CitySpark Seminars Week 2 Testing your assumptions

CitySpark Seminar - Testing your asumptions

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CitySpark Seminars

Week 2

Testing your assumptions

Today’s session

•  Recap and review week one

•  Understand how you can test your business assumptions with customers

•  Before you invest time and money on product development

•  Begin to apply it to your idea/vision


Key points •  We’re not just looking for hypothetical business ideas or plans –

we want to see action, traction and evidence

•  Every new business idea is an article of faith precariously perched on a big stack of assumptions

•  You need to challenge these assumptions right from the start – not sail blissfully towards an epic fail at the end

•  This means that you need to understand what assumptions you’re making

•  And then rank them in order of priority.


•  Before next week’s session

•  Review your list and mark the assumptions that would have a large impact on your business and feel highly uncertain

•  Prioritise your top-3 assumptions

•  Download Talking to Humans PDF and read pages 1-27 (www.talkingtohumans.com)


Academic excellence for business and the professions

(Re)introducing Steve Blank

Academic excellence for business and the professions

There are two ways you can do


FIRST WAY Qualitative

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

SECOND WAY Quantitative

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

CAUTION The first way is

surprisingly hard!

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IT’S NOT Asking people to

design your product for you

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IT’S NOT About pitching

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

You are the detective!

IT IS Your job to learn

about your customers

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Your goal is not to compile statistically significant answers

Academic excellence for business and the professions

It is to look for patterns that will

help you make smarter decisions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

5key questions

Question 1 Who do you want to learn


Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Top tips •  The first step in tying to learn rom the market is having an idea

about who your market actually is

-  The typical customer you imagine will buy your product -  Your early adopter i.e. the people who will take a chance on you

before anyone else -  Critical partners for distribution or fulfilment

•  Think through who the different users will be!

-  Hospital management system -  Online veterinarian service -  Online marketing place for plumbers -  Colourful Coffins

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Question 2 What do you want to learn?

Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Top tips •  Go into every interview with a prepared list of questions

•  You’ll look more professional and it will keep you on point!

•  Identify your most risky assumptions and start here

•  Get stories, not speculation e.g. don’t ask “Would you like this idea”, “Would you buy this product?”

•  Ask open-ended questions e.g. ask questions that start with words like who, what, why and how.

•  Avoid questions that start with is, are, would, do you

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com


Academic excellence for business and the professions

Question 3 How will you get to them?

Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

3 Golden Rules

•  Try to get one degree of separation away (don’t interview people who already know you)

•  Be creative (don’t expect people to come to you)

•  Fish where the fish are (and not where they aren’t)

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Top tips •  Asking for advice should be your default mode early in the

customer development process

•  Be creative; if one route fails try something else

•  Find the moment of pain, purchase etc.

•  Make referrals happen; set a goal of walking out of every interview with 2 or 3 new candidates

•  Conferences and meet-ups can be an amazing recruiting ground

•  Use being student to your advantage

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Question 4 How can you ensure an

effective session?

Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Top tips •  Do you interviews in person

•  Talk to one person at a time

•  Avoid focus groups!!!

•  Add a note taker

•  Get people to tell stories don’t ask them to predict their own behaviour

•  Listen don’t talk

•  Do a dry run first

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Question 5 How do you make sense of

what you learn?

Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Your goal is not to learn for learning’s


Your goal is to make better decisions that increase the odds of


Academic excellence for business and the professions

Top tips •  Take good notes

•  Dump and sort

•  Look for patterns and apply judgement – don’t get locked in analysis paralysis

•  Expect false positives

•  Don’t just rely on qualitative research alone!!!

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

Academic excellence for business and the professions

See: Giff Constance, www.talkingtohumans.com

SECOND WAY Quantitative*

(*Remember me!?!)

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Introducing Eric Ries

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Key idea 1 The ‘Build, Measure, Learn’ loop

Academic excellence for business and the professions

“The goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing to build – the thing customers want and will pay for – as quickly as possible.”

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Validated learning

Academic excellence for business and the professions

CREATIVITY (AKA the jam sessions)

SONG ARRANGING (Bothering to meet-up and organise)

RECORDING (Demo’s, albums etc.)

Record label, media & PR support

SALES (Singles, albums, royalties, tickets, merchandise etc.)

LEARN (Drinking, womanising, breaking-up, rehab and reformation)

Academic excellence for business and the professions

CREATIVITY (AKA the jam sessions)

SONG ARRANGING (Bothering to meet-up and organise)

RECORDING (Demo’s, albums etc.)

Record label, media & PR support

SALES (Singles, albums, royalties, tickets, merchandise etc.)

LEARN (Drinking, womanising, breaking-up, rehab and reformation)

Key idea 2 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Academic excellence for business and the professions

“An MVP helps entrepreneurs start the process of learning as quickly as possible. It’s not necessarily the smallest product imaginable; it is the simply the fastest route through the build-measure-learn feedback loop”

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Exercise – Mock Interviews

•  Working in pairs

•  Find out all about your partners dream car •  Dig into the reasons behind your partners choice e.g.

When did you fall in love with the car and why? Of the reasons you shared, why are these the most important to you? How have you imagined using the car etc.

Exercise – Mock Interviews

•  Step 1: Interview Plan, 5-mins

•  Write a list of all the questions you could ask and make a final selection of no more than 6-questions

Exercise – Mock Interviews

•  Step 2: Pair Interviews, 7-mins each

•  Take it in turns to interview each other using the lists of questions you have compiled

•  NB The person doing the interview should also take as detailed notes as possible


Key points •  Customer discovery is about gaining deeper insight into your

customer or your market

•  Being told your idea is cool is not useful; seeing behaviour that validates your customer’s willingness to buy is very useful

•  Prepare an interview guide before you get out of the building

•  Get creative when trying to recruit people – if at first you don’t succeed try something new

•  Sometimes observation is as powerful as interviews

•  Don’t forget to get quantitative!!!


•  Before next week’s session

•  Based on the key assumptions you’ve identified prepare an interview guide and find 5-10 interviewees at one degree of separation

•  Approach and try to set up an interview

•  Download Talking to Humans PDF and read pages 30-66

CitySpark Seminars

Week 3

Refining your business model

Academic excellence for business and the professions Customer discovery

Customer validation

Problem – solution fit

Problem – market fit

Problem-Solution fit = You’ve identified a real-world

customer problem and a possible solution

Product-Market fit = You’ve built a product that early adopters will pay you money for

Academic excellence for business and the professions

Customer discovery

Customer validation

Problem – solution fit

Problem – market fit

Yay, this is awesome!