, IImaginative, GGreatSSuper, AAwesome, LLoud, EEntertaining, SSoundPPerfect, IImaginative, TTopical, CCheering, HHelpful

Page 4: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Once managers are able to coach, you can.....•Replace formal training with ‘on-the-job’ coaching

•Develop people every working day

•Achieve the same results with fewer resources

•Improve quality and lessen mistakes and wastage

•Ensure learning is derived from every experience

•Demonstrate your commitment to your current staff

•Help those that have or need to leave

•Prepare for the upturn

Page 5: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

“The opponent in one’s own head is more formidable than the one on the other side of the net”

Tim Gallwey. The Inner Game of Tennis

Introducing the Inner Game

Page 6: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

The Inner Game of...Potential

High Performance



InterferenceInternal External

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•Poor management•Poor relationships•Policy & procedures•Environment•Lack of time•Lack of budget



•Trying too hard•Negative thoughts•Negative images•Negative beliefs•Limiting thoughts•Lack of self-trust•A busy mind

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Page 9: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Suggested Interference•“The buyer’s just getting angrier!”

•“Stop wasting time, you’ve got so much to do!”

•“This is taking far too long”

•“You’re really screwing this up!”

•“Did you turn the taps off before you left home?”

•“You really fancy him/her don’t you?”

•“What are we going to have for dinner tonight?”

•“Don’t you sometimes wish you had a different job?”

Page 10: Coaching through the Credit Crunch


• Is not the same as ‘trying really hard’• Needs to be appropriate• Follows interest

Page 11: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Key Performance indicator Catching Balls

Key Skill Watching the ballWatch the ball!

Are you watching the ball?

Why aren’t you watching the ball?

What do you notice about the ball?


(Closed question)

(Interrogative question)

(Coaching question)

Coaching this way...

Page 12: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Coaching this way...Key Performance indicator Resolving ComplaintsKey Skill Asking questions to

clarify the situationAsk questions!

Do you ask questions?

Why don’t you ask questions?

How do you rate the quality of questions you asked today?


(Closed question)

(Interrogative question)

(Coaching question)

Page 13: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Coaching this way...

Questions that raise Awareness

• What’s happening?• What stands out?• What do you notice about...?• How do you feel about...?• What are the variables here?• What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Page 14: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Coaching this way...

Questions that generate Responsibility

• What do you want to do?• What do you want to achieve?• What is the best way of getting there?• What changes would you like to make?• Could this create any conflict?• What are the alternatives?

Page 15: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Coaching this way...

Questions that build Trust

• If it was up to you, how would you accomplish this task?

• When have you succeeded in a similar situation?

• What are the best attributes you bring to this situation?

• What would it take to feel more comfortable?

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Our ability to focus is affected by 3 conversations

•Internal conversation•External conversation (others)•Background conversation (culture)

Page 17: Coaching through the Credit Crunch

Don’t take notes, take action!!•PERFORMANCE = Potential less Interference

•Focus is the antidote to interference

•Focus is promoted through questions not instructions

I will now pass on these ideas to 3 people:



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