Tips to Make your BUSINESS CARDS Your Best Marketing Tool www.printingwales.com

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Tips to Make your BUSINESS CARDS Your Best Marketing Tool


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Business cards are the integral part of a good marketing plan and present a professional image for your concern. Follow the following steps to make your business cards as an effective marketing tool to generate leads.

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GIVE IT A PURPOSETurn your business cards into a bookmark, an event ticket, a note card, scratch card or sticker. By making business cards as a conversation piece, your business will automatically become a part of the conversation.

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TRACK ITWhenever you hand out your business cards, include incentives like discounts, or coupons to enable people for checking out your site. By this way you can track the rate at which your card compels people to action.

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ADD TESTIMONIALSTestimonials speak volumes! Yes! Adding a brief quote or link to a quote on the back of your business card adds more credibility.

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ADD IMAGEAdding your photo to the business card adds familiarity to your company’s brand increases your likeability factor. By doing so, people can put a face to your name long after they've met you.

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Looking for cheap business card printing services?

Visit : http://www.printingwales.com/product-category/business-cards/ to print business cards at the lowest possible prices.

Call : 0292 036 3600

E-mail : [email protected]