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Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Summary


Summary of Request for Proposals

Service Description The City of Seattle (the City) is requesting Proposals for the collection of non-source-separated mixed construction/demolition wastes. The services requested under this RFP do not include transfer, processing, or disposal services, or recycling collection and processing. The City's preference is to award between two and six collection contracts. The collection contracts may be citywide or for only specific service areas. Collection contracts may or may not be exclusive for the specified area. Rates for both exclusive and non-exclusive contracts are requested in this RFP. Contractors shall directly bill customers for all fees and shall retain revenues. Contractors shall be responsible for paying disposal fees as well as the City Contract Fee. See collection area map in Appendix B. Schedule All Proposers must submit a Letter of Intent by September 21, 2007. The format for the Letter of Intent is available on the RFP website or by contacting the Project Manager. Proposals are due by 2:00 p.m., October 26, 2007. The City plans to select contractors during Fall, 2007, negotiate final contract terms during January-February 2008, and sign contracts by April 2008. Contracted services will begin April 1, 2009 and extend for five years through March 31, 2014. The City will retain an option to extend the contracts for two additional two year terms. City Contact All inquiries about this RFP must be made in written form (including mail, email or fax) to the Project Manager: George Sidles Telephone: 206-233-7903 Seattle Public Utilities Fax: 206-615-1668 P.O. Box 34018 Email: [email protected] Seattle, Washington 98124-4018 Hand delivery: Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Ave, 46th floor

RFP website – www.seattle.gov/util/About_SPU/Garbage_System/Contracts

Unless authorized by the Project Manager, no other City official or employee is empowered to speak for the City with respect to this RFP. Proposers who contact other City officials or employees in regard to this RFP may be disqualified. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and to decline to award a contract for these services. The City will bear no responsibility for costs incurred in preparation of responses to this RFP.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Summary


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Table of Contents i

Table of Contents

SUMMARY OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS………………………………………………i CHAPTER I - OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ I-1

A. PRIORITIES ................................................................................................................ I-1 B. CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION MATERIAL HANDLING IN SEATTLE.................................... I-1 C. SERVICE APPROACH................................................................................................... I-2 D. PAYMENT APPROACH ................................................................................................. I-3 E. COLLECTION AREAS ................................................................................................... I-3 F. BASE PROPOSAL........................................................................................................ I-4 G. ALTERNATIVES ........................................................................................................... I-4 H. BACKGROUND ON SEATTLE’S CUSTOMERS .................................................................. I-4 I. PROCUREMENT PLAN OVERVIEW ................................................................................ I-5

CHAPTER II - BASE SERVICES .................................................................................... II-1

A. COLLECTION SERVICES AND CUSTOMERS................................................................... II-1 B. GENERAL COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... II-1 C. CUSTOMER SERVICE, BILLING AND PUBLIC INFORMATION............................................ II-2 D. ADDITIONAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................... II-2 E. CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS.......................................................................................... II-3 F. EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS ........................................................................................ II-3 G. AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS ............................................................................... II-3

CHAPTER III - ALTERNATIVES.................................................................................... III-1

CHAPTER IV - SELECTION PROCESS........................................................................IV-1

A. PROPOSED SCHEDULE .............................................................................................IV-1 B. RFP DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION ......................................................................IV-2 C. INITIAL PROPOSAL REVIEW .......................................................................................IV-2 D. CONTRACTOR EVALUATION COMMITTEE....................................................................IV-2 E. SOLID WASTE PRIORITIES AND PROPOSAL SELECTION...............................................IV-2 F. EVALUATION CRITERIA..............................................................................................IV-3 G. INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS ............................................................................IV-4 H. CITY INVESTIGATION AND INSPECTIONS .....................................................................IV-4 I. FINAL AND BEST OFFER (OPTIONAL)..........................................................................IV-4 J. EVALUATION COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION..........................................................IV-4 K. PROPRIETARY PROPOSAL MATERIAL AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS ..................................IV-5 L. RESERVATIONS AND LIMITATIONS..............................................................................IV-5

CHAPTER V - PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................V-1

A. INITIAL COMMUNICATIONS..........................................................................................V-1 B. SUBMITTING PROPOSALS...........................................................................................V-2

CHAPTER VI - PROPOSAL QUESTIONS ....................................................................VI-1

A. BACKGROUND AND PAST PERFORMANCE ..................................................................VI-1


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Table of Contents ii

B. OPERATIONS............................................................................................................VI-3 C. CUSTOMER IMPLEMENTATION, OUTREACH AND RELATIONS ........................................VI-5 D. PRICE PROPOSALS...................................................................................................VI-7

CHAPTER VII - PROPOSAL FORMS...........................................................................VII-1

A. CERTIFICATION FORMS............................................................................................VII-2 B. BACKGROUND FORMS .............................................................................................VII-7 C. AFFIRMATIVE EFFORTS FORM................................................................................VII-11 D. PRICE FORMS .......................................................................................................VII-17





Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-1

Chapter I - Overview

A. Priorities RFP Principles The City developed the following principles to create this RFP and to guide the contractor selection process:

1. Low system cost; 2. Reliable service levels; 3. New services desired by customers; 4. Support for City waste prevention and recycling efforts; 5. Minimum customer confusion and service disruption during implementation; 6. Reduced environmental impacts (such as number and weight of trucks and

cleaner emissions); 7. Competitive Proposer environment now and in the future; 8. Opportunities for contractor innovation; and 9. Flexibility to modify service.

Solid Waste Policies The RFP and service contracts are also guided by the Seattle Solid Waste Plan: On the Path to Sustainability. The Plan was adopted by the City Council in August 1998, and a Plan Amendment was adopted in 2005. The Plan provides solid waste policies and goals to guide future solid waste services and programs. The Solid Waste Plan is available from the City and can be accessed through the City website at www.seattle.gov/util/About_SPU/Garbage_System/Plans/Solid_Waste_Comprehensive_Plan. Although the current Plan does not extensively address C/D wastes, future versions of the Plan likely will focus more attention on this waste stream. All SPU services and decisions are handled in a framework of a comprehensive Asset Management approach that focuses on delivering agreed service levels through investments that produce optimal life-cycle costs (including financial, environmental and social impacts).

B. Construction/Demolition Material Handling in Seattle C/D material containing 90% or more recyclables by volume may be collected and processed by private recyclers as long as the recyclable materials are recycled or beneficially used in accordance with City policies. This recyclable material is not regulated by City contract and may be collected either in separate streams or commingled as long as the 10% non-recyclable threshold is not exceeded. Materials meeting this standard will not be subject to the City contract and will continue to be handled outside of the City’s collection contracts. The 90% threshold applied to materials placed in container at the generators site; containers with more than 10% non-recyclables must be hauled through the contract resulting from this RFP process. Most C/D materials are either self-hauled as waste or hauled as recyclables. Self-haul wastes include those generated and hauled by demolition contractors who gain


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-2

possession of a building prior to demolition. Numerous large and small contractors also haul their own wastes and deliver them to public and/or private transfer stations as well as hauling recyclables to recycling processing facilities. The City reserves the right to adjust the threshold and definition for determining which materials are classified as acceptable for private recycling versus those materials subject to the City’s collection contracts. The City also reserves the right to direct contract materials to potential intermediate processing facilities developed in the future to further recover recyclables prior to export and disposal through the City’s solid waste disposal system. The City has produced a brochure which explains the City’s current regulatory framework for C/D materials. The brochure includes a description of the overall recycling and disposal system as well as a listing of definitions and new planning efforts. The brochure is provided as Appendix C to this RFP. To support the regulatory framework of construction/demolition recycling and waste handling, the City intends to investigate and possibly implement one or more of the following supporting policies or programs:

1. The City will continue to enforce the 10% maximum allowable contaminant threshold for recycling collection, in partnership with Contractors. Complaints will be investigated and resolved to the best of the City’s ability;

2. The City will monitor construction/demolition recycling to ensure that materials ostensibly collected for recycling are, in fact, recycled; and

3. The City will more aggressively direct C/D wastes into the City disposal system both through contracting for disposal and/or directing to preferred processing facilities.

The City intends to maintain its historical position that woodwaste used as boiler fuel is an acceptable beneficial use and that the use of C/D materials as ”alternative daily landfill” cover or “structural fill” is not an acceptable beneficial use. The City expects to develop clarifying rules to address the issue of acceptable recycling and beneficial use end markets shortly, and has clarified some definitions through June 2007 City Code revisions. The City does not anticipate any major shifts in these positions which would impact the Contractor C/D waste hauling performance under this contract. However, additional enforcement efforts or increased recycling may increase or decrease the demand for contract services.

C. Service Approach This RFP is based on the following approach, inviting both comparable and innovative Proposals to fulfill the City’s RFP Principles:

1. Base Proposal – All Proposers for collection services must submit a Base that covers a prescribed Base Service as described below in Section D and in greater detail in Chapter II - Base Services and Appendix A - Construction/Demolition Waste Collection Contract. This Base package was developed by the City as a


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-3

system that would meet the RFP principles, including efficiency, cost and customer service.

2. Alternatives – The City also encourages Alternatives with variations from the Base that would provide lower system costs, increased efficiency, reduced environmental impacts, better customer service and/or other benefits to the City and residents.

D. Payment Approach Unlike the other City solid waste collection contracts, the contractor shall retain customer revenues they receive. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying disposal facilities tipping fees, the City Contract Fee and other fees and taxes. The contractor will not be acting as the City’s billing agent but rather directly billing customers and retaining control of the collected revenues, subject to the Contract Fee obligation to the City and tipping fee obligations to the City or a private operator. The contract rates will be the maximum container hauling and rental rates the contractor will be authorized to charge. Contractors will be allowed (and encouraged) to charge less that the contract rate caps in response to competition from other contracted haulers. The City Contract Fee will be fixed at $14 per haul regardless of the actual rate charged to customers. The City has defined an Inflation Adjustment Factor that incorporates changes in fuel and labor costs in addition to aggregate inflation impacts. This adjustment factor has increased by 22.0% over the last 5 years compared to a 12.4% growth in CPI. The Inflation Adjustment Factor will be applied to the Contractor’s rates charged to customers. The City Contract Fee will be adjusted by 50% of the change in the CPI-W (see Appendix A, Section 855) during the term of the contract. Please refer to Chapter II, Base Services, E. Contractor Payments, and Appendix A – Draft Contract for additional information and contract specifications.

E. Collection Areas The City's preference is to award between one and four collection contracts. The collection contracts may be citywide or for only specific service areas. Collection contracts may or may not be exclusive for a specified area. The City is divided into three areas for initial response purposes:

• Area 1 (North) from the Ship Canal to the north City limits; • Area 2 (Central) from the Ship Canal to Yesler Way/I-5/I-90; and

• Area 3 (South) from Yesler Way/I-5/I-90 to the south city limits.

Proposers are not required to submit proposals for all service areas. The City, at its sole discretion, will award contracts in a combination that provides the best service to the City and its customers.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-4

Some major institutions within Seattle either self-haul or contract separately for service. Those institutions include but are not limited to the University of Washington, Seattle Housing Authority, and certain military facilities. If these institutions choose to re-enter the City collection system, the contractor or contractors serving the service area containing the subject facility will be required to extend City contracted services to the subject facility.

F. Base Proposal Chapter II - Base proposal describes an universal Base services to which all collection Proposers must respond, including:

• Detachable Container and Drop Box service for construction/demolition waste collected at a frequency determined by the customer; and

• Customer service and billing for customers is provided by the contractor.

A full description of the Base is contained in Chapter II - Base and in Appendix A - Construction/Demolition Waste Collection Contract.

G. Alternatives Chapter III – Alternatives describes the framework for developing and proposing alternatives to the Base services including changes to contract length, contract specifications, the proposed system operations, the methods of payment or other conditions. Alternatives are highly encouraged and should be based on superior benefits to the City and customers over the described Base Services. Alternatives will be evaluated based on the established evaluation criteria.

H. Background on Seattle’s Customers The City of Seattle has a population of approximately 580,000 and covers 83 square miles. The City has contracted for residential garbage collection for decades and added residential recycling and yard waste service in 1989. The City began contracted garbage service for businesses (including C/D wastes) in 2001 and added compost and cart recycling services for business customers in 2004. In 2006, the City-contracted haulers for construction and demolition wastes hauled around 34,000 tons of C&D to private transfer stations. The amount of C/D tonnage received by the private transfer stations (Eastmont, Third & Lander, Black River and Argo Direct) for disposal in 2006 was 180,700 tons with around 20% of this amount (34,000 tons) hauled by the City's contracted haulers. Construction and demolition contractors hauling their own materials were responsible for the remaining 80% of C&D wastes received by the private transfer stations for disposal. Such self-haul waste is not part of this contract nor is separated or commingled C&D material hauled for recycling and/or beneficial use to private processing facilities around the region. The following table lists the C/D waste hauls provided under the City’s current contract in 2006:


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-5

2006 C/D WasteContainer Hauls

North Central South Total Jan 176 273 232 681 Feb 166 270 232 668 Mar 208 282 305 795 Apr 232 254 252 738 May 269 346 269 884 Jun 266 284 281 831 Jul 238 292 276 806 Aug 266 289 244 799 Sep 197 247 223 667 Oct 245 301 214 760 Nov 180 265 153 598 Dec 165 235 183 583 Total 2608 3338 2864 8810

2006 C/D Hauls By Contractor (%) North Central South Total Allied 80% 70% 35% 60% WM 20% 30% 65% 40% Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

2006 C/D Hauls by Container Size North Central South Total 6 CY 59 84 27 170 10 CY 303 524 288 1115 15 CY 361 229 226 816 20 CY 503 820 599 1922 25 CY 342 245 188 775 30 CY 557 783 964 2304 40 CY 483 653 572 1708 Total 2608 3338 2864 8810

Additional citywide solid waste data is available on the following City website: www.seattle.gov/util/About_SPU/Garbage_System/Reports/Solid_Waste_Reports

I. Procurement Plan Overview Over the next several months/years the City will be engaged in procuring contracts for collection of CD waste, building and operating an intermodel facility for transfer and rail load of MSW, and rail-haul and disposal of MSW. These various activities and tentative timeframes associated with them are as follows:

Services Number of Contractors Approximate Dates Recycling Processing: Process and market all materials (80k tons per year) from city-contracted collections.

1 or 2 facilities RFP Jul-06Award Sep-07 Services Apr-09


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Overview I-6

Collection Services: Service all residential accounts (150k) and commercial/apartment accounts (15k) within a service area.

2 or 3 service areas

RFP Feb-07Award Mar-08Services Apr-09

Construction and Demolition Debris (C/D) Collection: Drop box collection service for C/D materials bound for disposal (approximately 250k tons per year).

2-6 contractors RFP Sep-07Award Mar-08Services Apr-09

Long-haul and Disposal: Transport and dispose of all Seattle MSW (450k tons per year) and potentially C/D wastes and soils.

1 or more landfill RFP Jul-08Award June-09Service Apr-11


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Base Services II-1

Chapter II - Base Services This Chapter describes specific Base Service conditions for collecting C/D wastes. These conditions represent a uniform service to which all collection Proposers must respond in their Base Proposal. These Base services are similar to the City's present C/D collection system, except that C/D waste collection will no longer be part of the commercial contracts and customer billing payment procedures will be handled differently. The RFP also welcomes additional Proposals that propose alternatives to the Base Service conditions (see Chapter III - Alternatives). The Base Services are described below. Appendix A - Construction/Demolition Waste Collection Contract contains definitions for all terms and the details of service provision.

A. Collection Services and Customers The City will contract for construction/demolition collection service at a frequency requested by the customer to all commercial or residential detachable container/drop box accounts. Customers shall be provided a range of container options ranging from 2, 4 and 6-yard detachable containers, and 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 yard drop-box containers.

B. General Collection Requirements The following general conditions apply to collection services under the Base Proposal:

1. Collection Service -- Contractors will be responsible for providing exclusive or non-exclusive construction/demolition collection services within the specified service area. Contractors will offer services to any requesting customers, will meet contract container delivery and collection standards and will deliver collected materials to a City-designated facility.

2. Container Location -- Contractors will be responsible for working with customers to site containers in appropriate locations and to ensure that containers are not placed in public rights-of-way without the customers obtaining a prior permit.

3. Collection Trucks -- The base contract requires that contractors will provide collection trucks with emissions no greater than 2007 federal diesel engine requirements capable of operating on a fuel that is at least 20% biodiesel, or provide collection trucks that operate on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

The City is also requesting alternative pricing based on the use of 1995 or newer trucks retrofitted with DOCs, also operated on fuel that is at least 20% biodiesel.

4. City Transfer Location -- Materials will be delivered to City-designated facilities which may include designated transfer stations or private processing facilities approved or designated by the City. Contractors will be responsible for tracking,


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Base Services II-2

billing, collecting from customers and paying tipping fees at disposal/processing facilities. For collections north of the Ship Canal only, if closure or restrictions on the use of the Alaskan Way Viaduct impact collection operations, the contractor will be compensated for additional travel time. Further specifications are described in Appendix A, Section 180.

5. Containers -- The Contractor will own and supply all the containers (detachable containers and drop boxes) used for collection. During the term of the contract, contractors will be responsible for maintaining and repairing their containers.

6. Manner of Collection -- Contractors will provide all services according to the specifications described in Appendix A.

C. Customer Service, Billing and Public Information The following conditions apply to customer and billing services under the Base:

1. Customer Service/Dispatch – The contractor shall provide all customer service including establishing customer accounts, collecting deposits, notifying customers of collection requirements, addressing complaints and other customer service functions. The contractor’s customer service phone shall be staffed from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. A dispatch service capable of logging customer requests for service shall be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Trucks shall be available for dispatch from 6:00 AM until 8:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.

2. Billing – The Contractor shall: bill customers for collection, container rental and

disposal; receive customer deposits and billing payments; and provide all payment collection functions for late-paying customers.

3. Rates – The Contractor shall bill customers at rates less than or equal to those established in their City contract. The contract shall set a rate cap for container rental and hauling which allows the Contractor to either charge the contract rates or charge lower rates in response to competition. The Contractor shall not assess any charges other than those specifically authorized by the City. Disposal charges shall be based on actual weights and charges at City designated processing/transfer facilities.

4. Public Information – The City has the main responsibility for development of

public information, and promotion of waste reduction and recycling. The contractor is expected to assist the City in this endeavor and supplement the City's efforts.

D. Additional Contract Specifications Equal opportunity efforts -- Under SMC 20.42.010, the City finds that minority and women businesses are significantly under-represented and have been underutilized in City


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Base Services II-3

contracts. Additionally, the City will not enter into agreements with businesses that discriminate in employment or the provision of services. The City intends to provide the maximum practicable opportunity for increased participation by minority and women owned and controlled businesses, as long as such businesses are underrepresented, and to ensure that City contracting practices do not support discrimination in employment and services. The City shall not enter into contracts with contractors that do not agree to use affirmative efforts as required under SMC Chapter 20.42 or that violate any provisions of that chapter. Detailed specifications for contract collection, reporting, compensation, discrimination, liability, and other provisions are listed in Appendix A. All Proposers are responsible for understanding and agreeing to the contract specifications.

E. Contractor Payments 1. The contractor will receive customer payments for container rental and hauling not to

exceed established per unit contract prices.

2. Inflation adjustment – All prices will be adjusted annually based on an Inflation Adjustment Factor that will be a composite of established indexes for fuel (8%), labor (50%), and the consumer price index (42%) (see Appendix A, Section 820). Fuel prices impacts are covered both through the 8% adjustment tied to the fuel index and to a component of the 42% adjustment tied to the consumer price index.

Specific compensation terms are provided in Appendix A.

F. Employment Provisions The following provisions apply to all Proposals, including both Base and Alternatives, and collection and transfer proposals.

1. Human Rights Provisions -- Contractors shall comply with the provisions of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) including, in particular, SMC Ch. 14.04 (Employment Practices), SMC Ch. 14.10 (Fair Contracting Practices), SMC Ch. 20.42 (Equality in Contracting) and SMC Ch. 20.45 (City Contracts – Nondiscrimination in Benefits), and the contractor(s) must comply with state law, including, in particular, RCW Ch. 49.60 (Discrimination - Human Rights Commission.)

2. Prevailing Wages -- The contractor will be required to pay construction/demolition waste collectors prevailing wages as determined by the Director, based upon wages paid in Seattle. The prevailing wages in effect on April 1, 2009 are shown in Appendix A, Attachment 3 - Prevailing Wages. These are the minimum wages and benefits which must be paid at the beginning of the contract. The prevailing wages will then be updated on a yearly basis thereafter.

G. Amendments or Supplements The City may amend or supplement this RFP. The City will provide information regarding any changes to this RFP to those firms that have submitted a Letter of Intent.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Alternatives III-1

Chapter III - Alternatives The City encourages Alternatives for collection services which support the RFP priorities listed in Chapter I. Alternatives can range from minor modifications to collection services to major system changes. The City encourages revisions to the Base or contract specifications which would lower costs, enhance services, increase diversion, reduce impacts, or that otherwise support the RFP priorities. Specific examples are provided below for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be all-inclusive or preferred:

• Longer (or shorter) contract length; • Variations in methods of collection; • Alternative vehicles exceeding minimum contract emissions requirements,

exceeding 20% biodiesel use, or CNG or LNG-fueled trucks; • Support for City efforts to increase waste diversion from disposal; • Reduced containers in the public right of way (e.g. containers that can be more

easily moved off streets and on to construction sites); • Changes in the manner of collection or performance requirements; • Increasing services to customers; • The method of annual adjustments; or • Alternative financial incentives or levels and methods of performance

compensation. Prohibited alternatives The Human Rights, Prevailing Wage, Insurance and Default/Performance Bond requirements cannot be waived. Evaluation of Alternatives Instructions for submitting Alternatives are provided in Chapter VI - Proposal Instructions. Proposals will be evaluated specifically under the RFP principles in Chapter I - Overview and the Evaluation Criteria in Chapter V - Selection Process


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-1

Chapter IV - Selection Process The City has developed a review process built on specific review phases and flexibility within the phases for selecting final and winning Proposals. The City has established specific criteria to guide the evaluation but does not anticipate using a weighted ranking system. The selection process is expected to take four months after Proposals are submitted. Contract negotiations are projected to be completed in 2-3 months, leaving 12 months for implementation with new services beginning April 2009.

A. Proposed Schedule The Director of Seattle Public Utilities has set the following proposed schedule for receipt and review of Proposals. The schedule may be changed at the City's discretion. Any Proposal may be rejected during any of the phases listed below.

ACTION PROPOSED DATE Phase 1 - RFP Distribution and Information Advertise and Distribute Request for Proposals August 30, 2007 Letters of Intent due September 21, 2007 Questions for Proposers' Conference due September 21, 2007 Proposers' Conference October 4, 2007 Last day for Proposers’ questions October 5, 2007 PROPOSALS DUE 2:00 p.m., October 26, 2007 Phase 2 - Initial Proposal Review Clarification requests by the City November, 2007 Clarification responses by Proposers due November, 2007 Presentation questions from City (City’s option) November, 2007 Presentations by Proposers (City’s Option) November, 2007 Phase 3 - Final and Best Offers (City's option) Notification of finalists December, 2007 Final and Best request by the City December, 2007 Final and Best offers due from finalists December, 2007 Interview finalists December, 2007 Phase 4 - Selection and negotiations Notification of selected contractors January, 2008 Negotiate Contract January-February, 2008 Contract Execution April, 2008 Service Begins April 1, 2009


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-2

B. RFP Distribution and Information 1. Proposers’ Conference and Inquiries - All Proposers are invited to meet with City

representatives to ask questions at a conference to be held on October 4, 2007, from 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon at Seattle Tower, 700 Fifth Avenue, in Conference Room 4901. The City will accept written questions for the conference (by mail or email) on or before September 24, 2007. This will allow the City time to obtain the information requested prior to the conference and, if practical, supply a written response at the conference. If possible, City staff will answer additional questions at the conference. Seattle Public Utilities staff, including the Project Manager, will attend. Questions posed at the conference will be recorded. The questions and answers will be provided to all Proposers, whether they attend the conference or not.

2. Letters of Intent - Any person submitting a Letter of Intent to the Project Manager will

receive a copy of this RFP and all notices of changes or modifications to this RFP. Letters of Intent are due by September 24, 2007. (A sample Letter of Intent is available on the RFP website or from the Project Manager.)

C. Initial Proposal Review All Proposals will be reviewed for clarity and completeness. Proposals must include responses to all questions in Chapter VI and all completed forms from Chapter VII.

Proposals determined to be complete and responsive will be forwarded to the Evaluation Committee. The City may request clarifying information and/or may choose to remove Proposals from further consideration without seeking additional information. The City may also require initial presentations. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals.

D. Contractor Evaluation Committee Proposals will be evaluated by a Contractor Evaluation Committee (CEC) composed of individuals with legal, financial, and solid waste management backgrounds appointed by the Director of Seattle Public Utilities. The committee may include outside consultants.

E. Solid Waste Priorities and Proposal Selection The CEC will evaluate all Proposals based on the RFP principles as listed in Chapter I – A) Priorities. These values and priorities help guide the CEC in selecting Proposals that are responsive and innovative in supporting the City's values:

1. Low system cost; 2. Reliable service levels; 3. New services desired by customers; 4. Support for City waste prevention and recycling efforts; 5. Minimum customer confusion and service disruption during implementation; 6. Reduced environmental impacts (such as, number and weight of trucks and

cleaner emissions);


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-3

7. Competitive Proposer environment now and in the future; 8. Opportunities for contractor innovation and public/private partnerships; and 9. Flexibility to modify service.

F. Evaluation Criteria The following criteria - and the supporting Chapter VI - Proposal Questions - were developed to provide specific guidance to the Contract Evaluation Committee (CEC) in understanding program priorities and selecting Proposals that will best serve the goals and needs of the City. The evaluation criteria are divided into four categories with relative priorities allocated to each category:

• Proposer’s background and past performance (20%); • Proposed operations (15%); • Proposed customer implementation, outreach and relations (15%); and • Total system price (50%).

The percentages are provided only as guidance to CEC members to clarify the relative priorities of the City. The City does not expect to use a weighted ranking to compare Proposals. 1. Proposer’s Background and Past Performance (20%) - The City seeks contractors

with secure and reliable financial standing, limited past litigation problems, extensive and successful service delivery, state of art equipment and communications, high customer and client satisfaction and a strong record of environmental compliance.

Specifically, Proposers will be evaluated on:

• Litigation history; • Financial strength; • Successful experience in other jurisdictions; • Customer service and billing performance; • Experience in performance monitoring and service improvements; • References from jurisdictions in which the Proposer operates; • Environmental performance; and • Clarity and responsiveness of the Proposal.

Proposed Operations (15%) - As stated in the waste management values and principles listed above, the City seeks innovative and responsive Proposals that improve system efficiency, keep costs down, allow improved access to services, meet customer needs, support recycling diversion, reduce impacts on public and environmental health and provide long-term service stability. Specifically, Proposers will be evaluated on how well they meet these goals and needs with the specific proposed systems including: collection vehicles (e.g. including use of


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-4

alternative fuels or exceeding minimum emissions standards), procedures, and containers; and proposed performance monitoring and adaptive management. 3. Proposed Customer Implementation, Outreach and Relations (15%) - The City

seeks Proposals that would proactively address customer needs and minimize customer confusion and complaints. Specifically, Proposers will be evaluated on:

• Workability of proposed implementation plan; • Plan for providing public information to customers; • Experience with other implementations; • Samples of public information provided to customers; • Flexibility to change plan as needs arise; • Strategies for supporting waste diversion; • Customer service and billing services; and • Ability to provide timely and accurate reporting on customer service and financial


4. Total System Price (50%) - The City seeks Proposals that will provide the lowest overall system costs. These costs include container rental, hauling and ancillary service rates charged to customers for C/D services.

G. Interviews and Presentations The City has the option of requesting presentations by some or all of the Proposers during Phase 2 - Initial Proposal Review. In addition, finalists will be interviewed during Phase 3 - Final and Best Offers. Interviews will be in closed meetings. The CEC will attempt to submit to the finalists a list of questions and issues to be addressed in the interview at least one week prior to the interview.

H. City Investigation and Inspections The City reserves the right to make independent investigations as to the qualification of the Proposer. Such investigation may include site visits to existing operations and discussions with regulators and customers.

I. Final and Best Offer (optional) Proposers will be rewarded for proposing new or creative ways to provide service which meet the RFP Principles. Proposers should make their best offer in their initial response. However, after selecting finalists, the City may request Final and Best Offers in response to a new or creative way to provide service so that services are provided uniformly throughout the City. The Final and Best request is at the City’s option.

J. Evaluation Committee's Recommendation Upon completion of its evaluation, the CEC will make its recommendation to the Director of Seattle Public Utilities. The recommendation may include negotiating with those Proposers which demonstrated the best match with the evaluation criteria in the CEC's opinion or to reject all Proposals.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-5

K. Proprietary Proposal Material and Public Documents The City requests that companies refrain from requesting public disclosure of proposal information until an intention to award is announced, as a measure to best protect the integrity of the RFP process. With this preference stated, the City shall continue to properly comply with all public disclosure records requests for such information as required by State Law. Proposers should understand that any records (including but not limited to proposal submittals, the contract specifications in Appendix A, and any other contract materials) submitted to the City become public records under Washington State law (See RCW Chapter 42.56, the Public Records Act, at http://www.leg.wa.gov/wsladm/rcw.cfm). Public records must be promptly disclosed upon request unless a statute exempts disclosure. Exemptions from disclosure include trade secrets and valuable formulas (See RCW 42.56.070(1), RCW 42.56.270(1) and (11), and RCW Ch. 19.108). However, public-disclosure exemptions are narrow and specific. Proposers are expected to be familiar with any potentially-applicable exemptions, and the limits of those exemptions.

Proposers are obligated to separately bind and clearly mark as “proprietary” information in any proposal records they believe are exempted from disclosure. The body of the proposal may refer to these separately-bound records. Proposers should mark as “proprietary” only that information they believe legitimately fits within a public-disclosure exemption. The City may reject responses that are marked proprietary in their entirety.

If the City receives a public records request for records that a Proposer has marked as “proprietary information,” the City may notify the Proposer of this request and postpone disclosure briefly to allow the Proposer to file a lawsuit under RCW 42.56.540 to enjoin disclosure. However, this is a courtesy of the City and not an obligation.

The City has no obligation to assert an exemption from disclosure. If the Proposer believes that its records are exempt from disclosure, the Proposer is obligated to seek an injunction under RCW By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer acknowledges this obligation; the Proposer also acknowledges that the City will have no obligation or liability to the Proposer if the records are disclosed.

L. Reservations and Limitations 1. Authority to Accept or Reject Proposals - The City reserves the following rights: to

reject any or all Proposals at any time with no penalty; to discontinue its negotiations after commencing negotiations with a finalist if progress is unsatisfactory and commence discussions with another Proposer; to contract with those finalists, who in combination produce the most advantageous result; to accept and negotiate Proposals with one or more Proposers to collect construction/demolition wastes as the City decides would be in its best interests.

2. Proposer’s Self Reliance - Proposers are expected to be knowledgeable about the

structures to be served, to understand the City’s terrain, streets and alleys, and


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Selection Process IV-6

locations for detachable and drop-box containers used for collection. Proposers are expected to determine the appropriate equipment to provide the required services.

3. Proposer’s Responsibility for Costs - The City will not reimburse any Proposer for

any costs involved in the preparation and submission of Proposals, providing clarifications, in making an oral presentation(s), or in contract negotiations.

4. Submission of Proposal - Proposals must be valid for 18 months after submission.

Proposers may be requested to extend their Proposals for an additional period of time.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Instructions V-1

Chapter V - Proposal Instructions Proposers should carefully follow the instructions in this chapter for communicating and submitting Proposals. To be responsive, Proposals should be completed, organized and submitted as described in this Chapter.

A. Initial Communications All communications regarding this RFP must be made in written form (including mail, email or fax) to the Project Manager: The City of Seattle, Seattle Public Utilities Attention: George Sidles, Project Manager Telephone: 206-233-7903 Seattle Municipal Tower, 46th floor Fax: 206-615-1668 700 Fifth Avenue Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 34018 Seattle, Washington 98124-4018

www.seattle.gov/util/About_SPU/Garbage_System/Contracts 1. Letter of Intent (required) - Proposers must submit a Letter of Intent by September

21, 2007. A sample Letter of Intent is available on the RFP website or from the Project Manager. All firms that submit a Letter of Intent will receive all addenda, and any additional information sent to potential Proposers.

2. Proposers’ Questions to the City (optional) - Proposers may submit questions and

clarification requests in writing to the Project Manager. All questions and responses will be listed on the RFP web site. All questions received by September 21, 2007 will be circulated with responses at the Proposers’ Conference. The City will also respond to questions of general interest at the conference. Questions will continue to be accepted by the City until October 5, 2007. Responses to all questions will be distributed to all parties submitting a Letter of Intent, without identifying the party submitting the questions. All questions and clarification requests should be made to the Project Manager. Unless authorized by the Project Manager, no other City official or employee is empowered to speak for the City with respect to this RFP. Proposers who contact other City officials or employees in regard to this RFP may be disqualified.

3. Proposers’ Conference (Proposer attendance optional) - The City will hold a

Proposers' Conference on October 4, 2007, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 at Seattle Tower, 700 Fifth Avenue, in Conference Room 4901.

4. Service Area Visits - Proposers may visit the collection areas and transfer facilities

and identify existing and/or potential job sites. Proposers must initiate their own


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Instructions V-2

inspections and research. Proposers must contact the Project Manager to schedule visits to the City’s transfer facilities.

B. Submitting Proposals 1. Deadline - All Proposals, with all required copies, must be received by the Project

Manager, George Sidles, at the address listed above, on or before 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 2007.

2. Copies - Proposers will compile and submit one signed original plus 10 collated copies

of their Proposal. Please use recycled paper and double sided printing. The RFP and all forms will be available online in a pdf format. Hard copies will not be available. All price forms must be on green paper and forms for Alternatives must be on yellow paper.

3. Format - Proposals must respond to all required and relevant questions (see Chapter VI - Proposal Questions) and complete all required and relevant forms (see Chapter VII - Proposal Forms). Proposers shall list each evaluation question before the corresponding response and maintain the order and numbering of the questions from the RFP. Completed forms should be included at the end of each relevant section, as described below. All proposals must be clearly organized and labeled in seven separate sections:

Section 1. Summary In Section 1 of the Proposal, Proposers will briefly outline:

• The strengths of Proposer; • The Base Proposal; • Any Alternatives; and • The benefits of the proposed services.

Section 2. Certification In Section 2, Proposers will complete, sign, and authorize Form 1 Proposer Commitment and Form 2 Surety’s Intent.

Section 3. Background In Section 3, Proposers will describe ownership, key staff, and past performance, including:

a) Responses to all background questions in Chapter VI - Proposal Questions, Section A; and,

b) Forms 3 and 4 listing a key contact and describing principal staff.

Section 4. Proposed Operations for the Base Proposal In Section 4, Proposers will describe the relevant proposed operations, equipment, staff and facilities, including responses to all operations questions in Chapter VI - Proposal Questions, Section B.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Instructions V-3

Section 5. Proposed Implementation and Customer Relations In Section 5, Proposers will describe proposed outreach, communication methods, and enforcement, including complete responses to all questions in Section C of Chapter VI - Proposal Questions. Section 6. Proposed Prices for Base Proposal In Section 6, Proposers will list all required prices and any desired optional prices, including Any narrative required to explain prices, including a clear description of the assumptions. Complete prices on Form 6 and Form 6A (with separate versions for different collection areas) and any additional prices and/or narrative to fully explain the proposed base proposal costs and savings, on green paper.

All forms for the Base Proposal, including prices, will be on green paper.

Section 7. Proposed Alternatives In Section 7, Proposers will complete the following components for each Alternative:

a) Narrative description of the proposed alternative on yellow paper; b) Complete prices on Form 6 and Form 6A (with separate versions for

different collection areas) and any additional prices and/or narrative to fully explain the proposed costs and savings, on yellow paper; and

c) Responses to any and all questions or forms that would be different from the

Base proposal response on yellow paper.

All forms for Alternatives, including prices, will be on yellow paper.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-1

Chapter VI - Proposal Questions The evaluation questions must be answered for all collection Proposals as outlined below. The questions were developed to directly support Proposal evaluation and the evaluation criteria. Please read the evaluation criteria to fully understand the City’s priorities in evaluating Proposals and selecting a contractor. This entire set of questions must be completed for your Base proposal. For any Alternatives, provide new responses when the response would differ from the Base proposal. If the responses would not differ, please explicitly state such in the Proposal. List the question before each answer. An answer to a question may refer to a document or page where the information may be found without repeating it, provided that any document referred to must be submitted with the Proposal. A cross-reference may be made if the answer to one question also appears in an answer to another.

A. Background and Past Performance The City wishes to enter into long-term stable relationships with collection firms that share the collection principles outlined in Chapter I - Overview. Therefore, the City is seeking contractors with secure and reliable financial standing, limited past litigation problems, extensive and successful service delivery, state of the art equipment and management, high customer and client satisfaction and a strong record of environmental compliance. 1. Proposer and Surety Commitment - Complete Form 1 and Form 2 acknowledging

commitments regarding this proposal and potential ensuing contracts. 2. Contact information -- Complete Form 3 regarding the company and partners. 3. Key employees -- Complete Form 4 with background on key employees for the

Proposer and all subcontractors. 4. Litigation history -- Explain fully any litigation within the past seven years involving

any parent company, partner, holding company, or subsidiary in this venture, or any corporate officer, including litigation: • Arising out of performance of a solid waste or recycling collection contract; • Arising from or connected with violation of local health or environmental laws or

regulations; • Arising from or connected with violation of state or federal anti-trust laws; or • Arising from or connected with allegation of corrupt practices.

5. Financial strength -- Attach a balance sheet, income statement and statement of the

sources and uses of funds for the most recent operating year for each of the proposing firms or for the proposing joint venture. [If the proposing entity is a new joint venture


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-2

with insufficient history for requisite financial statements, then submit financial statements for each company in the joint venture.]

6. Operational experience -- Please provide the following information:

A description of your experience in providing commercial detachable containers and drop box containers. Include the duration of the service provided, the annual tonnage and the number of customers and/or sites served; a) Experience providing customer service and billing services to commercial

customers, including any special measures taken to reduce wait times during peak call volume periods, your current call center phone answering goals and your progress/success in meeting those goals;

b) Experience in implementing changes to a collection system, and/or experience in transitioning and implementing a new collection contract when you were not a previous service provider;

c) Examples of effective service monitoring and actions taken to resolve problems;

d) What is the health and safety record for your collection operations? Please include the number, type of injury and duration of any absences of employees covered by an L & I claim. Please list any L & I investigations and the results of the investigation;

e) Experience providing special collection services after an earthquake or other disaster. Please describe the type and magnitude of the disaster and the length of your involvement;

f) Measures and equipment used to reduce collection noise impacts, especially during nighttime hours; and

g) Provide evidence of customer and jurisdiction satisfaction and provide reference contacts from those jurisdictions.

7. Database experience -- Describe your experience with route, customer, and financial management systems, including hardware, software, and quality control protocol.

8. Environmental performance -- The City desires to partner with a contractor that has a strong environmental record and that has experience in solving environmental issues in a timely manner. Therefore, describe any regulatory complaints or violations related to your operations received within the last seven years. Provide evidence of successful mitigation of environmental and community impacts from your solid waste operations. Please describe any environmental innovation you have taken on your own to reduce impacts.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-3

B. Operations The City seeks innovative and responsive Proposals that improve system efficiency, keep costs down, allow flexible and increased access to services, meet customer needs, reduce impacts on public and environmental health, and provide long-term service stability. Collection

1. C/D collection from detachable containers

Describe proposed collection vehicles and procedures for collections from detachable containers including type of truck to be used to delivery and collect detachable containers. Provide the make and model of the chassis and body of proposed fleet and include a photograph of each type of proposed vehicle. Describe the style and brand of the proposed detachable containers.

2. C/D collection from drop-boxes Describe proposed collection vehicles and procedures for collecting lugger and/or drop-box containers. Provide the make and model of the chassis and body of proposed fleet and include a photograph of each type of proposed vehicle. Describe the style and brand of the proposed drop-box containers.

3. Backup collection trucks and staff -- Please describe your plan for back-up collection trucks and back-up collection personnel. List the number of back-up trucks that you believe are necessary for each type of collection truck. Discuss the number of back-up, or standby, collection personnel that you believe would be necessary in the collection area and how you would ensure that you had the necessary personnel.

4. Collection staff training

a. What are your minimum training and experience requirements for collection personnel?

b. Describe the safety and training plans at your maintenance/operational facility and for your collection personnel.

c. Occasionally there are disputes between collection drivers and the public. What kind of training do you provide your collection personnel to avoid these types of problems? What disciplinary measures will you take if your collection personnel are rude or abusive toward the public?

5. Performance monitoring and adaptive management -- Please provide us with a detailed description of the management reports you would use to track and improve quality of service. What management tools can you use to ensure collector performance?

6. Environmental and neighborhood impacts -- The City is interested in ensuring that the environmental and neighborhood impacts of collection are minimized.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-4

Specific concerns include traffic, noise, odor and other air quality impacts, and wear and tear on public streets due to the weight of the collection vehicles. Please describe how these impacts will be mitigated.

7. Collection trucks -- The City is interested in ensuring that contractors use collection trucks and equipment that are efficient and reduce emissions. The base contract requires that all vehicles used in collection shall have emissions no greater that 2007 federal diesel engine requirements and use 20% biodiesel or operate on LNG or CNG. Please discuss features of your proposed truck fleet that would save fuel, increase efficiency, and reduce impacts i.e. trucks with operate-in-gear-at-idle systems, trucks that do not allow extended idling, safer brake pads and hydraulic fluids, etc.

The City would also like to receive pricing impacts if truck requirements are relaxed to allow 1995 or newer trucks retrofitted with DOCs. Please indicate the specific trucks (if already owned) that would be appropriate for this variation.

8. Collection facilities -- Describe the facilities where you propose to site and maintain your vehicles, store container inventories, and perform any other functions (e.g., administration and billing) to support your construction and demolition collection operations. Summarize any correspondence from regulatory agencies relating to your facilities or operations. Have your facilities been found in violation of any permits or other regulatory requirements? If so, what was the permit or regulatory infraction and how was it resolved?

Employment Practices

9. Current City policy calls for contractors to take affirmative efforts to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their creed, religion, race, age, color, sex, national origin, marital status, political ideology, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Contractors are encouraged to take affirmative efforts to assure equality of employment, including but not limited to establishing voluntary employment aspirational goals for women and minorities. Please provide examples of documentation you will provide to the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, showing evidence of such affirmative efforts you have made, and will continue to make, per Sections 900 and 910 of Appendix A. Also, please complete Form 5, Outreach Plan.

Subcontractor Operations

10. Subcontractors -- The City seeks affirmative efforts to promote and encourage participation by Women or Minority Businesses on subcontracting opportunities, as that term is defined in SMC 20.42.020. Contractors are encouraged to take affirmative efforts to ensure equality of subcontracting opportunities, including but not limited to establishing voluntary employment aspirational goals for


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-5

subcontracting to women and minority businesses. Please complete Form 5, and describe affirmative efforts undertaken for subcontracting opportunities.

Service Interruption/Disasters

11. Equipment -- What extra equipment would you have available after an earthquake or other disaster which you could provide under this contract? What equipment limitations do you have on the type or amount of material you could collect after a disaster? Please provide specific contract language which would ensure that any appropriate extra equipment at your disposal would be made available under this contract.

12. Sunday Collections -- After an earthquake or other disaster the City may wish to provide collections on a Sunday. Please discuss any limitations to your providing Sunday collections.

C. Customer Implementation, Outreach and Relations The City seeks Proposals that would proactively address and minimize customer confusion and complaints in both the short- and long-term. Please address the unique communication requirements for commercial and residential customers. Implementation 1. Transition -- Describe your proposed process for replacing the previous contractor’s

containers at customer sites and how you would coordinate with and between the customer, the previous contractor and the City to ensure a seamless service transition. How would your approach vary between permanent or long term customers versus temporary customers for whom their container use period overlaps the current and new contract?

2. Communication with City -- It will be extremely important for the contractor to keep the City informed of the status of implementation, any proposed changes to the implementation plan, and to work with City staff in resolving problems. Therefore, describe your Proposal for communicating with City staff to keep them adequately informed of implementation progress, problems, your attempts to solve problems, and to elicit City staff assistance in solving service related problems.

3. Container labels -- The contractor is responsible for informing customers of how to

use containers delivered by the contractor; what materials can and cannot be placed in C/D containers; how material is to be prepared; collection scheduling and other related information. Describe the information that will be displayed on containers and how this information will be displayed and maintained. This information should include what materials go into which containers and which do not, and other information which


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-6

promotes full customer participation in the collection programs. Please address any differences in notifying or informing residential or commercial customers.

4. Customer outreach methods -- The Base Proposal requires that information be

provided to affected customers via container labels. Describe additional methods you will use to inform customers of collection changes. Please address any differences in informing residential or commercial customers.

On-Going Customer Relations 5. Commercial call center -- The contractor will be responsible for providing customer

call center and billing services for C/D waste customers: a) Please describe planned on-going training for call center staff, including instructions

for dealing with difficult customers, and handling collection and billing disputes;

b) Please describe your proposed customer service call answering goals and your system for serving non-English speaking customers, etc;

c) Please describe mechanisms for addressing, tracking and reporting customer complaints;

d) Please describe how your phone system and or software will be configured to track and report on the required telephone service of 80% of calls answered within 60 seconds or less. Also describe your staffing plan and steps you will take to reduce call waiting times during peak call periods; and

e) Please describe your proposed staffing to achieve the contract service expectations. 6. Commercial billing – Please provide a detailed description of your proposed billing

system including staffing, mailing schedule, debt collection measures, a sample bill, accounts receivable procedures, and location of your billing operations. Describe how you will track disposal quantities and accurately bill those charges to the correct customer.

Data and Account Management 7. The City requires accurate reporting of collection data, to include but not be limited to

customer name and contact information, size of container requested and date/time, size of container delivered and date/time, and for each haul, the destination and scale weight of the delivered load and the rate charged for each haul. The collection data shall be provided weekly, with a monthly recap provided with the contractor’s city fee payment. a) Describe the financial and data management staffing systems and protocol that will

administer construction/demolition waste accounts and provide accurate account data to the City if these systems are to be supported on a regional or national level,


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Questions VI-7

please discuss the degree to which your local operation will be able to modify the system to meet the needs of the local jurisdiction; and

b) Describe how you propose to handle bad debt and collections: describe the

escalating notification process that will be used for customers with past due accounts; how will be debt be collected if escalating notification is unsuccessful?

c) Describe the proposed route communication and service management systems, including hardware, software, and protocol that will be used to communicate with trucks during collection

D. Price Proposals The City seeks Proposals that will provide the lowest overall system costs, including both payments from customers to the contractor and the City’s own operational and capital expenses. 1. For Base proposals, provide all required prices that are desired on Forms 6 and 6A,

using green paper. 2. For Alternatives, provide relevant prices on Form 6 and 6A on yellow paper, and any

additional prices and/or narrative to fully explain the proposed costs and savings.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-1

Chapter VII - Proposal Forms Proposers should organize all completed forms in the format outlined in Chapter VI, Section B Submitting Proposals. Proposers must complete all required and applicable forms for their Base Proposal: Certification forms include (signature and notarization required):

• Form 1 Proposer Commitment(required); and • Form 2 Surety Intent (required).

Background forms include:

• Form 3 Proposal Contact (required); and • Form 4 Principal Staff (required).

Affirmative Efforts form includes:

• Form 5 Outreach Plan (required). Price forms include:

• Form 6 Service Prices for non-exclusive territories; and • Form 6A Service Prices for exclusive territories

For Alternatives, Proposers must complete separate versions of Form 6 and 6A and any Operations forms that would have different responses than the Base proposal.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-2

A. Certification Forms Both certification forms must be completed, signed and authorized. The completed forms should list the Proposer at the top of the forms. These forms only need to be completed once to cover the Base proposal and all Alternatives for all collection areas. Form 1 Proposer Commitment In Form 1, the representative authorized to testify for the Proposer testifies that the Proposer has not participated in any collusion or anti-competitive practices during the preparation and submitting of the Proposal. In addition, the Proposer commits to the operations and prices set forth in the Proposal and agrees to comply with City human rights and nondiscrimination provisions, and with State law. The Proposer also acknowledges receipt of all addenda by including each addenda number on Form 1. Proposals by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice president authorized to sign and shall be attested by another officer of the corporation. The corporate address shall be shown below the signature. All names shall be typed or printed below the signature(s). Proposals by partnerships shall include the official business address of the partnership, and the state of organization shall be shown below the signature. Proposals by a joint venture shall be similarly executed by all joint venture partners. All signatures shall be sworn to and acknowledged by a Notary Public of the State of Washington. Form 2 Surety Intent Form 2 must be completed, signed, and authorized by the company that will provide the required bonds to the Proposer. The surety testifies that the bonds will be issued if the contract is awarded to the Proposer.



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-3

Form 1 Proposer Commitment (required) STATE OF ) )SS. COUNTY OF ) I, _______________________ of the City of ______________________, in the County of _______________________ and State of _________________, of full age, being duly sworn on oath depose and say that: I am ______________________ of the firm of _________________________, the Proposer making the Proposal for Construction/Demolition Waste Collection Services, and that I executed the said Proposal with full authority so to do; that said Proposer has not, directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free, competitive bidding in connection with the Services; that all statements contained in said Proposal and in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that the City of Seattle relies upon the truth of the statements contained in said Proposal and in the statements contained in this affidavit in awarding Contracts for the said Services. I understand the Proposal requirements and the contract specifications and have based the Proposal on the provisions and specifications detailed in this Request for Proposals. I will comply with human rights and discrimination provisions of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC), including SMC Ch 14.04 (Employment Practices), SMC Ch 14.10 (Fair Contracting Practices), SMC Ch 20.42 (Equality in Contracting), SMC Ch 20.45 (City Contracts – Nondiscrimination in Benefits), and the Regulatory Code of Washington (RCW), including RCW Ch 49.60 (Discrimination - Human Rights Commission). I have submitted all Proposal Forms which are incorporated into this Proposal by this reference. I further certify: a: that neither the Proposer nor any member of the Proposer’s team is currently suspended or debarred

from doing business with any government entity; b: that the Proposer has reviewed all of its engagements and pending engagements and that, in making

this Proposal, no potential for conflict of interest or unfair advantage exists; c: that the information supplied by the Proposer in this Proposal is current, truthful and complete; Having carefully examined the Project Documents comprising the RFP and all other documents bound therewith, together with all Addenda thereto, all information made available by the City, and being familiar with the work and the various conditions affecting the work, the undersigned hereby offers to furnish all labor, vehicles, facilities, equipment, supplies and things necessary or proper or incidental to the contract operations as required by and in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of this RFP and of all Addenda issued by the City.



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-4

I acknowledge receipt of addenda: Addenda No. Addenda date _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ I further warrant that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure such Contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, except bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by ____________________________. (Signature of Proposer) Note: If this Proposal is being submitted by a corporation, the Proposal shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or other corporate office. A certificate of another officer clerk of the corporation evidencing the signing officer’s authority to execute the Proposal shall be attached. If this Proposal is being submitted by a joint venture, it shall be executed by all joint venture Partners, and any partner that is a corporation shall follow the requirements for execution by a corporation as set forth above.

(NOTARY PUBLIC) State of ________________________

County of ______________________

On this _______ day of ____________, 20____, before me appeared __________________________, personally known to me to be the person described in and who executed this __________________ and acknowledged that (she/he) signed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein described.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last written above.

_____________________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the state of Washington

(seal) _____________________________________________________ (Name printed)

Residing at ____________________________________________

My appointment expires__________________________________



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-5

Form 2 Surety Intent (required) TO: CITY OF SEATTLE We have reviewed the Proposal of______________________________________ (Contractor) of _______________________________________________________________ (Address) for the following contract: CITY OF SEATTLE Construction/Demolition Waste Collection Services We understand that Proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 2007, and wish to advise that should this Proposal be accepted and the Contract awarded to the Contractor listed above, it is our intention to become surety on the Performance bond required by the Contract. We also hereby declare that we have reviewed this Request for Proposals, including Appendix A, Section 1000, and that we understand the requirements for the Performance and Payment Bond that must be provided prior to the beginning of the Contract. We hereby certify that we are able to, and that we will, provide a qualified Performance Bond should the Contractor listed above be awarded the Contract. We are duly licensed to do business in the State of Washington. Dated:______________________ By: _______________________________________ (Name of Surety _______________________________________ (Name of Signatory) (Title) (Seal) ___________________________________(signature)



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-6


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-7

B. Background Forms Proposers must complete both background forms. The completed forms should list the Proposer at the top of the forms. These forms only need to be completed once to cover the Base and all Alternatives for all collection areas. Form 3 Proposal Contact (required) Form 3 lists the home office and local addresses of the Proposer, the primary contact person for communications with the City during the Proposal selection process, and the partners and subcontractors in the Proposal. Form 4 Principal Staff (required) Form 4 identifies the principal officers and relevant managers of the Proposer and any partners or subcontractors in this Proposal. The principal staff should also include additional partners or subcontractors that are involved in Alternatives. Proposers should attach resumes for all principal staff and graphical representation of interrelationships between team members.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-8



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-9

Form 3 Proposal Contact (required)

a) Company:___________________________________________

Home office address:___________________________________ City:________________ State:____ Zip:_____________ Washington address (if any): _____________________________ City:________________ State:____ Zip:_____________

b) Contact person for this Proposal:

Name:_____________________________ Phone:________________ Title: ______________________________ Fax:__________________ Address: ___________________________ Email:_________________ City:___________________ State:____ Zip:___________________

c) Partners and major subcontracting companies

Information on subcontractors must also be provided on Form 6 Outreach Plan. Company ______________________ Owner ______________________ Phone:______________ Role in proposed contract______________________________________________ Company ______________________ Owner ______________________ Phone:______________ Role in proposed contract______________________________________________ Company ______________________ Owner ______________________ Phone:______________ Role in proposed contract______________________________________________ Company ______________________ Owner ______________________ Phone:______________ Role in proposed contract______________________________________________ Company ______________________ Owner ______________________ Phone:______________ Role in proposed contract______________________________________________



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-10

Form 4 Principal Staff (required) a. Proposer

Principal officers Title __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________

Principal individuals responsible Title for implementation in Seattle.

__________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________________ __________________

[Attach resumes for all listed staff.] b) Partners and subcontractors

Principal officers Title Company _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________

Principal individuals responsible Title Company for implementation in Seattle.

_________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________ _________________________ __________________ ________________

[Attach resumes for all listed staff.]

Attach an organization chart or other means of explaining the interrelationships between the team members.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-11

C. Affirmative Efforts Form Form 5 Outreach Form (required) This form seeks information regarding affirmative efforts the Proposer is taking regarding women and minority employment, as well as regarding women and minority subcontracting. Should there be new employment opportunities on this project, the Proposer should note the number of such positions and the efforts the Proposer will make to recruit qualified minority and women to fill new positions. The Proposer should also indicate any voluntary employment aspirational goals for women and minorities that it believes to be reasonably achievable for this contract. Such voluntary aspirational goals shall not represent a utilization requirement that would be a condition of contracting, but instead shall be considered a presentation of the affirmative efforts that the Proposer intends to make and the voluntary aspirational goals that the Proposer proposes to be reasonably achievable. Note: The City will not approve or reject a Proposal based upon the voluntary aspiration women and minority employment goals.

If there will be subcontracting available on the proposed contract, the Proposer should identify the commercially useful subcontracting opportunities available or expected within the contract. The Proposer should also note any voluntary aspirational goals for subcontracting with Minority and Women Owned Businesses that the Proposer believes are reasonably achievable. Note: such voluntary aspirational goals shall not represent a utilization requirement that would be a condition of contracting; instead such voluntary aspirational goals shall be considered a presentation of the affirmative efforts the Proposer shall make and the voluntary aspirational goals that the Proposer proposes to be reasonably achievable. The City will not approve or reject a Proposal based upon the voluntary subcontracting goals established for women and minority businesses.

The Proposer should list the affirmative efforts it will make to solicit from qualified, available, and capable Women and Minority Businesses to perform such work. The Proposer shall document any other affirmative efforts the Proposer will make to encourage participation by qualified, available, and capable Women and Minority Businesses.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-12


Proposer__________________ Collection Area____________

Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-13

Form 5 Outreach Plan

Company Name:

EEO Officer Name:

Mailing Address:

EEO Officer Phone #:

EEO Officer Email: PART A: EMPLOYMENT 1. Do you plan to add staff/employees if you receive this contract? ____ YES Complete Part A and then proceed to Part B. _____NO Proceed to Part B. 2. How many new employees are required? 3. Voluntary Aspirational Goals: If you believe new employees are required to service this contract, indicate voluntary aspirational goals for employment of women and minorities. Such goals shall not represent a utilization requirement, but are a commitment to goals that you propose to be reasonably achievable.

Goal for

minorities Goal for women

Based on your planned new hires, please note the voluntary aspirational goals you believe are achievable for hiring women and minorities, expressed as the number of employees you anticipate hiring.

4. List recruitment efforts in the space provided and/or select from the recruiting effort examples provided.

Affirmative Recruitment Efforts (Check or add additional efforts if applicable)


Advertised in publications targeted to women and minority readers/professionals.

Recruited from professional associations encouraging application by women and minorities.

Contacted WMBE businesses or organizations to solicit help in recruiting women and minority applicants.


Proposer__________________ Collection Area____________

Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-14


1. Do you plan to use subcontractors if you receive this contract? ____ YES Complete Part B and then proceed to Part C. ____ NO Proceed to Part C.

2. List the subcontracting opportunities you believe will be available

3. Indicate below the total subcontractor opportunities by estimated dollars and/or as a percentage of the total contract. Note any voluntary aspirational women and minority subcontract goals, in terms of estimated dollars and as a percentage of the total contract, that you believe are reasonably achievable for this Contract. Such goals shall not represent a utilization requirement that would be a condition of contracting, but instead shall be considered a presentation of the affirmative efforts that you shall make and the goals that you propose to be reasonably achievable. Note: If you are a WMBE1 owned firm, you should also solicit from and note goals for minority and women owned businesses.

Estimated Contract Amount

Total Subcontract Opportunities

Voluntary Subcontract Goal for

Minority-owned businesses

Voluntary Subcontract Goal for

Women-owned businesses

1 WMBE (Women and Minority Business Enterprise): Is a business at least fifty-one percent of which is owned by women and/or minority group members.


Proposer__________________ Collection Area____________

Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-15

4. Past experience - success at achieving such participation levels on prior contracts or other evidence of the likelihood of your achieving the proposed affirmative efforts.

5. Other relevant information regarding Subcontracting Aspirational Goals:

6. If you anticipate subcontract opportunities, you should actively solicit from WMBE businesses you are able to identify that appear qualified, capable, and available to perform the subcontracting work. To demonstrate compliance with this requirement, please identify all WMBE businesses contacted as part of your firm’s solicitation efforts (whether they received/will receive a contract or not). For solicitation purposes, “contacted” includes firms you contacted directly as well as firms that contacted you about work on this contract. If you sought subcontractors before submitting this Proposal, identify all firms contacted and any firms that have been established as a subcontractor.

Name of WMBE Company Solicited*

Specify whether a

Women (W) or Minority (M)

Function/Description of Proposed Work

Did you Contract w/Firm Y/N

Optional: List dollar amount of


* - Identify the firm as a self-identified/certified firm (i.e., the firm meets the 51% minority ownership criteria). Alternatively, you may list the firm’s WMBE certification number (certified through Washington State Office of Minority and Women Business Enterprise.)


Proposer__________________ Collection Area____________

Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Proposal Forms VII-16

7. List affirmative efforts in the space provided or select from the affirmative effort examples provided:

Affirmative Efforts

(Check or add additional efforts if applicable) Comments

Attended Pre-Proposal meeting and discussed potential interest/involvement of WMBEs in work.

Followed up with WMBE-owned firms for potential participation. Firm maintains list of qualified WMBE firms and provided them

with written notice of subconsultant opportunities.

Established schedules for completion of proposals that provided WMBEs with adequate and timely information about project work scope to allow for proposal from small firm

Broke down work components into smaller tasks to provide opportunities for smaller and WMBE firms

Provided subcontractors with adequate time for preparing submittals

Sought assistance in identifying potential WMBE subcontracts from WMBE resource agencies

Reviewed and established work deliver schedules to encourage participation by smaller and WMBE firms



The undersigned certifies that the information and data contained herein is correct and complete.

Signature of Authorized Representative

Printed Name of Authorized Representative




Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Price Forms VII-17

D. Price Forms Proposers for collection must complete all collection prices on Form 6 and 6A for Base Services. At the top of all forms, identify the Proposer, and whether the form is for the "Base Proposal", an "Alternative Proposal". Prices listed do not include City Contract Fees, taxes, or other relevant fees. Fleet variation pricing: Proposers must provide two prices for each container delivery and hauling service level. The “1995/DOC Trucks” price column shall reflect the pricing assuming the contractor’s use of trucks no older than engine model year 1995 retrofitted with diesel oxidization catalysts (DOCs). The “2007 Trucks” price column is the base contract specification and shall reflect the contractor’s use of trucks no older than engine model year 2007. All price forms for Base Services must be submitted on green paper. All price forms for Alternatives must be submitted on yellow paper. Additional versions of Form 6 or 6A must be completed for all Alternatives, along with additional prices and/or narrative that fully explain Proposal costs and savings.


Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Price Forms VII-18



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Price Forms VII-19

Form 6 - Prices for Non-exclusive Territories (required for collection proposals)

COLLECTION PRICES FOR BASE YEAR (4/09 – 3/10) Container Delivery and Hauling Service Area

Service Maximum Rate – 1995 DOC Trucks

Maximum Rate – 2007 Trucks

Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 1 – North

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 2 – Central

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 3 - South

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

All Areas (City-wide)

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Container Rental – All Service Areas Container Size Daily Rent Monthly Rent Detachable Container $_________per day $_________per month Drop-box (10 – 20 yard) $_________per day $_________per month Drop-box (25 – 40 yard) $_________per day $_________per month Ancillary Services – All Service Areas Initial Delivery $_________per event Return Trip $_________per event Stand-by Time $_________per minute Reorient Container $_________per event Solid Lid $_________per day Solid Lid $_________per month Lock $_________per day

Proposer initials ______



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Price Forms VII-20



Seattle Construction/Demolition Waste RFP Price Forms VII-21

Form 6A - Prices for Exclusive Territories (required for collection proposals)

COLLECTION PRICES FOR BASE YEAR (4/09 – 3/10) Container Delivery and Hauling Service Area

Service Maximum Rate – 1995 DOC Trucks

Maximum Rate – 2007 Trucks

Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 1 – North

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 2 – Central

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

Area 3 - South

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Detachable Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Detachable Container Haul $_____/haul $_____/haul Drop-Box Container Delivery $_____/del $_____/del Drop-Box Container Haul (10-20 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul

All Areas (City-wide)

Drop-Box Container Haul (25-40 yard) $_____/haul $_____/haul Container Rental – All Service Areas Container Size Daily Rent Monthly Rent Detachable Container $_________per day $_________per month Drop-box (10 – 20 yard) $_________per day $_________per month Drop-box (25 – 40 yard) $_________per day $_________per month Ancillary Services – All Service Areas Initial Delivery $_________per event Return Trip $_________per event Stand-by Time $_________per minute Reorient Container $_________per event Solid Lid $_________per day Solid Lid $_________per month Lock $_________per day

Proposer initials ______